[PC] Grand Theft Auto IV

I'll definatly still be picking GTA4 up because SA was probably the best game i've ever played.

I wouldn't get my hopes up to much, GTA4 is basically just the a story line and a thin shell around it. Only reason why it got so good review scores is because R* shipped the game to the reviewers 2 days before release date, so no reviewer managed to play the entire game and notice all the things that are lacking before they had to review the game.
I wouldn't get my hopes up to much, GTA4 is basically just the a story line and a thin shell around it. Only reason why it got so good review scores is because R* shipped the game to the reviewers 2 days before release date, so no reviewer managed to play the entire game and notice all the things that are lacking before they had to review the game.
It's still enjoyable though to a degree, it just doesn't live up to it's predecessors (all 3 GTA 3 games are better in my opinion)
It's still enjoyable though to a degree, it just doesn't live up to it's predecessors (all 3 GTA 3 games are better in my opinion)

I think it depends on how interested you are in multiplayer content. To me, the multiplayer makes it outshine the others.
You guys may want to register your Rockstar ID as it seems you will require one Rock* ID account to play GTA4 PC. Nicknames are on a first-come basis. You'll be able to link your XBOX/G4WL and PSN accounts.
I'll definatly still be picking GTA4 up because SA was probably the best game i've ever played. That said, I do love that style of game so SR2 is a definate possibility for me - later.

Right now there are way too many amazing games to play so a short delay in GTA4 is probably a good thing!

You might want to look at Saint's Row 2, if you liked SA, it'll be out in January for PC.
Some people over at a big dutch tech site already have the game and they say it runs shit on pretty much every system. People are reporting that with a 4870, fast quad or dual (somebody posted quad cpu usage screens with all cores @ 50 to 60%), and plenty of ram on 1680x1050 @ medium with just 25fps. That seems like a joke to me. If you cant run the game good on such a system than I wonder what 90% of the people who buy this game will have to play it like.

Seems like a dealbreaker to me.
Either something is broken in the game or it could most likely be the 'laziest port ever' in the history of PC gaming. People with 2x280GTX and Quad core @ 4GHz getting 20-25fps at low-very high settings etc. Even cheap SLi/Crossfire rigs getting bad perfomance at moderate resolutions with low settings.

Also highest settings seems to need 1.5GB of VRAM yet the textures looks like sh*t compared to Crysis high taking the scope into account (GTA4 has horrible LOD range detail with blurry textures and "box" buildings).

Funny how it seems to require more than Crysis or Warhead at ultra/extreme settings yet look much worse than Crysis/Warhead medium settings.... much much worse in all categories (fair bit better than console version but without the bluriness from console version some ugly "heads" rear their ugliness).
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Either something is broken in the game or it could most likely be the 'laziest port ever' in the history of PC gaming.

Worse than Halo PC? :runaway:

I've also been reading about this. I'm in no rush. I'm plowing through FO3 so if they release a patch fixing everything up all will be fine. I am wondering what the hell R*'ve been doing in the past six months though.
Makes halo PC stand out like a golden chicken.

I truly hope they fix the problems but they relasing a game in this state doesn't give me much hope. Well see how it pans out in the next few days when EU version is released.
Does anyone actually know anyone who's actually tried the game and has run into performance problems? Or are there multiple sources for this info, now?
After hearing about Saints Row 2 and listening to my coworker's thoughts while he was playing GTA4 on his PS3, I think I'd pretty much written this one off too. Which, honestly, makes me :( inside because I really have loved pretty much every single GTA game ever made.

Does anyone actually know anyone who's actually tried the game and has run into performance problems? Or are there multiple sources for this info, now?

Andrew posted some of his experiences getting the damn thing to even run. Also some bonus memory/cpu usage values.
Andrew posted some of his experiences getting the damn thing to even run. Also some bonus memory/cpu usage values.

Thanks. I asked because I had seen this news earlier from the day, from the same source. It'd be silly if the entire internet got worked up about it, it popped up on Kotaku then digg only to discover that the 1680x1050 guy was actually running Crysis in a different window and hadn't noticed.
Makes halo PC stand out like a golden chicken.
Perhaps you don't realize, but when Halo PC first came out even the best hardware at the time would dip into the teens in various spots, even with all the graphics options cranked all the way down.

As for GTA4, I'm not getting the impression it is that bad, just more demanding than most console ports. That only makes sense though considering the framerate on the console versions is crap, and upping the draw distances and such like PC versions have supported in previous GTA games isn't going to help either. As long as a reasonable gaming rig can run it notably smoother than my 360 while looking at least as good, I'll be pleased.
Is Live! For Windows any good, now that it's free? (Actually, what games use it besides Shadowrun and Halo 2?)

The only Live enabled games I have are GoW and now FO3. I've never had any serious problems with it. Yesterday the Live servers went down, I got a message in FO3 saying I was disconnected but after 10 mins or so it was back up. Feature-wise it works ok, they revamped the interface less than a month ago to be much more PC friendly (makes better use of the screen estate). Marketplace is coming up in Dec/Jan probably. Still missing a stand-alone client and better community features.

List of all G4WLive games.
Perhaps you don't realize, but when Halo PC first came out even the best hardware at the time would dip into the teens in various spots, even with all the graphics options cranked all the way down.

That wasn't my experience. At the time I was using a Ti 4200 and the game ran smooth as butter at maximum settings and a resolution of 800x600. I played at 1024x768 though. Not butter smooth but definatly 30fps+ playable for the majority of the time.

Given how poorly the game performed on the xbox and that the GF4 series wasn't massively more powerful than NV2a, I would say those results are pretty decent.
I'm not talking about general performance, the game did run decently in general, it just had a few spots that would inexplicably kill the framerate on even the fastest hardware available back when it was released, and wasn't fully overcome until a few generations later. It was just a few spots in transition areas, mostly tight corridors without much going on, yet the engine would bog down drawing whole mess of things that should have been culled.