[PS3] Resistance 3 [SPOILER ALERT - Contains R2 story discussion]

Should be able to find on YouTube.
I am not near my PC now. ^_^

I played Creek. Map is complex, in outdoor hills. Still learning it. Haven't seen the other map yet.

The thing is they have improved the game performance yet again. *everything* is smooth as silk now, just like a dedicated server FPS should. Some minor changes to menu layout too. Also cleaned up the look of old maps.

EDIT: There is still some amount of rocket spamming in Breach mode.
Resistance 3 Gets Co-op Brutality Pack, Mastodon Today

I’m very excited to announce Resistance 3’s Brutality Pack, available today for download from the PlayStation Store! This new DLC, priced at $3.99, features a vicious survival mode where you face off against an army of ravenous Grims as they try to take you and your friends down. And yup, it’s co-op – both online and offline. Plus, you get a special Mick Cutler skin AND the sledgehammer unlocked for all of the game’s modes, as well as a special Warden Static PS3 Theme.

But what has me most stoked personally is that the Brutality Pack fittingly features the music of the incomparable, Grammy nominated, Mastodon. We’re featuring seven tracks ...
Ted has great taste in music. (I remember him saying he was a huge Opeth fan as well)

I just ordered a used copy of R3 on Amazon. All the talk about a gripping and emotional sp experience has really made curious. Also: weapon wheel and health packs = awesome.
The dlc should have have been retail. Everyone blames R2 for poor R3 sales but for me the overall package was lacking.
A full fledged SP with 2 player online enabled co-op and a full fledged MP. Complete enough package for 99% of games out there.

Comparable to what? Battle of LA or something similar? There offering was very basic for a AAA to me, I can't believe your guys are defending no survival mode:rolleyes:, that should be mandatory especially following the success with that in other games.
Different games are built with different scopes (and ostensibly different sized budgets). I think that after throwing in every possible mode and the sun with 60 player MP and additional 4P co-op modes in R2 and not seeing R2 sell as well as other big FPS games, Insomniac probably thought it better to focus on a smaller tighter and more refined experience.

R3 is that for me. In a time now where the biggest FPS' have garbage SP modes because they only really focus on the MP gameplay and design, R3 was a breath of fresh air for me. It was nice to be able to play a games with such a finely crafted single player game, and not feel like the SP campaign was an after-thought.

I'm perfectly happy for at least some FPS games to focus more on the SP game. I mean, if Valve announced half-life 3 tomorrow would we be all crying for them to add all the various permutations of MP & co-op modes that are already done in a hundred million other games? No. We'd be happy with them to focus on the SP experience and differentiate the game through that route. Same goes for Bioshock Infinite.

I just think that Insomniac decided to go down the single player narrative route more this time. And i think it worked wonders, and i applaud them. I already have COD, BF3, KZ2/3, U2/3, HaloR and the million other MP games to mess about in online. I don't need any more to be honest.
Just played the 30-second demo last night. I'm not sure what people are complaining about regarding graphics. They looked a lot better than R2, if still not quite as good as either Killzone game. Texture resolution is pretty typical for the PS3...so again, not seeing how this fares poorly compared to most other games.

The problem with Resistance 2 is that the competitive multiplayer was a complete mess. The weapons were a mess, the maps were a mess, and the random ranked match system was a mess, compounded by the fact that most people played custom games, but you didn't earn unlock points in custom matches. You don't need to have as many game types and weapons as COD (most game types in COD are crap anyway)...but what you do have needs to be good.

The co-op was a lot of fun, though.
Comparable to what? Battle of LA or something similar? There offering was very basic for a AAA to me, I can't believe your guys are defending no survival mode:rolleyes:, that should be mandatory especially following the success with that in other games.

I agree in terms of feature bullet points, it is lacking even compared to R1 and R2. But those bullet points didn't win its old fans. R3 feels like a back-to-basics package.

A lot of meat is in the SP (Think the original Bioshock).

I just want something simple and with weapon wheel. If it has no perks and kill streaks, even better ! But I'm stuck with them now. :-/

Yeah, I bought the DLC but haven't played the new map and mode yet. I play R3 almost every night after I tuck my son in though. ^_^
Comparable to what? Battle of LA or something similar? There offering was very basic for a AAA to me, I can't believe your guys are defending no survival mode:rolleyes:, that should be mandatory especially following the success with that in other games.

Well, it ticked all the boxs, it had a good SP campaign, it had 2 player online co-op and it had a customisable MP mode. What do other AAA games have that R3 doesn't. The only way u can see that as lacking is by comparing it ot R2, which had a 8 player co-op mode ! What other AAA game has that ?

Comparing it to Crysis2, BF3, COD4, MW1, MW2, it had everything (or more) that those titles that sold millions had. An exclusive Co-op mode had never been a necessity in a game package untill just now and even now a lot of games don't have it. Do u have Co-op in Batman? Is it a lacking package? Do you have co-op mode in Crysis2? Was that a lacking package?

R3 delivered what was expected from a FPS game, it just did not feel like a successor of R2. Insomniac had spoiled gamers with R2's overflowing content.
I am at a lost because my experience with the Resistance franchise is much different from everyone else because the SP was always good(terrible boss fights though). Only played the demo and will not purchase, too many downgrades for me, but if you would replace the SP from 3 into 2 it would have sold alot more imo, not Halo numbers but at least something comparable to R2. The eight player co-op is a missed opportunity they did not build on.
In my view...

I am at a lost because my experience with the Resistance franchise is much different from everyone else because the SP was always good(terrible boss fights though).

If you played R3, you'd see what's missing in R1 and R2 SP. ^_^

R3 boss fights are head and shoulder above R2. R3 overall atmosphere is a few notches above its predecessors. R3 pacing is also better since RFOM started slow and chopped gameplay into small segments. R2 was all over the place. However, there are high points in RFOM SP that are comparable to or missing from R3. All in all, I wished RFOM SP was more like R3 SP.

Storywise, RFOM is more grand and balanced, while R3 focuses more on a human's adventure, less on the Chimeras (although you do learn new things about them).

Only played the demo and will not purchase, too many downgrades for me, but if you would replace the SP from 3 into 2 it would have sold alot more imo, not Halo numbers but at least something comparable to R2. The eight player co-op is a missed opportunity they did not build on.

MP-wise, RFOM MP and R2 8P co-op hold their own. R3 MP is closer to RFOM MP but marred by killstreaks and perks. If you like fast paced, old school shooter, give R3 a try.

Visually, RFOM is clean and simple, R3 has more effects but at a much lower resolution.
In my view...

If you played R3, you'd see what's missing in R1 and R2 SP. ^_^

R3 boss fights are head and shoulder above R2. R3 overall atmosphere is a few notches above its predecessors. R3 pacing is also better since RFOM started slow and chopped gameplay into small segments. R2 was all over the place. However, there are high points in RFOM SP that are comparable to or missing from R3. All in all, I wished RFOM SP was more like R3 SP.

Storywise, RFOM is more grand and balanced, while R3 focuses more on a human's adventure, less on the Chimeras (although you do learn new things about them).

MP-wise, RFOM MP and R2 8P co-op hold their own. R3 MP is closer to RFOM MP but marred by killstreaks and perks. If you like fast paced, old school shooter, give R3 a try.

Visually, RFOM is clean and simple, R3 has more effects but at a much lower resolution.

Aren't all the resistance games rendered at the same resolution?

Also, I don't think there was any point in RFOM that i preferred to R3. For me RFOM was the weakest of the three games. The SP in RFOM bored me to tears to the point that i left it half way through and ignored the game until R2 was just coming out. I had to force myself to go back and finish RFOM so that i didn't miss any of the story, but i hated the story telling in that game and i felt the narrator thing was horrible and made the entire game feel too disconnected.

R2 was a great game to me and i didn't have too much of a problem with the boss fights, mainly becuase i don't expect much from boss fights in most games these days. Hardly anyone does good boss fight anymore expect maybe in games like GOW3 and SOTC (last gen). R2's only flaws to me were the graphics, but even then i still felt there was a lot there to admire, e.g. i thought R2 had some of the most amazingly detailed character models this gen. I wasn't much into competitve MP so i can't really comment on that for RFOM or R2, however COOP in R2 was in-flippin-credible.

R3 was the shining star of the bunch, despite the fact that i too would have liked them to have continued with the awesome coop mode. Overall though i was happier that the SP was so satisfying, and i'm gald they focussed on that as its what i value most. To me R3 and then R2 have the most memorable moments out of the three games. The only thing i remember about RFOM are the times i was furiously frustrated by the games' difficulty with sparsity of health packs and the souless "greyness" of the game.