I wish Insomniac would put more emphasis on lighting and shadows.
Everytime Ratchet comes out part of me cries, why Naughty Dog why....
I miss Jax and Daxter.
I wish Insomniac would put more emphasis on lighting and shadows.
Well, their in-engine prerendered cutscenes from Future show that improved shadows actually add a lot to the graphics.I don't think it's very important in this type of game. For more realistic games, yes, improved lighting can be fantastic, but for something like this, I just don't think it's necessary. They already have an absolutely fantastic looking game, stellar animation, and a great engine.
Well, their in-engine prerendered cutscenes from Future show that improved shadows actually add a lot to the graphics.
Well shadows would immensely improve the look, for sure. PIXAR does use shadows !
Insomniac uses shadows as well. But it's certainly not necessary to put forth tons of extra effort into making sure that every object has a shadow, be it real time or baked. It offers minimal return, and costs additional money. It's not worth it. Not for this type of game.
Insomniac Games puts out one game every 12 months, roughly. Spending time on questionable efforts such as "does this rock cast a shadow" really isn't going to do much for them.
Heh Heh ! its all subjective tha_con. To me Its worth it. After all why do we nitpick about graphics inn all the games, because it matters. Nobody says that platformers do not need great graphics, in fact it is RnC itself which shows that great graphics go a long way.
I want shadows, you don't ! ...........................but shadows do matter to me !
How do you think shadows contribute to Uncharted's gameplay? .....but we still nitpick about them ! Does a shooter NEED shadows? ......but we still want them !
Any word on online options?
They could have co-op modes where you could play Clank using some ranged weapons and collecting the items while Ratchet continues to fight.
There are also non-enemy character which they've had in the series which might be playable.
Also being able to control bosses could be interesting too.
The online modes they had in the PS2 versions were okay but derivative of shooters. I remember some arena-like online level where others were controlling their own Ratchets and could pick up things like jet packs to accelerate towards your opponent as a surprise tactic.
I notice the video on PSN is 1080p. Has anyone heard if Insomniac are actually going for "full HD" this time round?