Possible Gran Turismo 4 rival?

bbot said:

Not in a million years. Not even gonna dive in too deep. It just doesn't compare. It looks like "a videogame". That's enough to set my opinion.

/Back to some GT4 goodies...
london-boy said:
bbot said:

Not in a million years. Not even gonna dive in too deep. It just doesn't compare. It looks like "a videogame". That's enough to set my opinion.

/Back to some GT4 goodies...

the only thing that makes it look like a videogame is the lack of DOF effect, which, btw, is available in GT only in replay mode. the new contender looks spectacular, at least to the extent one can tell from still shots.
there's more to it than just DOF when you compare it to GT4. I'd call it art-direction... othres might just call it more realistic lighting / colours. What ever it is, it does look quite videogame-ish (check the other screens too!).
Looks hardly has anything to do with it. It was GT's realistic driving experience that differentiated it, and it's that level at which games have to compare to the GT's. Certainly it looks great and has a lot of options on TOP of it, but there's not much one can say about games' ability to hit that level until you can examine the overall driving experience. (Especially with a nice wheel setup. ;) )
The Gran Turismo series doesn't look so realistic in motion because of all that pronounced shimmering and its interlaced display. Overall, its high degree of polish keeps it looking oustanding, though.

There are several games with very realistic driving and handling models. F355 is one in which performance results from the virtual car match closely with its real-life counterpart, and it was even used by pro drivers for training.
Would anyone mind mentioning what this game is? The name of the game and who is developing it?
The name is Forza Motorsport. It's a sim, unlike PGR and RSC. Someone at the teamxbox said a group at Redmond, somposed of people from other old projects, is developing the game.
I would like to add a few (not yet mentioned) arguments in favour of GT4: GT3 is and GT4 will be the console racing game reference, the series sold millions, it is a console-seller, it is high budget, the attention to details is matchless, GT4 will feature more content than any other racer before (700+ cars, lots of tracks) ... it will take a lot to rival the Gran Turismo series.
Well i from gameplay standpoint would say that Scud Race (Arcade) is Really Really good, but lacks tracks 4 :oops: .
london-boy said:
bbot said:

Not in a million years. Not even gonna dive in too deep. It just doesn't compare. It looks like "a videogame". That's enough to set my opinion.

/Back to some GT4 goodies...

Going to go back to playing with paper dolls? ;)
The game looks quite good especially the car models. They're obviously using factory CAD data. This could be THE game that comes closest to the GT series. SEGA GT was missing the graphics, tracks, and handling that the GT series was so good at, but this game may hopefully fix those flaws. If this game turns out to be really good then Xbox 2 may very well have a GT beater...




PC-Engine said:
The game looks quite good especially the car models. They're obviously using factory CAD data. This could be THE game that comes closest to the GT series. SEGA GT was missing the graphics, tracks, and handling that the GT series was so good at, but this game may hopefully fix those flaws. If this game turns out to be really good then Xbox 2 may very well have a GT beater...

That's what everybody said (at least here in europe) about Apex (Racing Evoluzione, oh italian in the name, how original. :D ).
The PR said that it was a GT killer...
Until the game was finished then they said it was "more arcade then simulation", indeed it was...
And it was far from being excellent arcade racer, IMHO.

Capcom also tried to deliver on a GT killer on Xbox: Group S Challenge.
And it was also nothing interresting.
Sure but let's wait and see ;)

I don't think it'll be another arcade racer though just from the fact that there are too many of them already. Xbox needs a simulation racer eventually not to mention Xbox 2. 8)