[PS3] LittleBigPlanet 2

VG247 interview:

Talks a little about PS Move...

I think the Direct Control Seat is the obvious answer to how to use Move.


We’re working with another studio to help us prototype out what Move could be, and those levels will be on the disc at launch


Then what we’ll do after launch is release a patch and we’ll add the creative tools


The community can choose the mapping, like, what I really look forward to is, are they going to build cursor-based games, are they going to build gesture-based games? They have the choice eventually, and that’s our high bar with Move. We didn’t want to set a low bar with it, and tack it on the side. We wanted it to be a fully fledged citizen like the Sixaxis.

I think Media Molecule is the only studio I know that behaves predictably, in a positive way! They just make so much sense with everything they do. Maybe studios should always be this size and everything that's more work than those 20 can handle should be outsourced to a sub-team.
This GAF thread has a few nice summary posts of all the new stuff:


First post contains some nice interviews and vids. But perhaps this huge list with changes and updates is the most notable:

Interface Updates and General Stuff
•Objects can be hidden, to edit things behind them.
•Preview option allows all objects that are invisible in play mode to be made invisible in create.
•Multiple select of objects (equivalent to ctrl-click on a PC) as well as box select.
•Connectors are stiff by default.
•When rotating objects, you can snap to a given angle - any multiple of 5 degrees.
•Popit updates
•Fullscreen mode (optional).
•Categories can be collapsed and also skipped for faster searching.
•There is a section detailing everything used in the level - very useful for your material / sticker palette.
•New create tools
•UV tool (possible placeholder name) - allows you to rotate and shift the texture on a material.
•Advanced glue - allows you to select two objects to directly glue, rather than just objects that are adjacent.
•Keyboard and Mouse support - uses standard keyboard shortcuts and should be possible to enter distances etc. using keyboard (not implemented in the version we played).
•Plasma Hazard, with colour tweaks.
•Visual overhaul is amazing, all of the effects (fire / smoke / lighting etc.) look beautiful. In general everything looks crisper and more detailed / polished.
•Competitive Scoring modes in multiplayer
•Competitive levels be can set to end on a timer, which will transport you deathlessly to the scoreboard.
•Complete thermo overhaul - more intelligent & flexible system. Full details unknown.

Fullscreen Popit. Great for quickly finding stickers.

Switches and Related Changes

•Wires are pulled from the centre of the switch rather than off to the side.
•You can connect a switch to something that already has a wire connected - the new one replaces the old one.
•You can zoom the camera whilst holding a wire!
•Magnetic keys (and switches that detect them) can take a custom label as well as a colour - both colour and label must match to trigger the switch.
•When tweaking a magnetic key, or devices that respond to magnetic keys, the game shows up ranges / angles etc. for all of the other devices that respond to the same keys.
•Magnetic keys can be turned on / off via switch.
•Magnetic switches and proximity switches can be configured to activate above a threshold - i.e. you can have a switch that activates when three or more sackpeople are in range.
•Magnetic switches (possibly proximity switches too) can be limited to specific layers.
•Signal type is determined at destination, not source. This allows for multiple signal types from a single device. So a magnetic switch could output speed to a wheel and on/off to an LED.
•Wiring is neater and less ugly. It already has improved routing, but in the final game it should be greatly improved, making the construction of complex systems far less messy.

•Emitters can now emit at 0.0s intervals, which makes them emit as soon as there is a free space.
•An optional tweak stops the emitter from emitting when it reaches its max at once value.
•Emitter can ignore parent's velocity, so the emitted object does not take into account the movement of the object that it is attached to.
•Have effects for emit and destroy, including:
•Explode - Note: the explosion is just aesthetic, does no damage.
•Appear / disappear - vanishes with no sound.
•Dissolve - as in LBP1
•Shrink / Grow
•You can link emitters to an object in the level, rather than something in your popit (although that is still an option).
•Any changes to the object in the level are reflected in all emitters that reference it.
•It works with nested emitters, so emitters inside emitters inside emitters, will update all of them with any changes made.
•When done editing you can delete the object in the level and the emitter remembers the last version.
•It's awesome!

Cameras and Magic Mouths
•The camera can now be pulled out far further.
•The camera can be rotated in the plane of the screen, so the view can be turned on its side or even completely upside down. This can also be controlled by having the camera on a rotating object (i.e. a vehicle or similar).
•You can add activation times to cutscene cameras and magic mouths so that they close after a given time.
•Magic mouths and cutscene cameras have output switches, so you can detect when the player has closed them, to open the next object or trigger timed events.
•The custscene cameras have a whole host of cinematic options.
•Changes to angle / zoom
•Fades and other transition effects.
•Camera shake effects.
•The cutscene camera also lets you choose whether the player can interact (or whether they are frozen in place), if they can then you can use the cutscene camera as normal gameplay camera and integrate visual effects into your gameplay.
•There is a tweak for "flatness", to make the level more like front view in create mode.
•It is possible for each player to have their own camera when playing online (no splitscreen was evident).

Camera on its side. Also, vacuum material (see below) for the space-sacks.

•Loads more sounds available than in the original game.
•Volume control on individual sounds is supported.
•A tweak that allows the sound to be heard no matter where in the level it is.
•Reverb (and possibly other effects as well) can be added to sounds.
•Global sound tool has been added - allows global control of sound volumes (music vs sfx) and also globally apply sound filters to everything in the level.

•New lighting engine looks great.
•Lights now have far more colour options available.
•Fogginess is a percentage scale now, rather than on / off.

The new lighting effects are outstanding.

Bounce Pads
These are a massive improvement on the current piston-based bounce pads we have. The distance they fire you is tweakable and very accurate / consistent. In addition, they don't have any kind of reset time, so 2 Sackpeople hitting in rapid succession will both be fired the same distance. It doesn't sound like much on paper, but they really do make a big difference to high-speed bouncy gameplay.

Power Ups
•Grappling hook - no tweaks, for consistency, but player can grapple anything grabbable and also control the length of the line whilst swinging (between preset min/max)
•Creatinator (Possibly the rumoured "magic bag", we're unsure) - effectively an emitter gun. Has all the options of the new emitters and can be aimed much like the paintenator. Looks like a helmet with a flashlight on it Note that the creator is responsible for choosing the emitted object.
•Power Gloves - allows the player to pick up objects, carry them above their head and throw them. Also allows the player to swap layers whilst holding the object and take it with them.

Logic Tools
These are all non-physical and can be placed inside microchips.
•Basic logic gates: NOT/AND/OR/XOR - ANDs and ORs can take a variable number of inputs.
•Battery - just outputs a constant full signal.
•Toggle - inverts output each time and input is given.
•Timer - can be used to output speed / strength proportional to its current value. Can be reset.
•Selector - cycles through its outputs each time activated. Can also take overrides to jump to specific outputs.
•Counter switch - increments each time it it activated up to a max value. Can be reset as well.
•Randomiser - This is very versatile with a large number of options to vary up the randomisation pattern.
•Splitters (unsure of name) - allows a bi-directional signal (i.e. from a three way switch or analogue stick) to be split into 2 signals.
•Combiners (unsure of name) - allows two signals to be combined into a bi-directional signal.

Other Tools
These are all non-physical and can be placed inside microchips.
•Magic Joystick - hard to explain, but can be used to map an analogue stick to a rotational mover (see movers below) so that if you push up and right, the object points up and right.
•Anti-gravity device - allows objects to be unaffected by gravity (or partially affected by gravity). Also has a variable dampening tweak which will slow the object down as it moves, preventing it from flying off into the distance.
•Movers - see section below
•Collision Switch - Activates on any collision, or can be tweaked to only activate when hitting sackpeople, or when hitting an object which has a specified magnetic key (matches both colour and label).
•Material tweaker - allows you to change the friction and bounciness of the object it is attached to. Also allows the object to be made indestructible (so excessive force will not crush it).
•Lethaliser - allows object to be made lethal / not lethal at will.
•Smoke machine - tweakable colour and intensity - gives far better effect than the current jet.
•Score switch - can give or take away scores. Engine does a good job of detecting which player triggered it (when triggered by logic network) for competitive scoring.
•Score detection - Will activate when the score is above a certain value.
•Global sound object - vary music / sound etc. global controls, and also various global effects to be applied to all sound in the level.
•Global gravity object - allows for altering of gravity.
•End switch - ends the level instantly.
•Notes - Just little text notes to allow for comments.
•Also, not a tool, but there is a light source that is non-physical (note we're unsure exactly how this interacts with decorations / microchips etc.).

Points switch in action; point values are tweak-able.

There is a new category of tools called the "movers", which literally move objects about. They come in two broad types - linear and rotational. Both have simple variants that move the object in a specified direction, but can be switch controlled (on/off, speed, strength control), through to more complex versions. If you combine movers with anti-gravity devices, you can gain incredibly precise, complex control over contraptions for top-down dynamics and flying machines, etc. We spent loads of time playing with these and the possibilities are endless, hence why there is so much detail in this section.

The linear movers are controlled by x and y speeds and also have speed, acceleration, and deceleration properties. x and y are normally the x and y directions for the level, but it is possible to tweak them so that x and y are relative to the orientation of the object. The difference between these two modes is how the mover responds to the object being rotated. There are also follow devices, which can be used to follow (or flee from) a player or magnetic key. Maximum range to follow can be set, as can minimum range - so your object will stop if it gets too close. You can even get the follower to be locked into a single axis (so it only follows horizontally for instance). There is also a magic rocket device, which simulates the existing jet object, but as a non-physical tool that can be compacted down into microchips etc.

The rotational movers rotate the object, as with linear movers there are speed, acceleration and deceleration tweaks. Similar to the follow object, there is a "look at player" device, which will point itself at the player, or at a magnetic key. This gives very smooth aiming mechanisms. There is also the gyroscope tool which will attempt to keep an object upright by rotating it back to vertical - again, this can be tweaked to modify how well it corrects and can also be switch controlled.

There is also a special mover, for shifting objects between layers. This is what is used in the trailer to make the wheel move out and what is used to make the little top-down racers work on ramps. Note that all objects are still locked into the existing layers - when you move it back a layer, the movement happens instantly as far as physics is concerned, but visually the object takes a short period to shift. You cannot stop an object between the layers so the game is very much still 2.5D.

Most of the movers can take one or more inputs, and a disable / enable signal which can be used to neatly override them.

Direct Control Chairs
•Every button is mapped, bar R3, start, select and the PS button.
•D pad is mapped as four separate buttons.
•Analogue Sticks are mapped as two bi-directional controls each. i.e. each analogue stick has a x and y bi-directional control.
•Sixaxis is fully mapped as three bi-directional controls.
•Full analogue outputs (optionally).
•Trigger radius can be tweaked (player is prompted to enter seat when within radius).
•You can make the player automatically (force them to) enter the seat when within the trigger radius.
•You can disable the player's popit and their ability to leave the seat.
•Player in the seat is still detected by proximity sensors.
•Can map player popit colour to objects controlled by the DCS (lights / vacuum material etc).

In LBP2, the microchip is a single place where you can compress all your logic down into a single device. What we found was that just about anything that you can stick onto the side of an object - including sounds, sensors, all the new logic tools, collision detection, gyroscopes, even emitters - can all be placed in a microchip. Microchips can even be placed inside one another!

For things whose positioning is important (i.e. magnetic switches and emitters), these are considered to exist at the point that the microchip exists, which means you can organize them however you want inside the microchip circuitboard making everything neater. When tweaking them, the engine shows the tweaking as though the object exists at the point of the microchip. For things that affect the object that they are on - material property changers, lethaliser, anti-gravity etc. - it is the object that the microchip is attached to that they affect. This effect works through multiple levels of microchip as well.

You can also wire-control the microchip to disable / enable everything inside it. This means that you can effectively have 2 microchips with different programming and just switch between the two very easily, which is fantastic for control systems and AI.

•Tweak whether the sackbot can switch layers.
•Tweak whether they are afraid of hazards and heights.
•Tweak how fast they are.
•Tweak whether they can use Direct Control Seats.
•Recording player movements as we are aware.
•Replay of movements can either happen once, loop from where the sackbot finished, or you can tell the sackbot to return to where it started before looping.
•Various simple behaviours and animation styles allow for quick customisation.
•Setting sackbot to follow does a pretty good job of following over basic platforming.
•If sackbot is following and enters direct control seat, it will attempt to follow, as long as the control system isn't too complex.
•You can use simple action triggers as well as user-recorded / default behaviours - includes run, jump & grab.

New materials
•Loads of new materials, including the hairy / fluffy ones etc.
•Light material - the floor from the disco in the trailer. Has the same extended colour range as normal lights and is switch controllable.
•Vacuum material (see below).
•Animated materials, can have the animation speed tweaked.
•Filter materials - can be placed in front of objects and everything behind them is filtered.
•Retro Neon Green outlines on black background.
•Possibly more to come.

Light Material on display.

Vacuum Material
Worth mentioning on its own is the vacuum material, which looks a lot like a holograph. Visually it looks pretty cool - it is lit up without actually casting out any light and has a translucency as well as an animated texture. Colour is tweakable to all of the new colors available for lights, and the brightness can also be tweaked - turning the brightness down to 0 will make it completely invisible and up to full will make it intensely bright and opaque. It's also possible to control its color/intensity by switch - on / off and "fade" are the options - fade allows you to control it in an analogue manner. However, you can tweak the colour and brightness for both on and off states, so you could fade between visible and invisible, or between two different, visible colors, etc.

You can also modify the transparency by using stickers - dark colours will make the area less visible and light colours will be more visible. This also works with gradient stickers and custom stickers, so the customisation possibilities of trasparency fades etc. are fantastic.

The ability to switch it on and off and the brightness of it makes it perfect for retro-style effects and for designing custom HUDs / player interfaces. At this point it is worth noting that there is not a default customisable HUD - it's all created by you. That said, Christophe at MM showed us the RTS level he's made, which is mind blowing - you can place buildings and spawn units, select them, tell them where to go etc. so the scope for HUDs is fantastic, and Johnee has made some levels out of purely vacuum (giving cool retro visuals), which are mindblowing.

Thin, pink vacuum over thick, translucent purple vacuum. Gives a nice effect.

Physically it is similar to gas (although it can exist as a thin layer) - it is unaffected by gravity and does not collide with anything. However, you can make it so that when it overlaps with other objects, it triggers collision switches. This is great for weapons etc, but is also very useful as you can create a custom shaped magnetic key detection area using this vaccum material. Both visually and in terms of your logic, vacuum is almost certainly going to become one of the most significant things in the new game.

Community Updates
The entire Community system will be given a complete overhaul. Tags are being redone in an effort to ensure they are meaningful. You will be able to search for individual tags this time around as well. The creator may assign tags themselves with far greater weighting than the players. Players can improve their weighting by writing quality reviews (other people vote upon how useful the review is) either in game or on LBP.me. Simply yea / nay style voting, so no one person can skew the average. On LBP.me you can heart a person and then get a twitter-esque feed of the levels they have hearted and reviewed. Through all of these improvements, it now becomes advantageous to heart players with good taste as well, even if they aren't skilled creators themselves.

There will also be an Mm "seal of approval" for levels that get into Mm picks.

MM are hoping to be involved with the moderation and greatly improve the moderation system.

So, there is a lot to take in, and of course this is just an overview of individual features. I'm sure most of you are aware that it's the interplay between the tools that will really open up the possibilities in LittleBigPlanet 2, as it is with LittleBigPlanet now. Based on our 27 hours with an early build of the game, all of us have been blown away by the scope of what will be possible when we get our hands on the game proper. Indeed, what we achieved in this short period of time is clearly a testament to how powerful the new tools are. Not only has the scope been massively increased, but the ease and swiftness with which it takes to create complex things with the editor has improved in kind. Even creators who tend to stick to art and steer away from contraptions were able to quickly create thoroughly enjoyable gameplay mechanics that would be almost impossible to achieve with the current tools.

But it’s not only the new tools that improve create mode. Just about every existing tool has new features and tweaks that make the mind race with the possibilities that are available. At the same time, the new interface also adds a number of subtle new changes that make the creation experience many times smoother than the original LittleBigPlanet.
I'm amazed this isn't getting more attention! I guess it goes to show new and far more exciting then better, and where LBP2 is offering a huge improvement on LBP1, creating an incredibly sophistice platform for Fun, it seems to have as much interest as typical sequelitus generates.

I hope they produce a few different trailers each focussed on a game type and send them out in the guise of different games. A vid for a side-scrolling shooter like Soldner X, another for an RTS, another for an RPG/adventure game, another for a top-down racer, and show that this is a mammoth PSN-style game platform!
I hope they produce a few different trailers each focussed on a game type and send them out in the guise of different games. A vid for a side-scrolling shooter like Soldner X, another for an RTS, another for an RPG/adventure game, another for a top-down racer, and show that this is a mammoth PSN-style game platform!

Yes indeed.

I'm not even sure it is in this list, but after slight disappointment that Move wouldn't be in there day one (though obviously it already has a decent amount of PS Eye stuff), I was thrilled to hear that the tilt functions of the sixaxis/ds3 can also be 'direct controlled'.
I don't think Sony is selling the game right. They always just talk about creation, which is good for a certain niche of players. A lot of people are just going to want to sit down and play a fun game. I'm not sure they're selling the fun of the game well. I also don't want to bring the issue up again, but there were a good number of people that played the first one and didn't think the platforming worked as well as it could have. None of that has been discussed by the devs, and I'm guessing it will play almost exactly the same as the first one, since it has backwards compatibility for old levels. That may be a turn off for some.
It's true, I mean - to me this is the ultimate in gaming - one title covers all genres and you know there will be good versions of everything - least of all mini party games...and all 4 player!
I don't think Sony is selling the game right. They always just talk about creation, which is good for a certain niche of players. A lot of people are just going to want to sit down and play a fun game. I'm not sure they're selling the fun of the game well. I also don't want to bring the issue up again, but there were a good number of people that played the first one and didn't think the platforming worked as well as it could have. None of that has been discussed by the devs, and I'm guessing it will play almost exactly the same as the first one, since it has backwards compatibility for old levels. That may be a turn off for some.

I agree with you here! They should really talk about the gameplay stuff itself - afterall I want to play the game, as I am not a creator!

I wonder if MM did listen to the fans and improved the gameplay, as this is basically a flaw in LBP1 - although I agree that the potential of a platform to create games is super cool, I fear that they forget about gameplay...
I don't think Sony is selling the game right. They always just talk about creation, which is good for a certain niche of players. A lot of people are just going to want to sit down and play a fun game. I'm not sure they're selling the fun of the game well. I also don't want to bring the issue up again, but there were a good number of people that played the first one and didn't think the platforming worked as well as it could have. None of that has been discussed by the devs, and I'm guessing it will play almost exactly the same as the first one, since it has backwards compatibility for old levels. That may be a turn off for some.

I think the people who had issues with the platforming weren't some of the nearly 3 million who bought it. A lot of those folks are the 'core gamers' simply looking for a Mario clone with creation tools.

All of my friends get it within minutes. I really think people put too much stock into the platforming mechanics being a deterrent based on their own expectations.
Poor marketing on Sony's part. They show this and KZ3 a few weeks before E3, making them effectively old news at E3. And with hundreds of games to compete with, and nothing new on LBP2, it becomes pretty much overlooked at E3. Looking at some best at E3 lists at various site confirms it. It's hardly ever nominated for anything. Compare that to the awesome showing of UC2 last year, and Sony basically failed to impress this year.

Anyway, that's one hell of a list of improvements for LBP2. :D
Poor marketing on Sony's part. They show this and KZ3 a few weeks before E3, making them effectively old news at E3. And with hundreds of games to compete with, and nothing new on LBP2, it becomes pretty much overlooked at E3. Looking at some best at E3 lists at various site confirms it. It's hardly ever nominated for anything. Compare that to the awesome showing of UC2 last year, and Sony basically failed to impress this year.

Anyway, that's one hell of a list of improvements for LBP2. :D

Honestly they wouldn't have gotten any more press in light of 3DS / Move / Kinect. Combined with the killer lineup of Nintendo Software and some of the Sony info (like Portal 2 and Twisted Metal). I just don't think it would have gotten any press.

The game still has TONS of time for Marketing in the coming months in the form of cover stories, trailers, and commercials. I think Sony will handle it well. People thought they handled the last one poorly, and it went on to do extremely well.
I don't think Sony is selling the game right. They always just talk about creation...
There's a PSBlog vidcast interview with Mark and Alex where they mention this (IIRC).

I think the people who had issues with the platforming weren't some of the nearly 3 million who bought it.
I bought it and had problems. So did my two friends. So did one of the kids I tutor.

All of my friends get it within minutes.
Everyone gets it, but it's not accurate and leads to frustration. I even created a level that shows that sometimes you can jump 50% higher, sometimes only half as high, and it's these rare but present quirks that lead to frustrations. I don't think it'll be a serious deterrent, but it's certainly something that players will be keeping an eye on. If it weren't for the possibility of all the other games that don't involve any jumping whatsoever, if LBP was the same platforming engine and content, it'd be a maybe for me at this point. I'm bemused that my Lego loving mate who happily creates Booty maps didn't get into LBP, but he couldn't get on the platforming element and so never got into the whole create thing.
The game still has TONS of time for Marketing in the coming months in the form of cover stories, trailers, and commercials. I think Sony will handle it well. People thought they handled the last one poorly, and it went on to do extremely well.
What people?! It took GDC by storm and was headlining Eurogamer and other media sources time and again! I think more people complained abuot LBP getting too much attention then Sony underplaying it!
What people?! It took GDC by storm and was headlining Eurogamer and other media sources time and again! I think more people complained abuot LBP getting too much attention then Sony underplaying it!

The media did all the marketing for the first one, and it worked fantastically well. LBP never got a GameInformer cover issue, it didn't get hours of commercial footage (or even commercials that really showed off the variety of levels). Sony did the right thing and let everyone else sell LBP.

Also I still think you're wrong about controls, but we've had this discussion so there's no need to revisit it.
LBP had good ads on tv, and a lot of the time during the demos was spent showing fun things you could do, not talking about creation. They spent a lot of time showing how you could make your sack-boy move his arms, or his hips, and the way you could dress him up. They showed you how you might hold onto your friend as you hurled down a hill on a skateboard. Everything was about how fun the game was to play, and how great the social interaction was. They did go over creation, but it was one piece of the whole. All of the talks about Little Big Planet 2 are extensively about creation. Maybe that's where they've made most of the improvements, but I wouldn't really say they're advertising the fun of the game. Creation will be limited to a small portion of the community and the rest will be consumers looking for something fun to play.
I agree with you here! They should really talk about the gameplay stuff itself - afterall I want to play the game, as I am not a creator!

I wonder if MM did listen to the fans and improved the gameplay, as this is basically a flaw in LBP1 - although I agree that the potential of a platform to create games is super cool, I fear that they forget about gameplay...
I don't know if I agree. In LBP2, the gameplay will vary wildly with the people that create the games. There are a LOT of creators in this case. The majority of the gameplay, by far, comes from the design of other users.
I don't know if I agree. In LBP2, the gameplay will vary wildly with the people that create the games.
Indeed, a lot fo the gameplay won't even be platforming to worry about jump mechanics. Direct control should make most playstyles possible. This is why they need to showcase different games. Like they did with LBP's create adverts, showing different things users had created, they could show the same in LBP2 only these worlds wouldn't just be mashups would be different games, showing LBP2 in both lights.
Hmm... never thought of it. Doesn't the LBP framerate depend on the user level ? If the user put lotsa objects in the level, the framerate will dip beyond a certain load right ?