[PC] Grand Theft Auto IV

I'd rather have a decent FPS @ high settings first :') I can live with a few jaggies, but im not gonna play at 12xx at medium to low just to get a somewhat decent framerate while my pc can play every game out there with high settings at high reso's.

So it can't even be forced?

Hehe yeah its awsome, R* apperantly went out of their way big time to not let you enable aa :LOL: makes me wonder if it wouldnt have been easier to actually just include a AA option hehe. Though, I just remember, Dead Space actually doesnt have a AA option either but you can probably enable that tru the driver though I havnt tried as I think it looks fine without it too.
I'd rather have a decent FPS @ high settings first :') I can live with a few jaggies, but im not gonna play at 12xx at medium to low just to get a somewhat decent framerate while my pc can play every game out there with high settings at high reso's.

But labels of high, medium or low are completely arbitrary.

R* could have topped out the view distance and detail distance at 30, the texture levels at medium and removed the shadow density system altogether.

They could have then labelled those new maximum settings as "Ultra High" and you (and everyone else) would have been made up that their PC's could easily run this game at maximum settings. The game would still have looked better than the console version which is the minimum that PC gamers expect so no complaints there.

The only problem with that approach though is that people with more powerful setuos, or who don't mind playing at a lower resolution, or who play this on future hardware would all miss out on the high settings.

I think we should try to not get so hung up on what labels R* have attributed to certain levels of settings. As long as its performing as it should vs the only other benchmark available for this game - the consoles then the settings can scale up to infinite levels for all I care! Hell, in many ways that would be the ideal situation for all games!
Not anyway I've found on either ATi or nVidia hardware, and I've been F-ING trying! :???:

Wow, that really sucks. Have you tried nHancer? It allows you to select various AA compatibility modes. You may have some luck with the Oblivion or UE3 modes. Obviously this is only for NVIDIA hardware.
But labels of high, medium or low are completely arbitrary.

This, mother fucking this. I mean seriously, people who can't get that through their heads... ugh. I can handle being disappointed with GTA IV's performance and lack of AA but the way people characterize the issues as "oh gosh I can't run high settings I'm going to go whine on the internets now" is just annoying.
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Anybody else having the issue that world objects gets reloaded everytime you turn around?

Seems like the game is flushing out non-visible objects to reload them when turning around and my RAm counter shows a larger increase/decrease everytime this happens.
Anybody else having the issue that world objects gets reloaded everytime you turn around?

Seems like the game is flushing out non-visible objects to reload them when turning around and my RAm counter shows a larger increase/decrease everytime this happens.

Yep. Quite annoying too if you muck around with a motorbike as you can do very rapid turns with it.
That game really loves quads -- 75% average load in my case, and looks like 1GB video RAM is a must for top eye-candy.
Some benchmarks from the link I posted earlier at the console settings:

Average FPS: 42.56
Duration: 37.17 sec
CPU Usage: 54%
System memory usage: 75%
Video memory usage: 94%

Graphics Settings
Video Mode: 1280 x 1024 (75 Hz)
Texture Quality: Medium
Render Quality: High
View Distance: 21
Detail Distance: 10

Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 3
Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT
Video Driver version: 180.48
Audio Adapter: SB Audigy 2 Audio [D000]
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz

Caveats are though that its a slightely higher resolution - but with no 2xMSAA. Render quality is also high than the consoles but we don;t know what settings he's using for vehicle and shadow density which would put a greater load on the PC version.

Still, 42.5fps on a 9600GT isn't bad given the settings when you consider the 360 averages about 30fps.
Caveats are though that its a slightely higher resolution - but with no 2xMSAA. Render quality is also high than the consoles but we don;t know what settings he's using for vehicle and shadow density which would put a greater load on the PC version.

Shadow density is a feature exclusive for PC. It is amount of lightsources that cast shadows (light poles, car lights etc).


Most users using current PC hardware as of December 2008 are advised to use medium graphics settings. Higher settings are provided for future generations of PCs with higher specifications than are currently widely available.

Graphics settings are limited by system resources by default. 256MB video cards force minimum settings by default. If a user bypasses these safety measures using command line arguments and exceeds their system resources, the users gaming experience may be compromised.

Video Mode
Resolution scaling effects water, reflections, shadows, mirrors and the visible viewable distance. The resolution settings relate to the amount of available video memory. At 2560*1600 the game will require 320MB of video memory in addition to all the memory required for content. At 800*600 the game will require 32MB of video memory in addition to the content. Medium resolution settings are recommended for most users as higher settings are only usable if there is available video memory.

Texture Quality
Texture quality affects the visual quality of the content of the game. High setting for textures will require 600MB of video memory at a setting of 21 View Distance in addition to the memory taken by the Video Mode. A medium texture setting is recommended for most users.

Render Quality
Render quality is the texture filter quality used on most things in the world rendering. Most people would know this as anisotropic filtering. Medium settings are recommended for most users and will provide filtering beyond what the console versions can execute.

View Distance
View distance scales the distance in which different objects in the world such as building and cars are seen. Raising this option increases the distance in which high quality objects must be loaded and will increase the memory it requires. Restrictions are established to ensure the game runs optimally for most users. A setting of 22 or more will provide PC users an enhanced experience over the console versions.

Detail Distance
Detail distance scales aspects of the environment that the View Distance setting does not including vegetation, trash and other moveable objects. A setting of 10 would be the equivalent to the performance on a console. This setting has little effect on memory.

Vehicle Density
Vehicle density scales the traffic density of the traffic in the game. It has no effect on the mission vehicles or difficultly of the game, but can have a significant impact on CPU performance

Shadow Density
Shadow Density controls the number of shadows generated for positional lights in exterior environments. These shadows are exclusive to the PC version and can have a major impact on CPU and GPU performance.

With the latest ATI driver (8-11 series) the game supports crossfire modes (ie. 4870x2)
SLI is currently unsupported. Support will be added through a future game patch as well as an updated Nvidia driver.

And going by the car amount in console version I assume it's tops 25.

(Couldn't find good images but videos show)
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You to cant sign in at RGSC?
Well I can, but then the game will crash when I start it... ;)

My son can sign in on it fine though, he's running XP. Had to install SP3 to get it working on his rig.

The shadows are so dod-gammed ugly it's not funny, mesh everywhere! I turned the shadows off and they're still there!

I still love the game too, I was up until 3:30 playing it last night cursing the jaggies/shimmers/shadows the whole way. :oops:
Well I can, but then the game will crash when I start it... ;)

My son can sign in on it fine though, he's running XP. Had to install SP3 to get it working on his rig.

Mite be that I have very high security for my system and this software doesnt conform to my strict policies! :LOL:

The shadows are so dod-gammed ugly it's not funny, mesh everywhere! I turned the shadows off and they're still there!

Some of the worst I've seen for since pixelshaders where introduced to the market. I mean ffs the shadow jaggies are as big as crater boxes!

I still love the game too, I was up until 3:30 playing it last night cursing the jaggies/shimmers/shadows the whole way. :oops:

yep same story here. The jaggies, shadows and streaming keeps me swearing and pressing P in desperation just to hit P as fast before I get blind. But i still enjoy cruising around in my stolen limo! :LOL:
Wow! This game is seriously CPU limited. And the i7's are beasts :devilish:

This is probably the first game that makes me worry if my 2.4Ghz C2D is going to be fast enough :oops:

I'm sure it will be fine at lower settings though. Hopefully my copy will arrive tommorrow so I can start testing!