Considering the fact that ps4pro has a separate pool of cheap/slow memory for OS and aparently that didn't become such a big overhead in design complexityas I've heard claimed before, wouldn't the smart design solution be to have LOADS of the cheap memory for caching virtual texture and asset streaming, which are big eaters of memory but don't need fast access all the time, and have a cosr effextive 8 or 16GB lightning fast pool dedicated only for what really needs it for? I feel like even the ps4 could have been better If they had gone that route. Just 2 or 4 Gigs of GDDR5 might have been enough to store the data that actually uses its almost 200GB/s while with the saved money they could put an extra full 8Gigs of cheap ram ON TOP of that.
The actual reason sony did not go that rout in my opinion was to give devs the message they were really considering ease of develoment this time.