GameInformer's Peter Dille interview ...

Oh yea baby! A wireless bluetooth vibrator.
That would be so much better than a rumble that's built in a controller.
In racing games, you could put it (under!) your butt, under the sofa cushion and it would feel so much more like driveing than if it were rumbling in your hands.
In shooters you could attach it in your chest, and feel the impact when you're being shot, or even place multiple vibrators around your body so the the impact would be felt where your game character is being hit.
In rhythm games, you'd attach it on your neck, so that it makes your head nod in time of music :)
The possibilities are unlimited. I dare even not think about "Home" and if the vibrator could be made to vibrate remotely over network :oops:

Didn't SCE just patent some type of deformable, shape changing, material for controllers? If they use that for Arwin's Bluetooth vibrator add on the possibilities are truly limitless!
In the meantime though, man I can't wait for a PS3 Loco Roco with motion control!
Might not happen.

Let's talk theoretically then... Would you be interested in making use of the motion sensing features of the Sixaxis controller, in making a LocoRoco game that works with that?
I actually tried that, and learned that it's quite tiring physically to do this [mimes twisting a Sixaxis left and right] all the time. So I'm brainstorming how to use that feature in a different way, I'm still thinking about it.
From Kotaku about Rumble ;
...According to the rumors section in the latest issue of PSM, the answer might be yes. The magazine even gets into specifics, saying that the Sixaxis rumble controller will be announced at E3 this year with a projected release date of November 13th...
3rd parties make money from consoles selling, Sony lose money.)

Why do you think 3rd parties wouldn't want to sell consoles?

There is a difference between wanting consoles to sell to increase your profit potential and actually trying to push the sales of a console. I doubt any third party pubs or devs use a strategized release schedule to pump up sales of any consoles. They strategize their release schedule based on maximizing the sales of the software itself.

Surely as there seems to be a lack of games being released at the moment NOW is the time to release any games being held back, or they could wait until they're up against a load of AAA titles, but that would be silly.(IMO)

Or release later in the summer (a traditionally slow time for game releases and sales) and take advantage of the additional sales of the PS3 (which aren't all that great) versus wait till Q3 or Q4 which right now is already bursting at the seams with games with great potential.