So can Cell! Why's that a worry? Is it not possible to lock out RSX from certain areas of RAM via the Hypervisor? I'd have thought there'd be address limiting somehow on RSX for both security and system robustness.
Yes, CELL can, but evidently it is much easier to block from CELL software compiled to run on CELL which is actually running on CELL rather than Shader programs starting Loads and Writes from RSX's Memory Controller.
Can the Hypervisor monitor Loads/Writes initiated by RSX's Memory Controller or is that regulated by hardware mechanism that are not software controlled ? Even if it can be done through the Hypervisor, it might not be as trivial as we might think (I am being overly cautious because I am fearful of making wrong assumptions on the Hypervisor and its ability to control PLAYSTATION 3's mist "intimate" details so I might have my brain in sleep mode and some very stupid things might be coming out...).
I do think it should be possible to limit/regulate RSX's XDR memory accesses, but there are some things to be said:
1.) it was not needed in developers' officially licensed kits.
2.) it is something SCEI would do JUST for consumers' PLAYSTATION 3 units running Linux/Other OS and it is not something that they wanted/felt need to dedicate a lot of man hours to address.
So, if SCE will ever allow some sort of 3D acceleration through RSX (even at high level) it will be when they will have developed a way to monitor all kinds of RSX behaviors from the Hypervisor.
I would not mind loosing 10-15% of RSX performance due to Hypervisor security checks, it would still infinitely better than not having any access to it.