[PC] Grand Theft Auto IV

Again, I'm just hoping for at least 360 quality visuals with better framerate.

That should be fairly easy to maintain since the console version is about low-medium mix of equivalent settings. The thing is that the game even at max settings isnt good-looking enough to be "future proof". Crysis was future proof but could be maxed out fine at launchday. And that game is from the future!

Well, that only works if the experience is 'future-proof'. Is GTA amazingly good-looking even at highest? Draw distance is nice, extra shadows are okay, but we're sorta looking at the PC port in comparison to the console versions, which had serious problems to begin with!

The GTA games have never been about being amazingly good-looking. If Rockstar were going for that they would target much simpler environments to simulate than a complex city, such as tropical islands broken up into separate levels for instance. Furthermore, if they thought optimizing a game was about making it run smooth on current hardware at max settings, they could have easily lowered pop-in distances of those max settings, like Crytek did with Warhead.

Shouldn't we be comparing PC games to PC games?
Surely we should be comparing multiplatform games to multiplatform games here, as that is what GTA4 is.

That should be fairly easy to maintain since the console version is about low-medium mix of equivalent settings.
That is what I'm expecting, likely a good bit better than the console quality like I can with other multiplatform games.

The thing is that the game even at max settings isnt good-looking enough to be "future proof". Crysis was future proof but could be maxed out fine at launchday. And that game is from the future!

Sure, because framerates like this are so wonderful that you can turn the graphics options up past what is used there, even with the lesser hardware we had back when Crysis first came out, and lesser optimized drivers and engine, and still get framerates that are just fine.
Its nice to see another game giving us these higher options so that it will scale to future hardware.

I see peoples point in that even at max it looks nothing like Crysis, but to be honest, as long as it performs as expected vs the console versions when you use the same quality settings, i'm happy. Any additional quality settings, even if implemented with poor optimisation are a bonus IMO.

The 360 pulled of what? 720p with 2x MSAA and an average framerate of about 25fps?

Ok, so if my GTS640 can pull off the same quality settings at 1680x1050 with no AA (since its nor supported??) and an average of 35fps, I'll be reasonably happy.

Rockstar should definatly have named the settings a little better though, as suggested earlier in the thread. It would have avoided a lot of the fall out (which for the record, is killing PC gaming).

On the other hand the in game performance analysis and the read me detailing the console settings is excellent and very welcome. Kudos to Rockstar for that!
The GTA games have never been about being amazingly good-looking. If Rockstar were going for that they would target much simpler environments to simulate than a complex city, such as tropical islands broken up into separate levels for instance.

So because San Andreas looked terrible and performed terribly (though still playable at max on modern machines of the time) it's okay that GTA4 doesn't look so good? No. This is a double-standard that we've usually used for Rockstar because the other GTA games were so fun but it was BS back then too, and I'd expect B3D of all places to call them on it.

And you're missing the point to begin with; there's nothing in the game that really warrants having a 2012 computer to play the game on highest.

Furthermore, if they thought optimizing a game was about making it run smooth on current hardware at max settings, they could have easily lowered pop-in distances of those max settings, like Crytek did with Warhead.

Actually, I would assume that optimizing means that on the best machine money can buy you can crank up the settings and see something spectacular. It doesn't have to be as good-looking as Crysis, necessarily, but it has to look spectacular. Is GTA4's 'medium' this?

Surely we should be comparing multiplatform games to multiplatform games here, as that is what GTA4 is.

I disagree strongly with this. Why do multiplatform games get a special dispensation? They come out on PC, they're still PC games. Not to mention that other publishers release games with requirements that reflect what you're getting, if the game isn't as beautiful it could be. Why behave like PC is the gaming ghetto, where you're happy with whatever scraps are tossed your way?
I disagree strongly with this. Why do multiplatform games get a special dispensation? They come out on PC, they're still PC games. Not to mention that other publishers release games with requirements that reflect what you're getting. Why behave like PC is the gaming ghetto, where you're happy with whatever scraps are tossed your way?

I can see the reasoning behind your argument. However I think we need to take a step back and look at whats actually being delivered.

GTA4 isn't a bad looking game on consoles. Rockstar could simply have provided us with a direct port that allows us to crank up the resolution and maybe the texture res up to the limits of a 512MB card.

It would have ran great on maximum settings and looked pretty decent. No-one would have complained and we would have all been reasonably happy.

However they chose to give us the option to crank up the settings well beyond this. Does the performance impact equal the visual improvement? No. But would it have been better not to have this option at all (which was a very realy option)? Absolutely not.

Unless the game when at console settings actually performs much worse than the console version, i don't see the higher settings not performing so well as a big deal. hell, what settings are people using to get these framerates anyway? The draw distance for example scales all the way up to 100 while the consoles top out at 21! Thats one hell of a big difference!

The problem with all this complaining is that phrases like "This is why I use consoles for gaming" and "This is why i can't be bothered with the hassle of PC gaming" keep cropping up in relation to it.

People who lack the knowledge to understand the situation are seeing all the complaints from PC gamers and assuming that the console version much be better. Afterall, they have no performance issues, right? Whats not coming out of all this discussion is that if you have a decent PC, this game WILL look and run better than the console versions. the fact that you can't turn the settings up to maximum is purely incidental from that point of view.
I can see the reasoning behind your argument. However I think we need to take a step back and look at whats actually being delivered.

GTA4 isn't a bad looking game on consoles. Rockstar could simply have provided us with a direct port that allows us to crank up the resolution and maybe the texture res up to the limits of a 512MB card.

It would have ran great on maximum settings and looked pretty decent. No-one would have complained and we would have all been reasonably happy.

However they chose to give us the option to crank up the settings well beyond this. Does the performance impact equal the visual improvement? No. But would it have been better not to have this option at all (which was a very realy option)? Absolutely not.

Unless the game when at console settings actually performs much worse than the console version, i don't see the higher settings not performing so well as a big deal. hell, what settings are people using to get these framerates anyway? The draw distance for example scales all the way up to 100 while the consoles top out at 21! Thats one hell of a big difference!

The problem with all this complaining is that phrases like "This is why I use consoles for gaming" and "This is why i can't be bothered with the hassle of PC gaming" keep cropping up in relation to it.

People who lack the knowledge to understand the situation are seeing all the complaints from PC gamers and assuming that the console version much be better. Afterall, they have no performance issues, right? Whats not coming out of all this discussion is that if you have a decent PC, this game WILL look and run better than the console versions. the fact that you can't turn the settings up to maximum is purely incidental from that point of view.

The quote you responded to was because kyleb had said that multiplat games should be compared to multiplat games. I think that's pure nonsense. Comparing to consoles and going 'hey, at least it's better than the console version' isn't helpful because the 6-month-late, fairly high-end PC version being better than the console version is the very bare minimum to expect. Again, why this 'hey, at least we got something' mentality?

Just to be clear, I'm not protesting that the game can't be pushed up to highest. I'm protesting that 'medium', the setting the game is meant to played at -- in fact, the setting that pushes modern machines to their limit -- isn't that great. The fact that at 'highest' it doesn't look so hot either is problematic as well, though, yeah, some settings are not meant to be pushed all the way up, like traffic density.
Uh, for efficiency, what else would you expect? Or you thinking optimization is just a matter of culling down graphics options to make the highest settings run smooth on today's hardware?

I was thinking that optimisation must happen on something that exists, not something that might happen along the way, since you can't be sure how that something will work...
Except, if they say, that in a year the new gpus will have more ram, and their clock speeds will be faster. But I don't think that that is optimisation. Also, comparing the console hardware and their limitations with the latest hardware available on pc, makes me think, that the game is not optimised at all...
Of course I'm no expert, just stating an uneducated guess...
So because San Andreas looked terrible and performed terribly (though still playable at max on modern machines of the time) it's okay that GTA4 doesn't look so good? No. This is a double-standard that we've usually used for Rockstar because the other GTA games were so fun but it was BS back then too, and I'd expect B3D of all places to call them on it.?
At least some of us here at B3D undestand that when simulating one large complex cityscape full of unique detail, you can't rightly manage the same level of image fidelity as one can with a notably smaller and simpler environment.
And you're missing the point to begin with; there's nothing in the game that really warrants having a 2012 computer to play the game on highest.
Seems more like you are reaching for a point here, I doubt it will take more than a year before we see hardware that will run the game nicely with all the options cranked. Regardless, my point is I'll be glad to have those options there when I do upgrade to such hardware as the game won't look as dated then as it would if Rockstar had limited had just axed the higher settings and renamed medium to high so no one could whine about the highest options being too much for current hardware.
Actually, I would assume that optimizing means that on the best machine money can buy you can crank up the settings and see something spectacular. It doesn't have to be as good-looking as Crysis, necessarily, but it has to look spectacular. Is GTA4's 'medium' this?
Visually? The shear number buildings, vehicles, characters and such all interacting within a single environment is rather spectacular even at the console quality settings. In those regards it far tops Crysis' couple dozen vegetation modules, with little more handful of unique buildings enemies, and a few different types of vehicles and such in each map. Beyond the visuals, the soundtrack notably more impressive than those of the Crysis games, as are various other aspects of the game.
I disagree strongly with this. Why do multiplatform games get a special dispensation? They come out on PC, they're still PC games. Not to mention that other publishers release games with requirements that reflect what you're getting, if the game isn't as beautiful it could be. Why behave like PC is the gaming ghetto, where you're happy with whatever scraps are tossed your way?
Multiplatform games have to be designed around the limitations of the lowest common denominator. Such games can't rightly be built around the strengths of the PC, but rather can only make use of them for superficial enhancements. With that in mind, I'm happy to get to play the game with better framerate and better visuals than I can get from my consoles. There is no getto in that.
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I was thinking that optimisation must happen on something that exists, not something that might happen along the way, since you can't be sure how that something will work...
Except, if they say, that in a year the new gpus will have more ram, and their clock speeds will be faster. But I don't think that that is optimisation. Also, comparing the console hardware and their limitations with the latest hardware available on pc, makes me think, that the game is not optimised at all...
Of course I'm no expert, just stating an uneducated guess...

There sure can be a large perfomance increase with more optimisation. i mean 1.5GB of VRAM is way over the top vs IQ , objects onscreen, LOD levels and texture detail.
At least some of us here at B3D undestand that when simulating one large complex cityscape full of unique detail, you can't rightly manage the same level of image fidelity as one can with a notably smaller and simpler environment.

Oh, I understand. Call me when that game comes out, though. Particularly the 'full of unique detail'. If I'm in Bohan (Bronx), on street level, you're telling me that what's happening in Alderney (New Jersey) should impact the game's performance? GTA games are not simulations. Do you actually believe that scenes that are off-camera and more than a few blocks away are even being considered for gameplay purposes?

We're not talking about bad performance when taking a helicopter and then regarding the entirety of the city. We're talking about some pretty constrained scenes.

And, since you don't want to understand, I'm not saying GTA4 should match Crysis graphically, but why is it that it's unreasonable to expect that they look close if they have similar requirements?

Seems more like you are reaching for a point here, I doubt it will take more than a year before we see hardware that will run the game nicely with all the options cranked. Regardless, my point is I'll be glad to have those options there when I do upgrade to such hardware as the game won't look as dated then as it would if Rockstar had limited had just axed the higher settings and renamed medium to high so no one could whine about the highest options being too much for current hardware.

Who's saying they should have limited the options? You guys keep repeating that, but no one's saying that. What I'm saying is two things, and really they're just one thing if you think about it:
1) At medium, which according to Rockstar is where state-of-the-art machines should be, the game doesn't look that great. Better than the console version, but that's setting the bar awfully low.
2) At highest the game still doesn't look so great. It doesn't look like a late 2008 PC game... how do you expect it'll look like a 2009 or 2010 game, when the hardware is out?

Visually? The shear number buildings, vehicles, characters and such all interacting within a single environment is rather spectacular even at the console quality settings. In those regards it far tops Crysis' couple dozen vegetation modules, with little more handful of unique buildings enemies, and a few different types of vehicles and such in each map. Beyond the visuals, the soundtrack notably more impressive than those of the Crysis games, as are various other aspects of the game.

Soundtrack? Soundtrack is assets, it's art. Are they using advanced tech for sound, or are you trying to deflect the argument? And again, seriously, do you think that anything in GTA4 exists when you can't see it? Do you think there's real persistence in the game? The following statement is very important: in terms of interactivity and persistence GTA4 is not really far ahead of San Andreas. The city is far more realized, certainly, but again, this is art, not tech.

Multiplatform games have to be designed around the limitations of the lowest common denominator. Such games can't rightly be built around the strengths of the PC, but rather can only make use of them for superficial enhancements. With that in mind, I'm happy to get to play the game with better framerate and better visuals than I can get from my consoles. There is no getto in that.

You don't even understand what I'm saying. DMC4 came out for PC, its requirements were astoundingly low even when running at ridiculous settings... because, well, consoles ain't so powerful compared to modern PCs. That's should be benchmark for console ports.
You have to wonder how bad the game would've been if Microsoft and Sony didn't send people to help Rockstar with the console versions.
Like this probable :LOL:


And yes this is gta4, made by someone with a 3850.
Like this probable :LOL:


And yes this is gta4, made by someone with a 3850.

You can't see any of the detail on that screen as its too small but I guarantee that unless this is this worst port ever made, a 3850 will be able to make the game look much better than either console version at the same framerate.
Time to get some context into this. The 360 runs the game with the following settings:

Resolution: 1280x720
MSAA: 2x
Texture Quality: Medium or less
Render Quality: < Medium
View Distance: 21 (out of 100)
Detail Distance: 10 (out of 100)
Vehicle Density: Unknown
Shadow Density: 0
Framerate: ~30fps average (according to Grandmasters analysis)

Here are a few PC benchmarks for comparison:


On a C2D + 4850:

Average FPS: 33.06
Duration: 37.21 sec
CPU Usage: 88%
System memory usage: 88%
Video memory usage: 69%

Graphics Settings
Video Mode: 1280 x 1024 (60 Hz)
Texture Quality: Medium (wont go higher)
Render Quality: Highest
View Distance: 40
Detail Distance: 100

I wonder if the render quality setting adds MSAA? It certainly adds AF according to the readme.
Installed the game.

Game box looks nice, slightly heavy with game manual some brochure and a big map with highlight points. 2 disc and a whooping 13-14GB install. painfully to wait 15-20 min for install, update GFW, install R* Social Club software, write in the activation code... launch the game... finally.

Perfomance wise I can crank up this beyond console version levels, even low settings shows more graphical detail. Textures gets a large improvment on high setting. More obejcts, car better LODs etc. Some slight stuttering here and there (E8400/4870). Would say 25-35fps at medium-v.high settings. Some ulgy pocket dips to 20'ish fps with ehavy action and high-very high settings.

Now even at high settings it kinda looks dull. AA is badly needed as the jaggies are very visible. You can press the keyboard key P to enable the console blur filter which FFS looks like a broken CRT being out of focus (eye strain warning).

Otherwsie sound, gameplay, animations is same as other versions.

with this kind of visuals, LOD levels and amount of objects and type of effects it should run far better. If you been playing Crysis med-high/Stalker/Fallout3/FC2 this game will pop out as ugly in comparision. I know the scope of the world is big in GTAIV but FFS Crysis med-high renders far more detailed objects with better LOD.

I like the animations, varied and nicely done with Euphoria but dont expect Crysis type animation smoothness (minus body stiffness irk in Crysis).

Need to tweak this one, the "face" needs to be reconstructed and the vaseline coat (blur filter) buried in an abyss. Bring in AA support R* becouse my eyes and face is bleeding from the razor sharp jaggies.
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You can't see any of the detail on that screen as its too small but I guarantee that unless this is this worst port ever made, a 3850 will be able to make the game look much better than either console version at the same framerate.

Yes it will but its still one horrible port. I can adapt to different graphic standards and play for fun but this one is one ugly bastard.
You can't see any of the detail on that screen as its too small but I guarantee that unless this is this worst port ever made, a 3850 will be able to make the game look much better than either console version at the same framerate.

Weird, when I posted the image was clickable for a large version.
Weird, when I posted the image was clickable for a large version.

I used the source link to see the bigger version.

There's no way on Earth thats the best a 3850 can achieve. In fact I would say someone actually been playing with that picture to make it look as bad as possible.

The resolution for a start looks like its at best 960x600 which has been doubled in size to fit a 1920x1200 screen.

And all the other settings appear to be as low as they can go. This is probably running at 100+ fps on a 3850.
I used the source link to see the bigger version.

There's no way on Earth thats the best a 3850 can achieve. In fact I would say someone actually been playing with that picture to make it look as bad as possible.

The resolution for a start looks like its at best 960x600 which has been doubled in size to fit a 1920x1200 screen.

And all the other settings appear to be as low as they can go. This is probably running at 100+ fps on a 3850.

Yes that is all low and possibly the CCC or NV CP having pefomance settings enabled to blur it even more. Give me some minutes and I'll put some different screenshots.

-safemode = all low