Pangya (Revolution)

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Unruly Member
Tecmo announced today its first game for Nintendo Revolution.
It's the Rev version of Pangya, an online golf game developed by the Korean developer Ntreev Soft. The original version is for PC. Basically it was an online rip-off of a certain Playstation golf game with cartoony characters, but recently it got more otaku-oriented character design and its fanbase is quickly growing in Japan, the demographic which probably Tecmo are interested in.

PR (Japanese)
this game is horrible....
for pc or revo, doesn't matter, looks like a bad first gen ps2 title


more terrible screens at
I don't think graphics is the main attraction for this kind of golf game...think HotShots Golf.

The main attraction is using the DPD as a virtual golf club.
I don't think graphics is the main attraction for this kind of golf game...think HotShots Golf.

The main attraction is using the DPD as a virtual golf club.
Of course. However, isn't this the first screenshot of a Revolution game we have? It certainly looks current-gen in visual quality and opens up all sorts of questions now about the graphics hardware in Revolution.
Are you sure they a rev shots, I looked up the pc version and it looks the same so if they are rev pics it must be a direct port
It certainly looks current-gen in visual quality and opens up all sorts of questions now about the graphics hardware in Revolution.

Actually it looks worse than Dreamcast quality. I guess that means Revolution will be less powerful than Dreamcast.
Shifty Geezer said:
Of course. However, isn't this the first screenshot of a Revolution game we have? It certainly looks current-gen in visual quality and opens up all sorts of questions now about the graphics hardware in Revolution.

Agree this is very bad for them, dont even know how they let this come to net as they are not showing any games/images yet.
Many Japanese 3d PC games do look horrible probably because PC gaming isn't as big over there as it is in the west and they need to make sure it runs on as many low end machines as possible. I'm sure they will do their best when they bring it to the Revolution.
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Actually it looks worse than Dreamcast quality. I guess that means Revolution will be less powerful than Dreamcast.
I don't know if you're serious or not, my ironometer twitches a little, but there's enough interference to not be able to make an accurate reading.

In the odd case you actually believe what you're writing I guess I just have to appeal to your sense of logic - whatever of that you may possess... ;) Does it make sense to you or anyone else that,

A: a fricken cartoony golf game actually be pushing the console graphically? (Case in point: did Mario64 max out the N64?)

B: a piece of hardware launching roughly seven-ish years after the DC not even equalling it in graphics power?
I was being sarcastic. :smile:

If Revolution is backwards compatible with GC then it cannot be less powerful than Dreamcast.
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Guden Oden said:
A: a fricken cartoony golf game actually be pushing the console graphically? (Case in point: did Mario64 max out the N64?)
Maybe not in shaders and textures, but there's no reason for low geometry detail just for a cartoony look (unless you're deliberately going for that box section fingers looks ;) ). PS2 has smoother cartoony characters than this in Hot Shots, and these pics don't even manage AA. Dr. Nick's answer makes sense and hopefully for Rev is right on the nail.
Shots not proven taken on Revolution, most likely from the PC game; no matter the hardware you can always make graphically simple games.
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