Prototype or Infamous?

Lol. funny that the devs actually sendt in pictures.


After having played around halfway through Infamous, its a no-brainer for me - Infamous Rules this competition.
In fact Infamous rules a lot many other games for me, as I have become completely hooked and am not playing any other game ever since I laid my hands on Infamous. The gameplay is rock solid, balanced and extremely fun.

If u liked Crackdown, go for Infamous !

Prototype seems lacks personality, lacks substance and lacks a "brain", form what I have played. But for some the lack of mechanics might mean they can playit in their own way, but its not that way for me. I am not trying to insult anybody here, nor is this comment focused on anybody here. Its just my POV.

EDIT: LOL at those pics. Sucker Punch's pic is definitely better :LOL: !
Yep, got all the unlocks, too (and I finished Infamous twice). Like I said above, I think Infamous is a better game -- the missions are better-designed, the story is better, the controls are tighter, the power progression is actually tied into the game. But I think Prototype may be a better sandbox game. There's more chance to cause havoc, there's a multitude of ways to earn EP (you can do events, hunt for orbs in the early game, destroy bases, fight strike forces -- personally, I went infected watertower hunting with a helicopter), there's tons of stuff happening on the street. The whole point of Infamous is to clear away all the chaos on the streets, so by the end of the game the city's mostly empty -- while by the end of the game in Prototype, even past the end you'll have huge chunks of the city teeming with Infected and with the military fighting them. And Prototype has new game+, which is a bonus, I think.

Any game that follows GTA's formula is a poor sandbox game. The whole "one mission at a time, and let's reset the world for that particular mission" thing is so last gen.
That said, Prototype is even worse because it doesn't have side missions, just time trials. Yes you can destroy some buildings or fight against "special units" (I forgot the name of the reinforcements) but that's about it, and I fail to see how those make up for total lack of side missions.

As for the empty city after finishing the game, I'm not sure it has much to do with finishing the game. Instead it's more about clearing the side missions. Isn't it equivalent to destroying the military/infected buildings in Prototype? Admittedly I only destroyed a couple of those (because it's same thing over and over again) so I may be wrong here, but in Prototype you don't have to bother with any of those. Military doesn't bother you when you are traveling, even if you are doing superhuman stuff as long as you stay disguised.
I'm not complaining though. I'd trade some logic for less frustration in Prototype any day.

Anyway, I'm surprised you like Prototype so much. It's not a bad game, but I feel like Infamous is much better game overall despite being even more last gen.
Story mission variety is unmatched by any. Gunplay/platforming mix also excels IMO. The final boss battle on hard for example makes you use all of your powers. You cannot get something like that in any GTA like game.
On the other hand, the final boss battle of Prototype is another time trial, consistent I guess.
I also cannot get over the fact that how poorly implemented melee system is in that game given that it's all about melee. Checkpointing too, while not as bad as GTAIV, is no where as good as Infamous. In one of the missions, Alex curses someone for having to do so many frustrated things (repeatedly I must add), I'm thinking "my thoughts exactly".
Any game that follows GTA's formula is a poor sandbox game. The whole "one mission at a time, and let's reset the world for that particular mission" thing is so last gen.
That said, Prototype is even worse because it doesn't have side missions, just time trials. Yes you can destroy some buildings or fight against "special units" (I forgot the name of the reinforcements) but that's about it, and I fail to see how those make up for total lack of side missions.

Both games reset the world, though. In fact, maybe the only game that doesn't reset the world after every mission is Red Faction: Guerilla, which we're not really comparing. That is a next-gen sandbox game. Prototype is very much last-gen in terms of sandbox games, but that's a good thing -- sandbox games have tried to move away from many of things that people liked about them. Like well, time-trials and silly minigames. Prototype's minigames aren't great, and lack some variety, but they're not bad. Infamous has none of that; you can cause some chaos by heading into the dark areas of the city, but the game doesn't really want you to do that. Side-missions once done, are gone forever (and with a few exceptions per island, repeat a lot).

As for the empty city after finishing the game, I'm not sure it has much to do with finishing the game. Instead it's more about clearing the side missions. Isn't it equivalent to destroying the military/infected buildings in Prototype? Admittedly I only destroyed a couple of those (because it's same thing over and over again) so I may be wrong here, but in Prototype you don't have to bother with any of those. Military doesn't bother you when you are traveling, even if you are doing superhuman stuff as long as you stay disguised.
I'm not complaining though. I'd trade some logic for less frustration in Prototype any day.

You don't have to. But that's sandbox games, you won't get more out of it than you put in. In my case, I had no need to unlock everything, much less use it, but I did because I wanted to. It expanded my options enormously. Just like I didn't have to do the side missions, but i did because I wanted the XP so I could unlock as many powers as possible. But there are just fewer choices in inFamous. And I think that in part, that's what makes it a better game overall -- it's just more focused.

Anyway, I'm surprised you like Prototype so much. It's not a bad game, but I feel like Infamous is much better game overall despite being even more last gen.
Story mission variety is unmatched by any. Gunplay/platforming mix also excels IMO. The final boss battle on hard for example makes you use all of your powers. You cannot get something like that in any GTA like game.
On the other hand, the final boss battle of Prototype is another time trial, consistent I guess.
I also cannot get over the fact that how poorly implemented melee system is in that game given that it's all about melee. Checkpointing too, while not as bad as GTAIV, is no where as good as Infamous. In one of the missions, Alex curses someone for having to do so many frustrated things (repeatedly I must add), I'm thinking "my thoughts exactly".

Sure, but that's what I said. There's not a single aspect of Prototype that really shines above Infamous'. But Infamous isn't a great sandbox game, even if it's a great game. Prototype is a reduced version of Hulk:UD, which is a really great sandbox game. And I'm very partial towards sandbox games.
No offense to Radical, but Prototype seems to be "Let's throw every piece of fruit in this blender- oh, can it blend? Yeah? Then fine."

It's simply not being an experience for me, more like just a chore. I'm also playing Too Human on the 360 right now, and the difference is stark. I can get to look past TH's flaws because it still draws me in (TH: A- or B+). Prototype seems miles away from that (C/C-). Clunky controls, awkward mission/script direction, piss poor animation of Mercer, and a city that constantly reminds me that it's Spiderman 2... or not.

I do have the belief that most of Prototype's weakness were due to ambition. Radical's track record, even with Scarface, might indicate that they overaimed way too much with Prototype. IMHO a more linear, focused presentation would actually help Prototype get some distinct gameplay personality of its own, rather than trying to be the counter-enemy glompfest it is now.

Funnily I've no friends that have a PS3 in Malaysia, gotta wait till I move to Singapore to try out Infamous.

(and LOL at Mercer. ;))
I'm with Obonicus on this one. I generally don't like sandbox games. But for some reason Prototype is a REALLY fun sandbox game.

I don't NEED all the powers to finish the game, but that's not the point.

The point is, that I have all these powers available that I can pick and choose how "I" want to play. And not how the dev necessarily wants me to play. If I want to play sniper man I can play sniper man. If I want to play tank driver guy, I can play tank driver guy. If I want to call down artillery strikes I can. If I want to go through the game and just throw things I can. If I want to go through and be a fast melee I can. If I want to go as a bruiser I can. You can pretty much finish the game with minimal super powers if you wanted.

The presentation and graphics could use some polish for sure. It's graphically disappointing. But the thing is. The game is just plain fun as a sandbox game.

The last sandbox-ish game I can think of that I had this much fun in was called Fallout 2 (and even more so Fallout 1 before it).

I should hate it for being a sandbox game, just like I don't like GTA and don't much care for Saints Row. But for some reason. This sandbox game is just fun...

It's weird...

So after spending more time with both (finished prototype story, and starting over in hard mode, and spending some more hours with infamous), i would like to tell some more impressions:

What i loved about crackdown was hunting for orbs, superhuman abilities, and causing mayhem with the cars. I liked crackdown a lot, but objectively speaking, the story was terrible, even by video game standarts, and the missions and gameplay where also where similar (but then again, allmost all sandbox games suffer from this problem. In the end, the main gameplay feature of most sandbox games, is the ability to kill stuff, and all you actions usually boil down to killing stuff. So what you do in such games, is naturally a bit limited.) But you know what? I don't care, i dont play sandbox games for their greatstorytelling, i play them for the fun that i can have when doing stuff (usually crazy stuff).

Infamous story and all that seems to be well done, (the portion ive played) but story isn't what i play these kind of games for. Prototype has gotten a lot of critiscm for its story, but frankly i think its a bit to harsh. Yes, its generic, but what video game story isn't generic? The CGI is not bad, they have tried to create an interesting story, and imo its not that bad done. The web of mind and the cutscenes, deliver an okay story for video gaming standarts. Certainly miles ahead of crackdown.

The most important things that crackdown lacked for me, was more resistance (why dont they have bosses?) and cooler powers, if im some kind of superhuman, i dont want to use normal weapons to do my bidding, i want superpowers.

Both infamous and prototype delivers this. Infamous has electricity, prototype has tons of crazy moves. Infamous powers, are just straight convertions of regular weapons into electricity. While this may be appealing to some, to me this is a downer.If im gonna play around with something that acts like a rifle, id rather just have a rifle. The electricity graphics are not particularly hot, (its hard to create believeable electricity imo).
I already have Saints Row, GTA4, FC2, FO3 +++. Gunplay third person sandbox is not that interesting to me, dont get me wrong i enjoy all these games (more or less) ,but the gunplay is generally never as good as fps gunplay, i play these games for other motives. If i want to play a good shooter, there are games like CoD etc. I play sandbox games not for the great gunplay, but because i like non-linearity, freedom of choice, and because wrecking havoc and getting chased in open world landscapes can be a lot of fun, if i want a good shooter, il play an FPS

The coolest thing about crackdown was jumping and hunting for orbs, and the freedom you felt from having agility 4.

Infamous movement is seriously slower than this, you are forced to climb\parkour around or ride electricity cables and trains. Riding electricity is fun, but overall the movement feels very slow and limited. Prototype offers much quicker movement, with crazy jumps, airdashes, gliding, wallrunning +++. With a little practice you can fly around and move at incredible pace, which is a cool feeling in a superhuman sandbox game.

While infamous just offers straight weapon conversions and a little melee, your abilities in Prototype are vast. You can have claws shoot out of your hands and slice stuff (each weapon has a couple combos and moves), you can transform your hand to a blade and play like a swordwielder, giant boxing hands and play like a boulder, you can use musclemass and have supersuper strenght, grappeling hooks, you can consume anyone (Basically become any NPC) and stealth your way into enemy bases, steal army tanks and helicopters and use them, you can do some really really crazy melee moves, anything from using human body's as surfboards, to elbowdropping of skyskrapers, to flykicking helicopters. Your powers are awesome, and offers you the ability to play the game in many different styles.

Im on my second playthrough of prototype (hard mode) and im playing completely differently than my first playthrough, because i have mastered more tactics and know when to utilize the strenghts of each weapon. Not that the game is particularly challenging, but the game does allow you to play in ALOOOT of different ways.

GRaphically there is no contest, Infamous all the way. Infamous production values overall seem in a much higher league, and if you where to break down all components of a game, like gameplay, story, graphics, etc and give each game a score, infamous would undoubdely score higher.

For me however, Prototype wins the most important component, the gameplay. Its just so over the top, and insane action. Im enjoying it, its far from perfect, but it offers a lot of fun.

what i want with a superhuman sandbox game, is feeling like you have superpowers. Prototype allows exactly this, to a much imo larger degree than Infamous, simply because your powers are just so much more incredible.

In infamous, you grind some electricy cables or climb buildings and jump around on them to get where you want. Then you either kill them with your electric rifle shot, electric grenade, electric rpg tc. In Prototype, you have a hard time deciding how to kill people, because you have so many possibilities.

To me, Prototype wins, because at its core, im having more fun doing the crazy stuff you can do.

The controls are not that bad, the only problems ive had is some slight target issues, but generally you dont really need to target your enemies with the targeting system, if you learn how your attack works.
Eh? Just checked metacritic.

Mean is a lousy number for skewed distributions, the medians are 80% and 90%.

After playing a bit of Prototype I'm not sure how it scored over 70%, but I'll get back to it and see if the chaos grows on me. I've also just started Red Faction, this game seems overlooked, I guess it came out last.
I finished Prototype yesterday and Infamous a little while back. I enjoyed both games, but liked Infamous more. Infamous is more polished of the two and I'm not just talking about graphics, in which there is a large gap, but imo the gameplay and the tightness of the controls is also better and thus your movement and actions are much more precise. I was instantly hooked when I started playing Infamous, but the first couple of hours in Prototype were underwhelming, however the game grows on you and in the I liked it too quite a lot.

Prototype has so many powers and moves that it'll take a while to use them properly and efficiently. I played both games on normal difficulty and I think the last missions were harder in Prototype. In the end the games are very different and it is somewhat hard to compare them head on.
I played both games on normal difficulty and I think the last missions were harder in Prototype. In the end the games are very different and it is somewhat hard to compare them head on.

I think the final missions in Prototype are difficult because of frustration. The very last one isn't a hard fight, but it has a BS timer going on, and otherwise it's really similar to the earlier encounter. And the
Elizabeth Green
fight is long. It really doesn't help that it doesn't change up much between the 3-4 times you have to wear down its shields.

I didn't think the last fights in inFamous were that hard either, but maybe because I felt that my failures weren't so much the computer being cheap.
I think the final missions in Prototype are difficult because of frustration. The very last one isn't a hard fight, but it has a BS timer going on, and otherwise it's really similar to the earlier encounter. And the
Elizabeth Green
fight is long. It really doesn't help that it doesn't change up much between the 3-4 times you have to wear down its shields.

I didn't think the last fights in inFamous were that hard either, but maybe because I felt that my failures weren't so much the computer being cheap.

I think I found fairly good tactic for the last fight in Prototype so the timer wasn't really bothering that much
I was able to beat the health of that montster to less than half, when the timer starts and the tentacle devastor attack is pretty good against it, I believe it get's stunned after two of those and then you can dish out lot's of punishment by first attacking the stunned beast with heavy attacks and then grap it and give some more, you get to use the devastator attacks everytime your health goes critical, so with the maxed out regen, you can go in and out of critical really fast. When the health is somewhat above critical you can take it head on and suffer one blow to get critical and then unleash the devastor

The hardest missions for me were the
the one just before the Greene fight, where you had to protect the drill van, which had the two big mutants and two tentacles throwing stuff at the van, it also didn't help that at the start of my checkpoint the van was already quite damaged. Little bit later the mission where you had to destroy those nine things inside the the base was quite frustrating, because you were under such a heavy fire inside the base, I took out the smoke generators first with helicopter, but that took long time, because I had to flee from the strike team many times, which meant that I have to flew pretty far. All in all that mission took quite a few tries from me.
I've finished Infamous and played Prototype a ways into the story.

So far, I'd say I like Infamous more, as it seems to match my quirks as a player more closely.

I don't mind the more sedate pace combat and movement have in Infamous, and the urban exploration feel is stronger because it just feels like more of an accomplishment to get to the top of a tall building.
The scope of interaction is much smaller, Cole has super powers, but he isn't the embodiment of destruction that Alex Mercer is.

Cole's arsenal is more limited, and his interactions with equipment and weaponry are about nil (aside from destroying them).
I give Prototype kudos for the option to drive stuff around and shoot stuff up, and for not making waist-deep water water instantly lethal.
Prototype definitely has the edge when it comes to large amounts of activity: many monsters, crowds, vehicles.

I do find that the art direction and graphics aspects tend to favor Infamous, though I think shadowing and some of the in-game cut scenes were rather garish at times.

I found Prototype, for all its greater freedom and scale, to be far more frustrating so far.
I'm more of a stickler for precision, which Infamous trends closer to with its emphasis on platforming and reduced scale of combat. There are still points where there was frustration on very fine points of control or corner cases (concave parts of building or scaffolding, some narrow moving platforms above points of insta-death/restart), but in general it was recoverable or I could improvise a way around.

Alex Mercer can leap across huge stretches of air and throw cars or shoot missiless--which would be great if it weren't all too often in the wrong direction or arbitrary auto-aim that goes towards some dinky zombie as opposed to the huge monster/FREAKING BUILDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME GODDAMMIT I actually wanted to aim for.
He's resilient enough to survive most of the consequences of jumping half a football field in the wrong direction or missing the huge behemoth that throws a van at him, but it's not fun for me.

There is no terrain in Prototype. It's all flat ground with the illusion of elevation, since everything can be run across--often in the direction I wanted to go.

My brother is further in the game, and there was one boss fight filled with many other minor targets where Mercer's arbitrary aim and the way his super-powered movement magnifies the looseness of the controls made him angry, and I would probably blow a gasket if I get that far.

Maybe with more practice, I'd have less of problem.
I unfortunately don't play the game as frequently as I'd like, so I tend to get rusty on the unforgiving controls and forget the new moves or modes in the intervening period.
The time trial checkpoint modes piss me off to no end, so I avoid them.

That, and Alex Mercer is a huge asshole.
I don't mind being a super-powered douche-bag, Infamous has that option as well.
But the Alex Mercer is relentlessly, and pointlessly unlikable.
He can't even stroll down the street without face-palming a granny walking within his zone of personal space.
Unfortunately, the game makes it so you really can't control it.
You can't help but knock everything over when tip-toeing around and you have this tragic compulsion to strong-arm people who aren't even remotely in your way, even if you don't want to.

Fortunately, much of the time there's a nice person-wide corridor of sidewalk nobody uses, and nobody cares that you've pushed a car out of its lane or knocked down a hundred-pound crate of ordinance just by walking by.

If I'm trying to sneak into a base, maybe one thing that would help me blend in would be not neck-punching half the people I meet on the way to the gate.
Fortunately, so far the armed forces looking for me are dumber than a box of rocks. Nobody takes much note of the guy running up the side of a building or flying across Central Park.
I find myself thinking I'm not stealthy at all, but thank God everyone else is retarded--not a good thing to say, in my book.

This unfortunately makes things worse for me, in a way.
You wind up killing thousands of civilians on a good day, and hundreds of marines just doing their jobs. Not only that, but these are Marines who are mentally challenged.
Nice going, Alex the uber-tool who hates America and those who bravely struggle against challenges they were born with.

So Prototype has a lot of things going for it over Infamous, more power, more things you can do. The chaos you can wreak can be very entertaining, and it can hit a higher level of energy and variety in combat compared to the more staid Infamous. It frustrates me in various places--precision, control-- that I personally have an extremely low tolerance for, unfortunately.
I found Prototype, for all its greater freedom and scale, to be far more frustrating so far.
I'm more of a stickler for precision, which Infamous trends closer to with its emphasis on platforming and reduced scale of combat. There are still points where there was frustration on very fine points of control or corner cases (concave parts of building or scaffolding, some narrow moving platforms above points of insta-death/restart), but in general it was recoverable or I could improvise a way around.

Alex Mercer can leap across huge stretches of air and throw cars or shoot missiless--which would be great if it weren't all too often in the wrong direction or arbitrary auto-aim that goes towards some dinky zombie as opposed to the huge monster/FREAKING BUILDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME GODDAMMIT I actually wanted to aim for.
He's resilient enough to survive most of the consequences of jumping half a football field in the wrong direction or missing the huge behemoth that throws a van at him, but it's not fun for me.

There is no terrain in Prototype. It's all flat ground with the illusion of elevation, since everything can be run across--often in the direction I wanted to go.

My brother is further in the game, and there was one boss fight filled with many other minor targets where Mercer's arbitrary aim and the way his super-powered movement magnifies the looseness of the controls made him angry, and I would probably blow a gasket if I get that far.

Maybe with more practice, I'd have less of problem.
I unfortunately don't play the game as frequently as I'd like, so I tend to get rusty on the unforgiving controls and forget the new moves or modes in the intervening period.
The time trial checkpoint modes piss me off to no end, so I avoid them.

This is exactly what I meant when I said the game was messy. To top it off, the chords they chose for some buttons still confound me. For instance, in Hulk:UD, the 'cannonball' flying attack was just the final upgrade of the jumpkick. You'd hold down the normal attack (square or x)button while in mid-air and you'd charge into a cannonball. In Prototype, you hit circle and square (or x and b). It's not a chord you can cover with your thumb, you need two fingers. Best of all, it's the same button combo as the single-target air devastator! So if you have critical mass and leap into the air, you better hope you charge only as much as you can, so you don't waste the charge on something like a chopper.

That, and Alex Mercer is a huge asshole.
I don't mind being a super-powered douche-bag, Infamous has that option as well.
But the Alex Mercer is relentlessly, and pointlessly unlikable.
He can't even stroll down the street without face-palming a granny walking within his zone of personal space.
Unfortunately, the game makes it so you really can't control it.
You can't help but knock everything over when tip-toeing around and you have this tragic compulsion to strong-arm people who aren't even remotely in your way, even if you don't want to.

Fortunately, much of the time there's a nice person-wide corridor of sidewalk nobody uses, and nobody cares that you've pushed a car out of its lane or knocked down a hundred-pound crate of ordinance just by walking by.

The funny thing is that plot-wise, Alex isn't such a douche. He's meant to be an anti-hero, I guess, but then gameplay starts and you have to start eating innocents off the street to survive, you're shoving them around, the game is ranking you according to how many civilians you slaughter. I'd say that the person who made the plot and the person who made the gameplay were separate people... but I'm pretty sure the same guy designed both.

If I'm trying to sneak into a base, maybe one thing that would help me blend in would be not neck-punching half the people I meet on the way to the gate.
Fortunately, so far the armed forces looking for me are dumber than a box of rocks. Nobody takes much note of the guy running up the side of a building or flying across Central Park.
I find myself thinking I'm not stealthy at all, but thank God everyone else is retarded--not a good thing to say, in my book.

This unfortunately makes things worse for me, in a way.
You wind up killing thousands of civilians on a good day, and hundreds of marines just doing their jobs. Not only that, but these are Marines who are mentally challenged.
Nice going, Alex the uber-tool who hates America and those who bravely struggle against challenges they were born with.

They never smarten up, unfortunately. It's fun especially using the stealth kill, since any stealth challenges you have can usually be solved by eating the person who has LOS on you -- at the end of the game, some of the 'infiltrate missions' had me exiting the base having eaten about half the soldiers in the base and no alerts raised. It made me think of Hitman for dummies, as I said above.

Also, to be fair, a lot of the soldiers you kill are Blackwatch. I mean, BLACKWATCH, which means that they're evil mentally-challenged soldiers.

I still liked Prototype, though, strangely enough. It's just a game that I can't really mount a defense for. Pretty much everything people bring up is a valid complaint but I had fun.
They never smarten up, unfortunately. It's fun especially using the stealth kill, since any stealth challenges you have can usually be solved by eating the person who has LOS on you. It made me think of Hitman for dummies, as I said above.
I remember watching someone perform the patsy move over and over again. You'd think they'd learn to check ID after the first 80 false alarms.
That and I think highly trained Marines would know not to form a complete circle around a target and open fire with their assault rifles.
I've had a fair number of firefights inside a base where I wound up killing one or none, and after I conveniently hid on a top platform for 3 seconds coming down to see a half-dozen casualties due to friendly fire.

Also, to be fair, a lot of the soldiers you kill are Blackwatch. I mean, BLACKWATCH, which means that they're evil mentally-challenged soldiers.
I would assume they're in on the plot.
There was the one Marine you consume, and all you get is a brief flash of memory from his boot camp days.
Really, he died walking down the street for that payoff?
What did Alex glean from that?
They even give the poor bastards you kill names.
Sure, some were evil, had their hands dirty, or knew secret information that you couldn't get.
Then there's the sucker from Peoria who teaches you that drill seargants have bad dialog. Couldn't you just talk to the guy?
I felt kind of guilty about that one.

I still liked Prototype, though, strangely enough. It's just a game that I can't really mount a defense for. Pretty much everything people bring up is a valid complaint but I had fun.
It can be a lot of fun.
The later parts really look frustrating, from what I've seen from others playing it, though. It kind of makes me nervous.
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I agree with most things here. There are tons of things that are pretty poor in prototype. But there is still a lot of insane fun you can have.

Im suprised you are feeling bad for the people that you consume. The immersion in this game isn't all that good imo. i guess the insane gore coupled with the consuming can be upsetting. For me, it just doesnt look real enough to make me care if i kill some civilians on the way.