[PC] Grand Theft Auto IV


Textures: medium
Render Quality: highest

View Distance: 65
Detail Distance: 100
Vechicle Density: 100
Shadow Density: 16

"P" blur filter off,

"P" blur filter on,

PC settings above,


Console settings+,
Textures: medium
Render Quality: low

View Distance: 22
Detail Distance: 10
Vechicle Density: 25
Shadow Density: 0

Thanks for the comparisons man, what framerates are you getting at those settings?

BTW, the blur filter looks horrible! I will definatly be playing with that off, jaggies be damned! The car picture looks WAY better with it off.
Almost everywhere I turn the general reception for this game is negative. I want it, even though I bought the stupid thing on 360, which I'm considering trading in otherwise it can continue to live it's days out collecting dust on my shelf, along with all my other 360 games. I always enjoyed the GTA games more on PC. Vice City was the last GTA game where I truly had fun.

Someone was ranting about crashes and the installation of three third party applications which added frustration. I'm waiting for the reviews before I decide whether or not to buy it........again...
The framerate is about 20-25fps but reducing the shadow density to 0-2 takes it up to 25-30fps. Car amount set to 50 and detail distance 80 and it's at 30+ fps.

And yes the blur filter is not good. Really heavy for the yes in a bad way. i hope they add true AA support or atleast edge AA with a patch.

And yes theshadows and some sprites or thin detail obejcts (fences etc) look strange without the blur (I would say to thin or pixelated).

Edit: The perfomance might be higher though but I had 16xAF enabled but i dont think it really works as it should and also vsync forced on with tripple buffering. The render quality is supposed to be some sort of AF.
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It does add uniformity but its just to much blur. Would be better with just regular depth of field and some edge AA.

I was referring to the PS3's downscaled blurriness and extra orange lighting, which according to one of the Housers made it more cinematic.
Well, I ordered this today, should arrive early next week and I can't wait! On the one hand, its technical tweaking and benchmarking like this that I really love about PC gaming, i'm really looking forward to testing out various settings to see whay my GTS can handle, especially given what we klnow about the console settings.

But on the other hand, even if I can only run the game smoothly with dissapointingly low settings, i'm still looking forard to this one for the gameplay. GTA is one of my all time fav games. San Andreas could well be my top game of all time and no matter what settings I run it on, i'm sure this will look a lot better :D
Oh that, lol!

By the way, how's the control on PC? The console version had a lockon feature for aiming that depended on the triggers: hold the trigger down halfway and you get free-aim, hold it down all the way and you'll lock on (and you'll get to tweak the aim).
But on the other hand, even if I can only run the game smoothly with dissapointingly low settings, i'm still looking forard to this one for the gameplay. GTA is one of my all time fav games. San Andreas could well be my top game of all time and no matter what settings I run it on, i'm sure this will look a lot better :D

GTA4 is both very similar and very different from San Andreas. What did you most enjoy about SA?
By the way, how's the control on PC? The console version had a lockon feature for aiming that depended on the triggers: hold the trigger down halfway and you get free-aim, hold it down all the way and you'll lock on (and you'll get to tweak the aim).

I find them good. Nice to drive the car around with WASD and use the mosue to pan around. Haven't been into a gun fight yet.
I find them good. Nice to drive the car around with WASD and use the mosue to pan around. Haven't been into a gun fight yet.

Alright. I'm sorta curious to know if they got rid of the lock-on feature. It made combat a little too easy, since you could lock onto enemies without popping out of cover (as opposed to Gears style), and then hit fire to pop out of cover just long enough to hit them.
Well, I ordered this today, should arrive early next week and I can't wait! On the one hand, its technical tweaking and benchmarking like this that I really love about PC gaming, i'm really looking forward to testing out various settings to see whay my GTS can handle, especially given what we klnow about the console settings.

But on the other hand, even if I can only run the game smoothly with dissapointingly low settings, i'm still looking forard to this one for the gameplay. GTA is one of my all time fav games. San Andreas could well be my top game of all time and no matter what settings I run it on, i'm sure this will look a lot better :D

Oh it has great gameplay and freedom. And nice living world simulation.

Ran the built-in benchmark tool.

Average FPS: 35.40
Duration: 37.06 sec
CPU Usage: 92%
System memory usage: 67%
Video memory usage: 67%

Graphics Settings
Video Mode: 1280 x 1024 (60 Hz)
Texture Quality: Medium
Render Quality: Highest
View Distance: 65
Detail Distance: 100
Vechicle Density: 100
Shadow Density: 16

Microsoft® Windows Vista" Home Premium
Service Pack 1
Video Adapter: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
Video Driver version:
Audio Adapter: Creative SB X-Fi
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz
Alright. I'm sorta curious to know if they got rid of the lock-on feature. It made combat a little too easy, since you could lock onto enemies without popping out of cover (as opposed to Gears style), and then hit fire to pop out of cover just long enough to hit them.
Yeah, no lock on with the mouse. My only complaint with the controls is that the camara driving in FPS mode has some nastly mouse accel such that slow movements don't move the view at all and it takes rather swift jerk to adjust your view/aim.

As for performance, in Vista64 I couldn't keep the game from dipping well into the 20s even when lowering all the options, but I switched to XP and now the game runs well. For comparison sake:

Average FPS: 49.68
Duration: 37.05 sec
CPU Usage: 90%
System memory usage: 58%
Video memory usage: 97%

Graphics Settings
Video Mode: 1600 x 900 (60 Hz)
Texture Quality: Medium
Render Quality: High
View Distance: 25
Detail Distance: 37

Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 3
Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT
Video Driver version: 180.48
Audio Adapter: SB X-Fi Audio [BC00]
Intel Pentium III Xeon processor

My CPU isn't really Xeon though of course, it's an E8500@3.8GHz.
Try disabling the overclock and see what the game says. Maybe it just can't handle all those gigahurts. :)