Possible "hole" in XBox360 found

AlphaWolf said:
I wouldn't be too sure about that.

Well, I don't think a regular DVD drive would be capable of accessing DATA on a Blu Ray disk (unless your refereing to the fact that some games will be on DVDs instead of Blu Ray disks). Or your pointing out that games may be able to be ripped on the PS3 itself.

Either way, the PS3 seems more vunlerable than the 360.
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Bill said:
Microsoft is amazing..to stand up to this kind of concentrated hacker challenge.

I mean, maybe two guys in a basement will work on PS3..MS has to stand up to thousands..

I also wonder if consoles are verging more towards unhackable? At any rate it's a niche market..You wont see Dreamcast level of piracy again.
Knowing your post history, I'm guessing this isn't a joke post, but it is idiotic.

BlueTsunami said:
Either way, the PS3 seems more vunlerable than the 360.
Why? You don't think Sony aren't working round the clock on preventative measures?
Nicked said:
Why? You don't think Sony aren't working round the clock on preventative measures?

Blu-Ray, Bluetooth, A HDD, Standard CF Card Slots (and other memory forms), Linux being installable from the get go. Hackers are very resourcefull and cunning, if theres a little hole in any of those things that allows for the system to be compromised it would be exploited to no end.

I could see Sony going the route of the PSP though and having the actual Firmware of the PS3 being updated to strenghthen security measure. All in all though, the openess that Sony has expressed that the PS3 will be will make it more vulnerable than the Xbox360.

The only reason the 360 would get cracked quicker than the PS3 is because their are people in this world that truely hate Microsoft as a Company. Thats motivation right there.
BlueTsunami said:
Blu-Ray, Bluetooth, A HDD, Standard CF Card Slots (and other memory forms), Linux being installable from the get go. Hackers are very resourcefull and cunning, if theres a little hole in any of those things that allows for the system to be compromised it would be exploited to no end.

I could see Sony going the route of the PSP though and having the actual Firmware of the PS3 being updated to strenghthen security measure. All in all though, the openess that Sony has expressed that the PS3 will be will make it more vulnerable than the Xbox360.

The only reason the 360 would get cracked quicker than the PS3 is because their are people in this world that truely hate Microsoft as a Company. Thats motivation right there.

Yes hackers are very good at what they do but so are H/W manufacturers. Look at TCP and such standards that outline methods for allowing only signed code to run, this is easy to do if you have a seperate protection level for some kind of 'hypervisior' which checks every call. You may comprimise the OS but the OS passes all calls through the hypervisior to have anything done in hardware so you must bypass this too. So you end up with a para-virtualized OS.

It only requires then that this hypervisior is secure and you can stick whatever unsecure OS you want on top but every call *it* makes will be checked and checked again at a lower level that it is simply unaware of. By signing this hypervisior that is secure you can guarantee (unless someone gets the private keys) that, if you only execute signed code, this will run and ensure a safe-environment. The hypervisior can then veto that calls are coming from signed applications and using memory segmentation isolate processes entirely from each other (potentially encrypting their data too with the key held in Fritz so only accessible to the hypervisior).

As an example of where this is done in real-life is Xen where it occupys ring0 and all through para-virtualization runs a modified OS that would typically run in ring0 in ring1. This allows it to run several OSes concurrently with all resource scheduling/allocation done by it. With the dom0 concept and their 'soon to be' filtering of event requests (that you can access) it would be easy to write a anti-virus that could check every disk access/network read etc. and verify it as clean. The OS itself has no idea that this would is being done as it just considers that a request to do I/O has been made.
sony were never good at software securitys in the first place but there hardware securitys are good becuase of proparity hardware. take psp hardwarewise, hackers have no way of getting round that damn duo stic proparity hardware currently, theres probably a way but like everything else the only reason to do somthing is necesity and its not, if you wanted to hack the psp no way of getting around not buying a damn $100 1g duo stick and keeping the original firmware . but the software was hacked before its US debute.

look at the UMD Sony can show high shipping numbers of there UMDs, but ask for actual sale numbers and im guessing it wil be a diffrent story. why buy a game for a psp if the UMD storage hovers around 1 gig the size of the duo and there whole libary is on every torrent site. and why buy a movie on umd if you can just get the DVD and shrink it load it to a duo stick and you have your movie. hell Apple is actually supporting this with there new ipods. Sony is great a making propriaty hardware that eventually fails, dammit Sony just use what everyone one else is using.

like i said, i beleive it will be a harddrive with a software shell that will get around the use of a blue-ray just like ps2. with prices dropping all the time like 160g HD for 60 bucks its just about space management. i dont think the BR drive will be too much of an issue, look at xbox and there backward drives.

Xbox 360 will eventually get hacked, its built up to big of a reputation as a moddable device that hackers will see it as a badge of pride. plus is microsoft its inevitable. it will probably be a hardware hack.

sony good at hardware bad at software, microsoft the opposite. great for the consumer.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Mod Chip of Xbox360 to Be Released

The mod chip of Microsoft Xbox 360 is likely to be released within weeks.

A member of a hacker group disclosed to press that they will finish the first mod chip of Xbox360 in a couple of weeks.

"Everyone of us is endeavoring to develop a mod chip with complete functions. With the chip, gamers will access all functions of Xbox360. We think the chip will be available at market in a couple of weeks. But as the first attempt, the first batch of chips may be complex and they may not function very well."
Nicked said:
Why? You don't think Sony aren't working round the clock on preventative measures?

They sure did a bang up job with PSP, didn't they? I don't think my buddy has payed for a game since the 1.5 exploit came out. And that required no hardware modding shnanigans.