Overwatch [PS4, XO] Blizzard

Thanks for the tips! I already experienced that it is easy to take out isolated Widow/Hanzo player. Need more training!

What sensitivity are you using??
Seems like Overwatch has a very... uhm, active community :D

Another mildly interesting observation is that this image fits right in with the B3D dark theme :)
What impresses me the most about this game is Blizzard's mastery to achieve things no one expected. Overwatch seemed to me like a typical FPS. But it is not. Is it people? (I don't own the game yet, I am asking those who have it).

Additionally, they are teaching developers like Bungie a lesson, on how to make something fresh and special without Activision's money, imho.
The best game out there at th emoment ! Slowly I understand all the decisions they made regardig tis structure.

@BillyIdol : The game kicked me out of your game after two games for supposed inactivity when I was active. Will join whenever I see u online again.
We should group up! This way, we can stay together.

What hero(s) are you playing?

I currently want to learn new ones: I am playing McCree and Reaper atm.

I have also a nice group I play with...we are 4 so we could need someone :)
We should group up! This way, we can stay together.

What hero(s) are you playing?

I currently want to learn new ones: I am playing McCree and Reaper atm.

I have also a nice group I play with...we are 4 so we could need someone :)

Well, one has to switch heroes depending on the need all the time, which is what keeps one on his toes in this game. Really like how u can not favourite a hero if u plan to win games. You have to adapt !
I am currently enjoying Soldier 76, Mei, Widowmaker. Try to play them as and when I can. Started loving playing as Mei particularly. She is just so amazing and varied when defending! Still can't get the hang of D.Va, Reinhart.

I don't have defined times when I play. Will surely jump in whenever I can.
Had an epic match today. Each moment was special. Lost the game but boy it was awesome the way the other team made a comeback in the last round and that too at the last checkpoint of the payload. We had the game in our hands but then they suddenly just gelled together !
Fab game :)

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Changed my ISP so better pings and a very stable upload/download connection means now I can play Overwatch without it feeling like a game of who wins the luck of lag :p !
The new hero Orisa is a damn good team player. Twice I had a 7 kill spree going with her ! I think she is my new favourite hero:

When is the insurrection event starting? I am really curious to play a PvE event in Overwatch ! I missed the halloween one, had no idea it was on.
holy shit a 20 gb update !!! WTH did they put in there !

EDIT: It was ps4 messing with me. The update is just 2 gbish, 19.something must have been the total size of updates.
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Had a few months break from Overwatch.

Switched to Roadhog... and the game changed completely. I am having so much fun now.

This thing can kill. Scrap gun = 225 damage close up. Alternative fire = 225 damage at medium range. Single shot everything except tanks when you hit perfectly. Then there's the hook. After a few games, I am already seeing up to 68% hook hit rates. And I thought my aim was horrible (on console pad). You get guaranteed scrap gun blast at close range + melee after hooking them. If they somehow survive and try to run away, you can shoot them in back with alt fire. I was tired playing with Lucio and Zarya because killing was so hard, but Roadhog is something else :)

Zarya's ultimate took ages to charge and required team cooperation. Playing with randoms often means that your team isn't ready when you need them. In contrast, Roadhog's ultimate is always useful. It charges so fast that there's no risk using it a bit too often. Roadhog's 300 HP self heal is perfect when nobody in your team wants to play as a healer (happens too often). And it charges your own ultimate. I tend to purposefully eat a bit more damage and jump behind a corner + activate heal (in air to save one second). Charges your ultimate so fast, and protects your teammates from being shot (because opponents are shooting you). The funny thing is that I've got plenty of gold medals at healing. This thing heals as much as a bad Lucio or Mercy. I can reach around 1/2 of my Lucio healing stats in best cases.

The fact that Roadhog needs good aim is great. So far I've only played with characters that don't need perfect aiming. It gives me great pleasure to see myself improve at aiming with console pad. Also a good Roadhog can make a difference even if the team isn't perfect. It is a great feeling to realize that you contributed a lot to the victory. And when the team loses because I missed two crucial hooks in a row and died, then... I just know that I must improve my aim :)
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Had a few months break from Overwatch.

Switched to Roadhog... and the game changed completely. I am having so much fun now.

This thing can kill. Scrap gun = 225 damage close up. Alternative fire = 225 damage at medium range. Single shot everything except tanks when you hit perfectly. Then there's the hook. After a few games, I am already seeing up to 68% hook hit rates. And I thought my aim was horrible (on console pad). You get guaranteed scrap gun blast at close range + melee after hooking them. If they somehow survive and try to run away, you can shoot them in back with alt fire. I was tired playing with Lucio and Zarya because killing was so hard, but Roadhog is something else :)

Zarya's ultimate took ages to charge and required team cooperation. Playing with randoms often means that your team isn't ready when you need them. In contrast, Roadhog's ultimate is always useful. It charges so fast that there's no risk using it a bit too often. Roadhog's 300 HP self heal is perfect when nobody in your team wants to play as a healer (happens too often). And it charges your own ultimate. I tend to purposefully eat a bit more damage and jump behind a corner + activate heal (in air to save one second). Charges your ultimate so fast, and protects your teammates from being shot (because opponents are shooting you). The funny thing is that I've got plenty of gold medals at healing. This thing heals as much as a bad Lucio or Mercy. I can reach around 1/2 of my Lucio healing stats in best cases.

The fact that Roadhog needs good aim is great. So far I've only played with characters that don't need perfect aiming. It gives me great pleasure to see myself improve at aiming with console pad. Also a good Roadhog can make a difference even if the team isn't perfect. It is a great feeling to realize that you contributed a lot to the victory. And when the team loses because I missed two crucial hooks in a row and died, then... I just know that I must improve my aim :)
Road hog is so exceptional it's hard to think of a team that should go without one. He's useable in so many comps