Personal announcement, my son graduated high school.

Congrats to all! I am starting a new job on Monday myself, after 8.5 years in my previous job. Back to full-time programming, which I'm very excited about. Hope I can keep up with the youngsters ... :) (no, not games programming for now ... )
Congratulations! What kind of software will you work on?
I'll be a .NET specialist, basically. Which is what I've mostly done since .NET 2.0 launched, so it seems fitting. ;) Could be anything from there, I'll be a hired gun ...
That's alright, believe it or not AIStrong made the same mistake! XD

I should mention, I shaved recently and it tends to make me look a lot less like and old crazy man (BOOOO! I earned the right to look old and crazy, why not take advantage of it?!?), and my son is going through his sneering teen stage. ("It takes longer to grow an oak than a willow.")

My son actually is pretty happy about it, now we're gonna finish up getting him his driver's license and then we'll take it from there. :)