[PC] Tomb Raider 2013

The wolf part seemed a bit messed up to me, took me 10 attempts to get through it while pressing the correct keybind. The first one is the hardest to get right.
my core i3 is struggling to run this game with level of detail on ultra, it can go easily lower than 30 in some parts (and it's clearly the CPU, lower GPU usage, higher CPU usage = lower framerate), I noticed that HT increases the performance around 15-20% on this CPU limited areas, I'm sure some i5 (or AMD CPU) would do a lot better , if I lower to high things improve considerably, and if I go lower than that it's really smooth (like going from 27 to 50 on the same area, from ultra to normal)

I also died multiple times with the press E or F circles thing.
non patched and v.1.0.718.4 comparison.

I have read comments and noticed how the patch does better for some and worst for others and decided to share this video with you as my feedback. It's non patched and v.1.0.718.4 comparison.

Be sure to read the description as it tells you what settings I'm running it on and of course my PC spec.

cant they make TressFX slider setting?

i prefer the new hair less floaty, but i like the old hair "spead" strand.
lucky my HDTV doesnot support 1080p 3D.
with running on 1280x720 60Hz, Tress and Tess and 3D works nice most of the time on my slow radeon 7770.

too bad when the camera come really close to lara head, the fps crawls like pc gonna explode or something :/

they need to limit the MAX Tress on closeup.
Ran some benchmarks today with the new patch, still about the same as before. I can run Tress + SSAA now, which I couldn't do before, but performance just isn't there, down in the 20s with both on. Up in the 50s without Tress and using FXAA. That's also using the new "Ultra" shadows, and with tessellation turned off until NVidia gets their drivers out.

Anyone try the new beta drivers yet? Stable, big improvement, anything?
Nvidia beta ? for what i have seen yes.. it work better, higher framerate and you can use TressFX + tesselation now. ( i have see some still got crashes, but like allways, have they crash because their system is not stable, or because the game and driver .. thats another question )
Since I updated to new Nvidia beta drivers, performance was increased, and the game seems more stable than before. I used to get hard crashes and now it doesn't crash at all.
combat depends on your approach at least for the beg and mid of the game platforming is visually stimulating especially the suspended ships section and the final chapter however not on par with the latest prince of persia titles puzzles tombs optianal and mandatory ones are fun but a short game none the less

This first post contains a lot fewer punctuation marks than I would have liked ...

If I see another cutscene of something collapsing under lara I'm gonna kill someone

I think actually that's the effect they were going for, considering how much killing you're going to have done by the end of this game ...
If I see another cutscene of something collapsing under lara I'm gonna kill someone

Yeah, it is pretty ridiculous. In my opinion all those set piece scenarios clashed even more with the narrative than the mass slaughter did. If your goal is to create a believable human character, you probably shouldn't constantly throw him or her into the kind of situations no human being could possibly survive and from which even Nathan Drake might walk away.

I think I have never played a game before where the narrative was so far removed from the gameplay.