Thanks! (and goonergaz)
Some questions to the creator:
- Is it possible in LBP2 to implement combo points. E.g. when you get attacked by a swarm of little "fishes" and you manage to kill all of the swarm before they leave the screen - would be cool to get combo points, or maybe a nice upgrade coin?!
I think so. Probably with tags, labelling each wave.
- Upgrade is a big question for me: is it possible to implement some form of upgrade system?
Yep. Cornsnake recommended a shooter level with loads of upgrades. I haven't checked it out yet. My system just changes the action based on collectables, but you could wire in shop system for making changes. Using the selector makes this pretty easy. Although stopping in a shop, it could be done but would need a fair bit of work.
- How about coop? Is this in theory possible?
Easy peasy! I could almost copy/paste the spaceship to add a second. The only tricky bit for me is the 'external' HUD that needs hard-wiring (although there may be solutions to that). Lots of levels have the HUD as part of the player character, little floating bars that can be part of the object directly and so spawnable.
- It would be super cool, to have a mixed game: for instance the base could be kind of treasure hunting, or upgrade coins for your ship!? Then you fly around with your ship, fighting monsters and get an indication that treasure is around - > now you have to leave the ship to make the side missions and find the treasure on foot, using you mighty laser cannon
I look forward to playing it when you've made it!

But yeah, a basic variation on Lunar Jetman is doable. There's one major limit to LBP2 regards creating classics though, and that's no wrap-around screen. You can't have a player go off the left and on the right. So where something like Biplanes or Star Control is creatable, having to work without wraparound is going to have a very negative impact on the gameplay. Dunno how that could be addressed, but I very much doubt it'll happen in LBP2. You also can't (AFAIK) flip an object in game, so vehicles have to be of a symmetrical design rather than like Lunar Jetman where the truck would change direction it was pointing.
Could you rougly give a number how long it takes to make something like this in LBP2 creator?
Too long? At least twice as long as you anticipate?

It's much, much faster than LBP1. You can lay the foundation for any simple game in a couple of hours, once you are experienced. Prior to that, there's a lot of exploring and experimenting. I dunno how you'd factor in the learning time. And the polish takes a long time too. I find creating a
level, rather than just a game mechanic, is the hardest part. You need to spend time adding variety and thinking about the gameplay experience. Still, some of the 8 and 16 bit classics can be created in spirit in a weekend. I was thinking of trying a search-and-rescue level (vertical scroller, where I wanted the camera mechanic mentioned in the above post) and had a brief look yesterday. Could build a ship, sackbots to rescue, and basic level in a few hours maybe, but I spent as long just trying to figure out a vertical-only scrolling camera, to no success!
I wonder why MM did not include the YouTube PS3 capability directly? Would made things a lot easier...
Maybe it's because they haven't got the processing to spare? But yeah, it's a major omission, especially given the movie-type creations they want. Then again, maybe they want people to buy LBP2 to experience these instead of watching them for free on YouTube?