PGR4: New Snow on the Ring trailer

i really enjoyed demo of this game. the controls were very appealing as a casual racer with adequate combination of simulation + arcade, graphics were beautiful, framerates were never a nuisance, but hopefully BC brings us more cars for this sequel.
PGR 4 Environment... incredible

The cars look very weak to me personally and I hope they receive a serious upgrade because they seem out of sync with the environment... but the environment...... especially on that first bumpercam is IN -FUGGIN - CREDIBLE. From the road to the atmospherics to the effect of physics on the camera... YES!!!!!! finally!

From Team Xbox:

Ben Ward: There are 10 different types of weather:

Clear: A normal, sunny day. Your cornering will be sharp, assuming you have the skills.

Overcast: There will be lots of cloud cover, but no change to your vehicle dynamics.

Light Rain: A little drizzle, but nothing to change your driving style too much. The track surface will be slightly slippery, and you’ll find that too much gas will lead to your backend sliding around more than usual.

Heavy Rain: Lots and lots of the wet stuff. Your visibility will be reduced, and you’ll be peering between frantic windscreen wipers when using in-car view. Deep puddles form around the track, and should be avoided at all costs.

Wet: The aftermath of a heavy rainfall. Clouds are still brooding in the sky. The track is wet, but the puddles are dissipating and everything is slowly drying up.

Storm: Danger time. Rain, clouds, thunder, lightning. The sky is black, and your chase camera will be obscured by heavy rainfall. Keeping your car on the track will be difficult… but racking up the sliding Kudos won’t be!

Light fog: A slight haze rests over the city, giving a slight reduction in visibility. It does not affect vehicle dynamics, but stay on your toes and don’t let any corners creep up on you.

Heavy fog: A huge cloud descends over the track. Visibility is severely reduced, and finding your way is difficult. On some tracks you can drive uphill and rise above the fog, so use this opportunity to scout out the route below.

Icy: A really, really cold day. Puddles are starting to freeze over, so watch out for them. You’d be silly to go out without wearing a bobble hat.

Snow: The track is icy and slippery, snow is falling from the sky, and all the puddles have completely frozen over. You’ll need to drive slower and avoid the icy patches; even if it means straying from the racing line.
You sims types are all the same. Can you just let us arcade guys enjoy our kudos as we go sliding around on the ice :p hehehe

Well, the one thing that would push me into byuing it is if they do a really strong career mode, not the random 3 race crap that they had in PGR3.
motion blur quality is amazing in this video, I wonder if it's completely realtime or not.
Cars shading is still not very good imho, it's always their weaker point..
Do you thiunk they would mark it as "Work in Progress" if it wasn't real-time?

It looks fantastic, but frankly I expected more from this weather stuff - you know, tires at least could affect snow in some way - after Motorstorm I want to see more of this. :)
Do you thiunk they would mark it as "Work in Progress" if it wasn't real-time?
Why not? It wouldn't be the first time that a dev house does that.
If the motion blur is fully realtime then kudos to them.
I registered at Bizarre's forum and asked if the trailers are indeed real-time. Let'swait and seewhat their response is...
the cars do look a bit off in that trailer.... the blue colour seems to look especially bad.

Given that the cars (imo) looked substantially better than that in pgr3 however, I'm not particularly concerned for the final product. The environments and especially the weather effects look awesome - they'll really add to the immersion factor when racing on the interior view I think....
OK, Bizarre confirmed it is real-time. Now I can't wait to see next-teaser. I wish it showed a new location and storm.:smile:
Yeah they absolutely nailed the motion blur. Looks quite simply fantastic..

Except the cars that is :p