PS2 MGS2:S has baaad slowdowns

I think the Xbox version has more slowdowns. The engine is specifically written for the PS2 and was badly ported tot the Xbox.
what exactly is "Snake Tales" - not the skate boarding thing, is it? Also, the actual game should not have any slowdowns, at least not on PS2 - would that be correct?
what exactly is "Snake Tales" - not the skate boarding thing, is it? Also, the actual game should not have any slowdowns, at least not on PS2 - would that be correct?
Additional stories set on the existing places (tanker and plant) There's more slowdown in them because there are much more guards hanging around than there is in the main game. Main game on PS2 has some minor slowdowns here and there.
hmm, that's not what I had expected. :( Eventhough slowdown might be minor and practically not worth mentioning, it is a bit of a letdown. Then again, it was a "port" as I have come to understand... it will be interesting to see in what way the next MGS will be improved. :)
You might not even notice slowdowns in the main game if you don't look for them (PS2 version). Most reviewers never seemed to notice them, it seems. Of course, being a graphics whore certainly 'helps' in such cases ;)
It's incredibly hard to push an engine and not have some slowdown here and there...Snake tales is still running off of the same engine so there isn't much they could've done to keep the framerate as silky smooth as most of the main game. It's impossible not to have that, and its impossible to anticipate exactly how much will be displayed at any given time to counteract any possible slowdown throughout an entire game.

You want a real chug fest in MGS2 main game for PS2? Try fighting Fortune in the base of Strut A (where she blows everything up) on extreme and count the frames ;)
he, this reminds me. Upon finding those hundreds of soldiers at the end of the tanker episode.. throw a stunn grenade and watch the slideshow beginn.. I won't take slowdowns as those seriously though. As long as the game runs 99.9% of the time constant without trying stupid things, I'm happy. :LOL:
Also, try puting all those hundred soldiers to sleep using your M9. Slooooooowwwsss :LOL:

One would think that not having to animate all those soldiers, or take care of their AI would actually speed up that scene, but I think all those Zzzzzz's have gotten the best of the game engine in that case :LOL: