[PS3] Resistance 3 [SPOILER ALERT - Contains R2 story discussion]

Started R3 yesterday and hardly could bring myself to put the controller down again. Great campaign so far. The less than stellar image quality doesn't really bother me either. I think all the effects (and there are some damn spectacular effects) were worth the trade-off, and I just love how fast and responsive this game is. It's also been suprisingly varied, unpredictable and grim so far. Shame it didn't get more attention.
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R3 campaign is excellent.
I haven't played the rest tho, but I assume
you don't fight humans in R1 and R2? The prison part was my favorite
Aren't all the resistance games rendered at the same resolution?

R1 and R2 have the same resolution. R3 is lower.

But really, you should play the game instead of looking at the numbers. Visiting R3 locations feels more immersive because of the carefully crafted atmosphere.

It's not the greatest looking game but the weapons are fun. That's it !

Combat visual is more "dynamic" because of more cinematic destruction and assorted weapon effects. e.g., In MP, Cryogun freezes your opponents on-the-fly. If you get sprayed by one, you'll see ice forming around the environment and you. Atomizer secondary fire will launch a pod that pulls people in like a mini-blackhole and distorts the space visually (Great for CTF !).

Also, I don't think there was any point in RFOM that i preferred to R3. For me RFOM was the weakest of the three games. The SP in RFOM bored me to tears to the point that i left it half way through and ignored the game until R2 was just coming out. I had to force myself to go back and finish RFOM so that i didn't miss any of the story, but i hated the story telling in that game and i felt the narrator thing was horrible and made the entire game feel too disconnected.

Yeah, that's why I said RFOM started slow and the gameplay got chopped into small segments. The first few chapters feel like an old WWII shooter game. Once the game hits its stride, I find the arena fight in RFOM SP more fun than many modern shooters. However, the real treasure in RFOM is the MP.

R2 was a great game to me and i didn't have too much of a problem with the boss fights, mainly becuase i don't expect much from boss fights in most games these days. Hardly anyone does good boss fight anymore expect maybe in games like GOW3 and SOTC (last gen). R2's only flaws to me were the graphics, but even then i still felt there was a lot there to admire, e.g. i thought R2 had some of the most amazingly detailed character models this gen. I wasn't much into competitve MP so i can't really comment on that for RFOM or R2, however COOP in R2 was in-flippin-credible.

R2's boss fights were criticized because the enemies don't react to your hits at all for the most part. It felt like firing into a wall. R2 SP gameplay was criticized because it was predictable. Before you enter every battle, they would put the ammo of the appropriate weapon by the entrance. It was also not that well tested because if you don't take the "recommended" approach, it may become too easy or too difficult to tackle.

Yes, I love R2 co-op. Very refreshing, but can be improved further.

R3 was the shining star of the bunch, despite the fact that i too would have liked them to have continued with the awesome coop mode. Overall though i was happier that the SP was so satisfying, and i'm gald they focussed on that as its what i value most. To me R3 and then R2 have the most memorable moments out of the three games. The only thing i remember about RFOM are the times i was furiously frustrated by the games' difficulty with sparsity of health packs and the souless "greyness" of the game.

I rate R3 the best of the three too. IMHO, the ideal package should be:
R3 SP + RFOM MP + R2 co-op
I loved RFOM, it felt like a real transitional game from the PS2 to PS3 and it played really well. It was a little inconsistent in structure but as I watched the game engine develop with the R&C series I had real hopes that R2 would be more of the same with a continuity tweak and the upgraded graphics. But they fell into the COD trap and did stupid things like those indestructible fish. R3 was everything the series should have been from the beginning.

[5 minute silence...]

Thank you for R3, Mr. Price.
Too bad the team couldn't lick the stability issues before launch. T_T

It's a great game, and restored my confidence in Insomniac and the Resistance series. Look forward to hear more of Overstrike.
I wanted more Resistance T_T ! I wanted more Chimera on ps3 and 4:cry: !
and for all naysayers, it might not have sold much, but Resistance3 ROCKS !!!! All of you haters can hide behind a rock to regenerate your health, real men play with Health packs ! I :love: U Resistance n Insomniacs who made it possible ! I will look forward to Overstrike, but the gap is hard to fill !
[I *knew* you would whine about it !]


Yeah , well, I somehow still love RFOM too much and enjoyed R3 MP a LOT ! Thats what I have been missing the most since my PS3 died :( ! and for some reason, I am not that excited about Overstrike or Ratchet. Resistance is the reason I loved Insomniac so much and since R3 really did what it did well, I was expecting an even better Resistance experience since they had found its soul and a direction to focus on in Resistance 3.

I know alot of people who hate R3 campaign cos they think its too tough :rolleyes: ! Its not tough at all, its just that people play too casually these days thanx to regen health in all games. Resistance and a few Japanese games is all we have of real gaming left in the new world where Games are no more a challenge to overcome but a means of instant gratification. A means which rewards you in loads and makes you a hero for just pressing a button. The sport is mostly dead now, its all about minimum work and maximum rewards. Heck, you get trophies for just booting up a game !
I want Resistances, Vanquishes, Bayonettas to continue ! I want "gameplay" to continue ......
R3 was easily my most pleasant sp campaign surprise of 2011. Well paced, tight, varied and gorgeous (gotta love their Ravenholm homage. Incinerating Grims with the shotgun in the dark environments was incredibly satisfying, not to mention stunning)
Sad, but expected, news. R3 is easily in my top 10 FPS's and RoFM is one of my favourite games of this gen.

@RenegadeRocks - I agree completely about the dumbing down of shooters, where strategy seems to depend on when the cramps sets in your trigger finger and not about getting from safe point to safe point and balancing your ammo vs health risk.

Hopefully this won't mean the end of the resistance franchise but just Insomniacs' involvement. Maybe Bungie should take it up as a way into the PS3\4 market...!!
R3 was easily my most pleasant sp campaign surprise of 2011. Well paced, tight, varied and gorgeous (gotta love their Ravenholm homage. Incinerating Grims with the shotgun in the dark environments was incredibly satisfying, not to mention stunning)

The pub ! The pub is where I started to think may be R3 is special. ^_^
I'm kind of indifferent to Insomniac not making any more Resistance games, as much as I like RFOM. I don't like to see series being dragged out too long. And in the case of Resistance, it has always severely lacked direction, both in terms of story and gameplay. There was no telling what they might do next, so it's hard to become invested in. For me, they have never been able to recreate what made RFOM so great, especially not online.
Yeah... a good start would be to remove the perks and special abilities from R3 MP, then up the player count (+ larger maps). Also put the clan support back ! Gimp WildFire, Atomizer, put pack the original Auger and Fuel Cell.
Yeah... a good start would be to remove the perks and special abilities from R3 MP,
But Call of Duty has perks, so every shooter needs them.
then up the player count
But Call of Duty matches are typically 6-12 players, so no shooter should have more.
(+ larger maps).
But Call of Duty doesn't have large maps, so no shooter should.
Also put the clan support back
But Call of Duty doesn't support clans (or server browsers), so no one should.

/sarc off
But Call of Duty has perks, so every shooter needs them.

But Call of Duty matches are typically 6-12 players, so no shooter should have more.

But Call of Duty doesn't have large maps, so no shooter should.

But Call of Duty doesn't support clans (or server browsers), so no one should.

/sarc off

This is why this gen has been going down the tubes, I agree with you btw since it seems like RFoM and R2 were heavily criticized for idiotic stuff (like oh its a WWII shooter when it never was) as well as its obvious flaws that for some reason never get mentioned on Call of Duty, even to the point where Killzone 2 (remember the reviewers...) complaints that it did not play like CoD or that it should play like it.

Thats whats killed it really, alot of fear and unfair comparisons and its basically like Insomniac Games made R3 much better but in sacrificing the previous features they then get accused of making it more CoD like (kind of like how Killzone 3 also got the same accusations)
But Call of Duty has perks, so every shooter needs them.

But Call of Duty matches are typically 6-12 players, so no shooter should have more.

But Call of Duty doesn't have large maps, so no shooter should.

But Call of Duty doesn't support clans (or server browsers), so no one should.

/sarc off

Heh heh, it's so close and yet so far !
Yap ! I like it better than all the other FPSes on the PS3 overall even though there are some room for improvement. The game is satisfying and fun in a pure way.

Most importunity, it restored my confidence in Insomniac. Other than the damning MP bugs at launch, R3 is a more fitting and better game with the name, Fall of Men, than the first game.

Wish they have stuck to RFOM MP formula though. 8^/