Pre-e3 2016 hype/predictions thread

Bro , I'm a hands on ps vr user . The tech demos like the shark one worked fine , the larger demos like adrift worked poorly.
What is it about these titles that'll be fixed by more graphical horsepower? The only thing I can think of is aliasing/sharpness - the PSVR screen won't improve for Neo, so the only benefit is upping render res and downsampling. That and framerate - was Adrift juddery (and will that be unfixable by optimisation come release)?

I also never said that sony will say that the neo is needed. I said everyone will agree that the neo is needed for vr. The everyone being those who try both PS4 VR and Neo VR. Sony will still try and push the lesser of the experiances for price purposes but those who buy a ps vr will quickly find themselves upgrading to the neo.
If they show an inferior experience that clearly doesn't work alongside one that does, they'll be messaging that PSVR on PS4 is a bad idea. The press and social media will convey that.
What is it about these titles that'll be fixed by more graphical horsepower? The only thing I can think of is aliasing/sharpness - the PSVR screen won't improve for Neo, so the only benefit is upping render res and downsampling. That and framerate - was Adrift juddery (and will that be unfixable by optimisation come release)?

If they show an inferior experience that clearly doesn't work alongside one that does, they'll be messaging that PSVR on PS4 is a bad idea. The press and social media will convey that.

adrift was juddery and blury , a completely gimped experience compared to my home pc and rift which is a r9 290 and a i7 3770k .

There is more that they can improve than what you posted.

The press like Giant bomb have already talked negatively about ps vr and move. Doesn't really effect anything . I would wager all the sites will recommend neo for ps vr .
No, Neo won't be needed for VR, the vast majority of people who tried games on it where clearly positive and it'll work just fine.
The negative minority are essentially VR sceptics or people who don't like the playstation.
adrift was juddery and blury , a completely gimped experience compared to my home pc and rift which is a r9 290 and a i7 3770k .

There is more that they can improve than what you posted.
Okay, but if so that won't be releasing on PS4 unless Sony are flat-out liars. Either the final product will be optimised, or it'll be canned as a PS4 title. What we're really looking at here isn't PS4 being no good for VR, but the possibility of Neo-only PSVR titles. Titles experienced on PS4 and already proven high quality like Rigs proves people won't be calling PSVR a dead end on PS4 - get Neo. I suppose worst case, devs create Neo only titles (if allowed) and PSVR on PS4 ends up nothing but early mini games. However, PSVR on PS4 is likely to be head-and-shoulders the largest VR market outside of mobile headsets, so it's economically implausible devs will ditch it and create high-end games without a decent market to sell to.

The press like Giant bomb have already talked negatively about ps vr and move. Doesn't really effect anything . I would wager all the sites will recommend neo for ps vr .
That's not at all what I've been seeing. No-one's called PSVR glitchy, slow or horrible. There have been complaints about some games, and some control schemes perhaps, but the experience works and provides immersion.
Okay, but if so that won't be releasing on PS4 unless Sony are flat-out liars. Either the final product will be optimised, or it'll be canned as a PS4 title. What we're really looking at here isn't PS4 being no good for VR, but the possibility of Neo-only PSVR titles. Titles experienced on PS4 and already proven high quality like Rigs proves people won't be calling PSVR a dead end on PS4 - get Neo.

That's not at all what I've been seeing. No-one's called PSVR glitchy, slow or horrible. There have been complaints about some games, and some control schemes perhaps, but the experience works and provides immersion.

Listen , Not all games are magicly going to work on ps vr with no framerate isues because sony promised. We have triple A titles on the ps4 that don't run at steady frames and some times dropping to single frames .

I also don't think you've paid enough attention to what people have said. I posted awhile ago and it will take some time to find it , but Giant bomb talked about all the problems they encountered with PS VR and its demos.

Once you give people the units to review and set up at home and actually play through the games in a non controlled experience you will the cracks in the foundation .

The headset itself is fine and will make a great entry point for vr on the neo. But if your going to want to use ps vr your going to want to upgrade and once people gets hands on with the neo and psvr and are able to switch between neo and ps4 they will all say the same thing.
sony did not give any condition for standard ps4 games, but they said that perfect 60fps was an obligation for PSVR titles.
As someone who had to go through Sony certification. Yes. I agree. If they say it is in certification they won't miss it.

These guys don't miss shit. Alternate languages and crap I was chewed out on accent mistakes.

Bugs sure they miss.

But stuff Sony is supposed to catch like language copyright symbols and now frame rate, I assure you, they won't miss.

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Listen , Not all games are magicly going to work on ps vr with no framerate isues because sony promised.
It's not about magically working. It's about Sony refusing to publish the game. Sony (and other companies with vetted content like Apple) have control over QA, and can, and do, enforce certain standards. Sony have said that 60 fps always is a must, and dropped frames isn't an option. Ergo their certification process won't allow games that don't hit that TRC.
Norden said:
"I know I'm going to get flagged for this," Norden said to a packed crowd of hundreds of eager faces, "but there’s no excuse for not hitting framerate. ... You cannot drop below 60 fps. Period. Ever. I can’t stress that enough.

"If you submit a game to us and you drop down to 30 or 35 or 51 we’re probably going to reject it," he added, a little more equivocally.
Obviously as WIPs, content being experienced now is showing outside that requirement, but no games on PS4VR are going to have framerate drops. Maybe, perhaps, they'll drop res because I don't think Sony have stipulated a minimum resolution requirement.

I also don't think you've paid enough attention to what people have said. I posted awhile ago and it will take some time to find it , but Giant bomb talked about all the problems they encountered with PS VR and its demos.
If it's a matter of performance, they won't get certification on PS4. To do so, to release games that don't hit a constant minimum 60 fps, would make Sony into liars and will bite them on the butt. The cannot release a VR solution that isn't capable of providing a solid experience at this point without completely losing face. Any other issues beyond resolution and framerate aren't going to be fixed by Neo, so no-one will be recommending Neo to fix such issues.
These guys don't miss shit. Alternate languages and crap I was chewed out on accent mistakes.

Bugs sure they miss.

But stuff Sony is supposed to catch like language copyright symbols and now frame rate, I assure you, they won't miss.

Does Sony compliance testers care about bugs?
They do in some cases. I know of a game that has been constantly refused PS certification due to networking bugs (which are hard to debug because there's no way of testing AFAICT). The exact quality control conditions are an enigma, as we all know of the major titles released with game killing issues.
I suppose worst case, devs create Neo only titles (if allowed) and PSVR on PS4 ends up nothing but early mini games. However, PSVR on PS4 is likely to be head-and-shoulders the largest VR market outside of mobile headsets, so it's economically implausible devs will ditch it and create high-end games without a decent market to sell to.
I'm thinking/wondering if we'll start seeing a Neo setting like how some PC games have an ultra setting where advanced rendering settings have been packaged together.
Does Sony compliance testers care about bugs?
They report bugs they find but they won't necessarily stop the product from being released if I recall correctly. I think they are also likely looking for anything that would change the rating of a game, or malicious stuff.

They will tell you performance sucks or if the game is just hard locked doesn't work.

Usually before Sony cert you will cert with your publisher who does game related things. With my scenario the publisher submitted to Sony, but they only would if they thought we had a close to final product.

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