I like to role-play when I play a character, and I don't mind being evil.Im suprised you are feeling bad for the people that you consume. The immersion in this game isn't all that good imo. i guess the insane gore coupled with the consuming can be upsetting. For me, it just doesnt look real enough to make me care if i kill some civilians on the way.
My kind of evil isn't the kind Prototype has in mind.
Mine's an evil with the goal of gaining power or advantage, where destruction and casualties are expected and entertaining, but not the goal.
In some ways Infamous is a better fit for me, because you actually set down regions of control as you complete side quests. This has the unfortunate side effect that the game becomes more static and less exciting as you peel away areas of chaos, but I don't care too much about the aftergame.
Prototype's plot is in the opposite direction, as chaos is rising, and Mercer doesn't gain power in that way. This is fine, as he gains personal powers.
The downside is that there are so many, and I'm already so powerful, that beyond certain upgrades I don't see much difference.
I don't feel particularly bad when an NPC in a video game dies, but I felt sheepish with that one marine because it was so pointless. Sure if he had opened fire on me, or was somehow preventing me from getting something, it would have been an acceptable thing to take him down.
It was just such a pointless end result that I felt it was meaningless, not even worth the few second's effort it took to sneak up and consume him instead of ignoring or crushing him.