Possible "hole" in XBox360 found


Drunk Member
Not sure if I'm allowed to post the info here, is it ok?
It's behind a link, and tells what you need to do to make it work.

edit: lol, forgot the main thing - what they've found is how to play games from non-original discs (dunno how to say it better)
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Hmmm, there ought to be an easily accessible FAQ somewhere around here to answer questions like this ?

edit: nevermind

edit2: the FAQ doesn't cover this issue
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Jaws said:
Post the darn thing! If you get banned, we'll sign a petition to get you unbanned!


Hackers already ripped the DVDs to get raw images, now this? I'm interested in seeing what this hole is.
BlueTsunami said:

Hackers already ripped the DVDs to get raw images, now this? I'm interested in seeing what this hole is.

The link is there already, go read it up

Taking the unsigned demo disc, and replacing the files with files from an ripped ISO. Interesting indeed.

Has anyone else confirmed this besides the orginal poster Steve?
Wow,sounds pretty damn simple.

get a demo disc, pop it in an xbox1. FTP the demo disc to your PC. Download one of the 360 game dumps. Replace the demo game files with the downloaded game dump, and burn to disc.

That's too easy, wow. If it's true it's only a matter of time until they start packaging gamedumps in these demo containers, that's bad news for MS man, dev's won't be happy about this if it's true, far to easy.
grrr delete :(
2nd time this happened to me today, i need sleep. :/
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Yeah, the too easy part could definately hurt. I hate to bring this up, but, remember Dreamcast? The games were far too easy to backup, everybody knew about it, and you didnt even need to mod your system.

I think the psp is suffering through a similiar situtuation, this is why i beleive most newer games will use the same method as GTA:LCS + the 2.0+ firmware. But thats another story.
bit premature..... after looking into it more deeply (incl the forum at which it originated) it's only one guy claiming to have done it, and despite multiple attempts no one else has been able to replicate it.
wont work. even with a unsigned thats just the door it wil pass the frist folder but you still check the next folder. 360 hypervisor checks out every xex file. its like being underage and being let into a club becuase of a friend and finding out they card at the BAR also.
AW0L said:
wont work. even with a unsigned thats just the door it wil pass the frist folder but you still check the next folder. 360 hypervisor checks out every xex file. its like being underage and being let into a club becuase of a friend and finding out they card at the BAR also.

just too add to that and my post, if you check out any of the posts about it at the known xbox modding forums they are ripping it to pieces..

looks like a non-starter tbh
Bill said:
X360 looks really hard to hack.

They still haven't done it.

i'm winning my bet... my friend said it'd be cracked in under 3 weeks, and i said it'd take at least a month or two

unless i'm very much mistaken, it's now about 3 weeks since launch in us and still going strong.

lets see if it can hold out for another month!
Will people crack PS3 or not even try?

I dont think anybody tried to crack Gamecube really. Then people claimed it was hard to crack!

Plus you know like a thousand people are working night and day on cracking 360 just to discredit microsoft.