PIICRON goes up against Sony, Nintedno & Microsoft

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Greetings fellow Beyonders!
I have always enjoyed lurking around here although I have never participated.
This is my first post, but I think you will find it "rather" interesting.

Today is the day PIICRON gets known to the world. A company going right up against Sony, Nintendo & Microsoft in the gaming realm. Our strengths? Endless. But to cite a few we have full backwards compability, with all consoles, ever released. Our consoles can always be connected, with hardware & software truly bringing a needed revolution into the gaming market.

I will not go on & on, but what I will do is to leave my calling card - www.piicron.com


Best regards,
Theodor Pramer
I approve this post for now, but wouldn't be surprised if another mod is less lenient. What you have here is vapourware. You've listed a 'perfect' system that you claims it does everything, but it clearly won't. A 3.2 GHz quad-core x86 isn't going to play PS3 games. Hell, even if the hardware was up to it, which it isn't (how the hell do you emulate 7 3.2 GHz SPUs on 4 3.2 GHz x86 cores?!), you can't run the PS3 software without infringing Sony's licenses. Claiming to be compatible with every console ever made is just plain laughable.

If you are for real, it's only as a cheap investment pirate like Gizmondo, wanting investors to pay for your empty promises and high lifestyle. If that's not you, this is a badly timed April-Fools joke.

Edit : In fact, scrub that. I'll lock it. The link to direct payments in your "invest" page shows you're a scummy scammer. Here's hoping no-one dumb enough to just send money over, and you lose what paltry amount of investment you did. Please don't come back.
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