[PS3] Killzone 3

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Saw the shoots,look less impressive then KZ2.Probably because of change of settings,now its day time so that awesome lightning cant make as big impact,then there is that 3D thing...

I thought that at first. Waiting to see more video. The bright light, clear sky takes out the "volumetric smoke" effect, and tones down the dynamic lights in KZ2. But in motion, we should be able to see the beautiful lens flare effect and god rays.

KZ2 is most impressive when you climb to high ground and take the whole picture into your eyes. With the jet pack, we should be able to see a panoramic view of the level.

KZ3 is supposed to feature more terrain too. It should look amazing in a blizzard (just like KZ2's desert scene).

IMHO KZ would lose some of its "looks" if removed blur...

The game should still have motion blur. I do like the soft KZ2 look, not sure if MLAA will improve or destroy the style.

But in stereoscopic 3D, the view should be amazing (I'm extra-polating what I saw in MotorStorm: PR here :) )

I believe the devs said some visual effects didn't make it into KZ2. They will have a second chance here.

EDIT: Seriously, I can already imagine debris flying and cutting my faces. Interesting that they add in melee. Anxious to see how they all look close up in 3D.
I thought that at first. Waiting to see more video. The bright light, clear sky takes out the "volumetric smoke" effect, and tones down the dynamic lights in KZ2. But in motion, we should be able to see the beautiful lens flare effect and god rays.

KZ2 is the most impressive when you climb to high ground and take the whole picture into your eyes. With the jet pack, we should be able to see a panoramic view of the level.

KZ3 is supposed to feature more terrain too. It should look amazing in a blizzard (just like KZ2's desert scene).
Yeah, the desert scene looked magnificent.

Graphically, KZ2 is still a magnificent accomplishment, totally unique and very CGish.

I absolutely love the look of the game, really looking forward to KZ3.

I think the softness (blur?) of the game really added to its looks, going all MLAA might change it.

Anyway, will have to see it in motion, probably at E3. Any hint as to the release date?
Doesn't KZ2 uses sprites for the smoke like everything else?

They look very volumetric to me and I can tell the sprites when I see one "COD4, Gears, Bad company 2".
The Intruders assault on that huge oil rig on the ocean looked really epic, the detail, the water effect and the post processing looked insane from the scan and just imagine in motion it would surely blow you away. I can see why some folks thinks KZ2 looks more impressive purely due to the night levels where you can see better contrast, whereas snow level is more bland. But it's a blurry scan from a magazine after all and that oil rig shot along overshadows anything in Kz2 to me ;).
KZ2's smoke and fog are rather interesting. They linger around longer and look 3D/volumetric. I remember I could see shadow cast on them sometimes. In select terrain, like the desert level and the landing scene, they fill the air together with the lens flare (what I call the "dancing light" effect).

In the Southern Hill's MP map, the very dusty atmosphere also creates a unique outdoor feel. I vaguely remember the smoke will blur the rifle reloading sequence as I move around. The rainy Beachhead level is also special. I :love: gunning down people from the tall tower in the middle of the level. Everything became blurry just like in a heavy rain in real-life.

I'm really curious whether and how these post processing effects will survive the stereoscopic 3D treatment.
It was discussed in a tech thread on B3D too. Someone could probably look it up ! Whatever it was, I hope they keep the effect.
It doesn't work like that in the final game. In the multiplayer level of that map if you throw out a spawn point (which creates bright smoke) you can see it affected by the wind and when it hits a building it will collide and head upwards without clipping. The DF analysis said it was using z-feathering to stop clipping with geometry.

The third video here of that level doesn't show any visible clipping

Hm, just got a heart attack when reading Killzone 3!
Snow/winter maybe due to nuclear bomb?!?! aka "nuclear winter"

Am a little sceptic about this 3D thing - 3D automatically means graphics downgrade, which is lame!

All 3D movies I saw up to now (Avatar and Clash of the Titans) are a joke/embarrassing/ridiculous and prove that 3D tech does not work yet!

My status: sceptical, but alive!
Hm, just got a heart attack when reading Killzone 3!
Snow/winter maybe due to nuclear bomb?!?! aka "nuclear winter"

They detonated a nuclear bomb in KZ2. I remember the air was filled with ashes. Perhaps you're right. Nuclear winter after that. :)

Am a little sceptic about this 3D thing - 3D automatically means graphics downgrade, which is lame!

All 3D movies I saw up to now (Avatar and Clash of the Titans) are a joke/embarrassing/ridiculous and prove that 3D tech does not work yet!

My status: sceptical, but alive!

Stereoscopic 3D movies are different from 3D games. The 3D effect in games are more pronounced. If you watch it on a 240Hz TV, it should be ok. I believe after that, you'll realize that a lot of the visual volume is missing from today's games. :p

EDIT: Because of the fog and lens flare effects, KZ2 gave me a rather "meaty" 3D feel about the Helghast outdoor. Would be very interesting to see whether a stereoscopic 3D presentation is more convincing than KZ2.
I'm not sure but, wasn't there a presentation talking about the half-res for particles in KZ2? Including the smoke of course.

Quarter res, 640x360.

They look very volumetric to me and I can tell the sprites when I see one "COD4, Gears, Bad company 2".

KZ2 uses sprites, the volume effect is becouse you got several sprites for effect to form a volume effect. Also if a game lacks soft particles then the blending between sprites will not be convincing upclose and you will see each sprite for current effect. I've yet to see any game have volume effects for smoke and bigger explosions that are made by tiny particles. Such could easily eat 10-20k particles for a few/single effect while KZ2 has a IIRC 2000 particle limit cap from one of the GG documents. Anyway current method is convincing enough.

In this video you can see the gusts of dust intersecting with the environment geometry like any sprite-based particle system would (that doesn't use soft-particles).


The environemnt dust looks like single sprite particle trail with no collision detection (though wouldn't make sense consider the size ot the sprites and direction) though game got soft particles and static terrain collision detection for some particles.

It doesn't work like that in the final game. In the multiplayer level of that map if you throw out a spawn point (which creates bright smoke) you can see it affected by the wind and when it hits a building it will collide and head upwards without clipping. The DF analysis said it was using z-feathering to stop clipping with geometry.

Z-feather/soft particle is for better 'blend-in' with objects it comes in contact with or other particles. The smoke particle bouncing on wall is particle collision detection or else it would just either fade away or clip right through wall and be removed. :)
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Oh, and what is an absolute must this time!!!!!

Oline Co-op mode!!!!!!

Please, please...hm, I forgot something to mention...let me guess, ah yes here it comes: please!
With all the 3D buzz going on I'm now showing interest towrads this technology.
What's the el cheapo way to a Stereoscopic 3D experience ?

And would computer monitors be able to provide it too ?
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