PCI Express SLI by Alienware!


So what do you all think?

Video Array is an accelerated graphics processing subsystem that will allow users to add multiple, off-the-shelf video cards to their Alienware computer systems and have both cards process graphic commands in parallel. Understanding the wide-ranging wants and needs of its customers, Alienware designed its solution so that it is not tied to any one specific video card. This design will allow users to take full advantage of the fastest video card on the market for a significant performance increase.

"Alienware’s exclusive Video Array combined with X2, an Alienware designed motherboard which is currently based on Intel Corporation’s next-generation chipset and will include dual PCI-Express high performance graphics card slots, will deliver significant performance gains over current graphic solutions. The new Video Array Technology and X2 motherboard will enable users to run graphics intensive applications flawlessly at maximized settings, render 3D visuals in record time, and much more."
John Reynolds said:
Wonder which graphics cards they're using? I can't imagine they'll use dual 6800Us, not with their power requirements.

or space requirements for that matter
foru seperate atx cables, 4 slots
up to 240w for graphics alone

any ideas on what efficieny would be on a dual PCI Ex solutions compared to older SLI variations?
Alienware designed its solution so that it is not tied to any one specific video card.
Sounds like the've created some sort of pseudo-driver that sits between windows and the regular driver and alternates which device gets the current commands.
Then there would have to be extra hardware to flip which card supplies the input to the monitor.
I'd be guessing that it would work better on DVI connectors rather than analogue ones.

And I wouldn't put it past a custom shop like that to inlcude a power supply/cooling system alble to handle dual 68Ks.

I'd be wondering about that driver though... Easy to lose lots of efficiency and introduce bugs.
Anyone have links to more info?
John Reynolds said:
Wonder which graphics cards they're using? I can't imagine they'll use dual 6800Us, not with their power requirements.

Alienware has a nice 650+ watt psu you can get with their systems. I expect that it may be mandatory for one of these.

<edit> Interestingly in their current systems a X800 pro is a 6$ upgrade from a 5950, 6800U is $241 upgrade.
AlphaWolf said:
Alienware has a nice 620+ watt psu you can get with their systems. I expect that it may be mandatory for one of these.

Ohh, didn't know that. I haven't looked at boutique rigs in years.

I'm just wondering what in the hell you'd need two next gen "the video card is no longer the bottleneck" powered graphic cards for right now. :|
digitalwanderer said:
I'm just wondering what in the hell you'd need two next gen "the video card is no longer the bottleneck" powered graphic cards for right now. :|

Well I guess AA would really be 'free'
digitalwanderer said:
I'm just wondering what in the hell you'd need two next gen "the video card is no longer the bottleneck" powered graphic cards for right now. :|

free AA/AF
besides with HL2 and Doom 3 we'll need more graphics power
hell even with Far Cry there are some moments where I feel that my 6800UE could do better ;)
Ante P said:
hell even with Far Cry there are some moments where I feel that my 6800UE could do better ;)
Just upgrade to an 800XT then, silly. :)

Regarding Alienware's announcement, very interesting, although AW's prices are already in the stratosphere so I can't imagine what this will cost.

Still, it's particularly interesting to note that at least _one_ manufacturer will have dual PCi-E 16X slot motherboards available.
Homelan Fed has an interview which should answer some questions about it.

quick points.

1) its an alienware mb based on intel chipset
2) its dual cpu
3) requires an alienware software layer, not custom video drivers.

Not to be a doubter, but way back when, there was talk of AlienWare doing the same thing using GeForce-256s* and the like. Guess what happened? NOTHING. NADA. ZILCH. VAPORWARE. They showed it off and demoed it to sites like FiringSquad / Sharky's Extreme. The alleged way it worked was by splitting the screen in half, with one card rendering the top half and the other card rendering the bottom half.

I'll believe it when I see it.

EDIT: * This was even earlier than I remembered as it involved the TNT2 and Voodoo3.