Pgr 4



Discussing how Bizarre’s increase understanding of the Xbox 360 hardware would mean any future Gotham game would be a real step up, William said, “I think we’ll be able to push the graphics a lot harder. When we were working on Gotham 3 we kept finding ways to do things better once they’d already been done, but the producer was telling us that we couldn’t re-write the whole code two weeks before launch!â€￾

Talking to the Official Xbox Magazine Ben Ward and Gareth Wilson from Bizarre Creations hinted at how they thought PGR 4 could look much better now that they are more familiar with the 360 hardware.

Though they wouldn’t officially confirm that Project Gotham Racing 4 was in development, Gareth Wilson noted, “We’d be daft not to do another one though, wouldn’t we?â€

Ben Ward then added “There’s a whole bunch of stuff that didn’t go into Gotham 3, just like there’s loads of stuff that doesn’t make it into every game. So there’s loads of things we’d like to get in. We’ve already done some experiments and things are looking good…â€

Gareth Wilson believed they would also be able make the graphics in PGR4 look even better and a lot faster. “I think we’ll be able to push the graphics a lot harder. When we were working on Gotham 3 we kept finding ways to do things better once they’d already been done, but the producer was telling us that we couldn’t re-write the whole code two weeks before launch! But we can make it go a lot faster, and we can get more smoke in there. I always want more smoke.â€
!eVo!-X Ant UK said:
I hope they enable AF this time
Ya that's really my #1 concern as well...what the hell will I do if those ground textures don't blend properly as I zoom over them at 185mph.
Well you probably wouldn't complain at all as long as you fail to understand that a little AF could; make those blurry ass lines running down the roads looks a whole lot sharper, keep the guardrails from shimmering like mad, sharpen the textruring of objects in the distance, and generally improve the look of the game, all with a very minimal performace cost.
kyleb said:
Well you probably wouldn't complain at all as long as you fail to understand that a little AF could; make those blurry ass lines running down the roads looks a whole lot sharper, keep the guardrails from shimmering like mad, sharpen the textruring of objects in the distance, and generally improve the look of the game, all with a very minimal performace cost.

I agree, PGR3 had way, way too much shimmering. They had better make it 60fps this time too. No racer that tries to look real should be at 30fps. I prefer bluring that my own vision does for me thanks.
I agree, PGR3 had way, way too much shimmering. They had better make it 60fps this time too. No racer that tries to look real should be at 30fps. I prefer bluring that my own vision does for me thanks.

Do any Sony games run <60 fps? It seems to be only a MS problem on forums.

Of course other than GT4, which struggled to maintain 30. And GT3 LOL. And well, every PS2 racer I can recall. That's why I switched to Xbox, so many more 60 FPS games.

Anyways it's good to hear they can stress X360 hardware more.
kyleb said:
Well you probably wouldn't complain at all as long as you fail to understand that a little AF could; make those blurry ass lines running down the roads looks a whole lot sharper, keep the guardrails from shimmering like mad, sharpen the textruring of objects in the distance, and generally improve the look of the game, all with a very minimal performace cost.

AF removes shimmering? I though that was caused by the 2xAA...
Lysander said:
I dislike sharp aniso filter, what is so real in watching every detal of bump map from 100 meters, eyes dont work that way

I'm pretty sure thats exactly what AF fixes. Without any sort of filtering you'll get textures which are "perfect" no matter the distance causing ugly shimmering upon movement (commonly seen on the PS2)... AF properly "blurs" the textures for their respective perspectives according to their position and angle from the viewer.

Honestly, I'd rather have ~8x AF than AA in next gen games. I can handle 720p (or the likely rare case of 1080) without AA, but lack of AF hurts (I suppose bi/trilinear is better than nothing though!).
Xbot360 said:
Do any Sony games run <60 fps? It seems to be only a MS problem on forums.

Of course other than GT4, which struggled to maintain 30. And GT3 LOL. And well, every PS2 racer I can recall. That's why I switched to Xbox, so many more 60 FPS games.
Actually, PS2 has many more 60 fps games than xbox. GT4 is a locked 60 fps, the developers were actually so anal about it that they dropped online play because they couldn't get the network code smooth enough. Something of interest is that Japanese game developers usually are more willing to sacrifice detail for the 60 fps.

By the by, Forza only runs at 30 fps and the reflections only update at 15 fps......

.........yeah, huh?
scooby_dooby said:
AF removes shimmering? I though that was caused by the 2xAA...
You might want to try playing some PC games where you can enable and disable things like AF and AA so as to understand how such features do effect the visuals instead of coming up with theories that have no basis in reality to argue agaisnt people who do know what they are talking about.
Xbot360 said:
Do any Sony games run <60 fps? It seems to be only a MS problem on forums.

Of course other than GT4, which struggled to maintain 30. And GT3 LOL. And well, every PS2 racer I can recall. That's why I switched to Xbox, so many more 60 FPS games.

Anyways it's good to hear they can stress X360 hardware more.

What in the world are you talking about. You're making Xbox fans look bad.