PS3 and Automatic Scaling.

Except that answer has been amended to say:

Akita: Does the PS3 upscale or output all PS3 games to one resolution the user sets in the dashboard? This is a very important question for me also. My TV only displays 480i/480p/1080i. If 720p native games are going to be scaled down to 480p, that would royally suck.

IGN: Originally we said yes to this question, but in hindsight it looks like we misinterpreted it. The short answer is that if your television doesn't support an HD resolution set in your dashboard, it automatically outputs the signal in 480p or 480i
Will this affect BR movie playback? How does that work exactly? Is it burned at 1080p? If it is and the PS3 had no scaler and your set can only accept 720p or 1080i will it downscale the movie to 480p?
I'll believe it when I see it.

My Mitsubishi WS-48413 which ius maybe 3 years old in the spring doesn't support 720p in ANY form. not really a big deal though as I am not getting a PS3 but there are a hell of a lot of TV's that don't support 720p and are not 1st Gen.
Will this affect BR movie playback? How does that work exactly? Is it burned at 1080p? If it is and the PS3 had no scaler and your set can only accept 720p or 1080i will it downscale the movie to 480p?

That's another good question. I would assume that BD playback will be scaled to the XMB resolution. However, I had assumed games would too, and that turned out to be false. I'll know for sure in about 21 hours. :D
Will this affect BR movie playback? How does that work exactly? Is it burned at 1080p? If it is and the PS3 had no scaler and your set can only accept 720p or 1080i will it downscale the movie to 480p?

Short answer: No. I don't think it will affect BR playback. The fortunate thing is BR movies are encoded at 1080p. It will be up to the playback software to downscale that (if necessary) to the appropriate resolution. This is non issue, and should not be compared to the situation above (which would be caused by a game not being rendered at a specific resolution)....
Short answer: No. I don't think it will affect BR playback. The fortunate thing is BR movies are encoded at 1080p. It will be up to the playback software to downscale that (if necessary) to the appropriate resolution. This is non issue, and should not be compared to the situation above (which would be caused by a game not being rendered at a specific resolution)....

I have NO proof of any kind and I am not a developer either but I really can't see this issue affecting BR playback. Gut Feeling.
This is pretty bad, hopefully there is a way they can fix this. I'm not affected by this as my tv will upscale everything and supports all HD resolutions. But this is bad for the people who are affected. Maybe this explains why there is no dvd upscaling at the moment (but something that is supposed to be fixed in the next firmware or so)?
I have NO proof of any kind and I am not a developer either but I really can't see this issue affecting BR playback. Gut Feeling.

Isn't that what I just said? Or were you somehow taking a poke at what I said?


In any case, in regards to BR playback I don't see how this could be a problem. You don't need to be a developer to know that.
This is pretty bad, hopefully there is a way they can fix this. I'm not affected by this as my tv will upscale everything and supports all HD resolutions. But this is bad for the people who are affected. Maybe this explains why there is no dvd upscaling at the moment (but something that is supposed to be fixed in the next firmware or so)?

There has been no hints or comments from Sony about DVD upscaling coming in an update. Just a snowball effect of net talk.
This is pretty bad, hopefully there is a way they can fix this. I'm not affected by this as my tv will upscale everything and supports all HD resolutions. But this is bad for the people who are affected. Maybe this explains why there is no dvd upscaling at the moment (but something that is supposed to be fixed in the next firmware or so)?

They can trivially fix DVD upscaling by decoding to an appropriately sized buffer.

It's a bit harder to do that for games without a scaling chip. Sony would need at least an additional 1920x1080 buffer, and it would add at least 1 frame of latency. As long as they control the swap and they have the CPU/Memory bandwidth resources available it might be doable.
relativly speaking , you guys think how much % of people (ps3 owners)are affected by this? only usa 1080i CRT owners are affected as far as i can tell. hm yeah probably japan also then.
It's a hard call to say, although HD TV take up was relatively slow 3-5 years ago when these sets were produced, they would have been bought by the same early adopters who are likely to pick up PS3's.

Of course some of them will have replaced the sets (I have multiple HDTV's).

I know that MS considered it enough of an issue based on support calls for Xbox 1 HD games that they put the scaler in there.
PS3 Gamer said:
When i started up Resistance i got a message saying that my ps3 was set to 1080i and not 720p.

Apparently the system stops you when the output setting doesn't match the game's native resolution. Perhaps the "automatic" resolution setting is the best bet.
relativly speaking , you guys think how much % of people (ps3 owners)are affected by this? only usa 1080i CRT owners are affected as far as i can tell. hm yeah probably japan also then.

Japan would be a far bigger problem I guess...
It's a bit harder to do that for games without a scaling chip. Sony would need at least an additional 1920x1080 buffer, and it would add at least 1 frame of latency.
BW wise, wouldn't it be quite a chunk?
720p @ 24 bit colour @ 60 FPS buffer read = 160 MB/s
1080p @ 24 bit colour @ 60 FPS buffer write = 360 MB/s
That's 500 MB/s on top of normal operation; some 10% of PS3's BW. I guess they could do a simple interlaced scale at half the BW, with perhaps rather dodgy results. It looks like quite a cost if the percentage of the market affected is small, but they should definitely be clear when selling the console to mention games might not run in HD on your HD set. If I had an HD set I'd want to know whether a console will work on it or not! That's essential purchasing decision information.
And once again, amazingly and quite ironically, Europe will never be affected by this issue, as all HDTVs sold as such (HD-Ready) must accept 720p AND 1080i minimum - among other things. :D