[PS3] Killzone 3

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EDIT: did anyone see that quadrotor demonstration on youtube? Willing to bet something like that will show up in a videogame sooner rather than later ... :D It's both awesome and rather scary.

That is one cool toy !

The more scary robot is the 4 legged transport that looks like Metal Gear Solid's biped "cow".

I already knew Helghast is the victim: They have better uniforms. -_-

I want the ISA mecha back for KZ3. The jetpack is nice, but I figured jumping around in the mecha suit (like Avatar's and Metal Gear Rex !) should be more fun since I can grab, punch and kick.
Despite what some people want you to believe there's no such thing as good guys when war is involved. I still side with the Helghast, though. ;)

Same here. Not having a single legitimately likable soul on your side (but the biggest ass-hole instead) obviously doesn't help.
Despite what some people want you to believe there's no such thing as good guys when war is involved. I still side with the Helghast, though. ;)

I don't want to take it to that extreme. It's just really easy to both become bad guys.
Same but on Youtube
Is it me or does Sev looks older ?
Looks like he knows CQC from MGS lol.


He looks like Big Boss.
Nice teaser. can't wait for a full gameplay trailer at E3 in Two weeks.
Is that really Sev or some random ISA dude ?


Aryeh Loeb said:
Story is a big focus point for Killzone 3. we are concentrating more on the Helghan side of the conflict. We will be supplying you with more info on that in the upcoming months.

Aryeh Loeb said:
Yes, we do have a new Close Combat system in game. That’s why we were able to make this teaser with in-game animations

Aryeh Loeb said:
Yep, that’s Sev. And yes he is having some hard times. What do you think being stranded on an alien planet with hostile environment does to a man?
If thats how Sev is going to be then I will be happy. The teaser screams bad ass and style. The original characters were annoying with weak personalities
It does look like Sev has learned a few tricks from Old Snake himself, the CQC is instantly nostalgic:). Love the animation btw and this brutal melee system is begin to grow on me.
Interesting Interview with STEVEN TER HEIDE:

BITMOB: In that same spirit, are there things you’ve seen in other games and thought, “That could work really well in the Killzone universe as well, if we put our own spin on it.”

STH: Absolutely. We play a lot of different games. Recently, the big hitters that were out there with Uncharted 2 and God of War 3, those are really [inspiring] games. Uncharted really pushed the boundaries in terms of storytelling, so I think, well, what really worked about their storytelling and what kind of elements can we take from that and introduce into a first-person action game?

What things could we do, because story, traditionally, is one of the things that we haven’t been very good at. A lot of people have flagged the Killzone story as [something] that can be improved; there are some weaknesses there. So let’s look at the leader in the genre and see what they do storytelling-wise.

Same time, God of War — bosses on top of bosses on top of bosses — it’s awesome in terms of scale and the stuff that they’re doing. What can we do in terms of those kinds of elements? So it’s more concept or inspirational things rather than one-to-one mechanics. We look at the general concepts of a game and see, OK, can we translate that into something that would mesh with all the other things that we have.

BITMOB: Do you worry that you might be ahead of the curve in terms of 3D?

STH: I don’t worry about it. It’s a great addition to an already great game. First and foremost, the game’s got to be good, because 3D is not going to make a bad game any better. But it is going to make a good game even better. I think once people play it — there’s a lot of skepticism around there, but what we’ve picked up so far in terms of the response, from the press as well, is that once you start playing it you do notice that it has an added benefit. It’s really awesome to be in the middle of that war. The sense of immersion is greatly increased. Something with Killzone that we always want to achieve is to really put you in the middle of that action

BITMOB: Relative to all the time that goes into making a triple-A title, is it all that much work to make a game 3D?

STH: The work for 3D is relatively small. Obviously, you have to render everything twice, so that’s a hit on our tech team, who had to already push the engine to the next level just to create the game that we want to make.

And at the same time there’s a couple of design choices, or design problems, that you need to solve. Most of the game works in 3D initially, out of the box, because the game is made in 3D. The 3D world is there, so rendering that is easy. But the things that don’t belong in a game world, things like the HUD elements, those you have to work on. What layer of depth do they need? What do we want to do with the crosshair, because the crosshair is one game element that you can’t really get rid of? That’s something that involves additional work on top of what we’re already doing for the normal game. But it’s not that much — most of the content, it’s just one-to-one.

[more 3D stuff in the article]
I believe that they did had designs for female Helghast soldiers in KZ2 but they never made it to the final game. Something tells me that those Jetpack guys aren't actually guys. (too slim)

Also I'd stress that Helghans are indeed the victim & "lesser of the two evils" here, Vekta belonged to them & they used Helghan for mining, this coupled up with the profits they made by charging ships which docked on their stations for refueling made ISA somewhat un-happy & they invaded Vekta & drove the Helghasts to Helghan to perish. Now naturally they'd be enraged by ISA & would want to take back what rightfully belongs to them. The whole Helghan as a different & superior species was an idea invented by Visari to give hope to his people who were actually abandoned by the ISA government.
I believe that they did had designs for female Helghast soldiers in KZ2 but they never made it to the final game. Something tells me that those Jetpack guys aren't actually guys. (too slim)

Good thinking. I checked the screen caps, their postures suggest that the jetpack guys are err... guys:
(They look manly)


morlock's soldier is a woman !
[size=-2]bu...bu.. but where is the battle bikini !!1!!![/size]

Imagine squeezing her into a helghast suit, then it would be a crime to win the war;).
Also new a screenie, low res but beautiful, very beautiful.
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