Overwatch [PS4, XO] Blizzard

I dont know if "here's deathmatch, enjoy" will have as much staying power as a game with PVE too. But anyway.

A lot of people are doing this, so I suppose many of these will fail. F2P style games can fail too! (even if not F2P).

Seems like people just glom onto this cus "blizzard", but that wont carry it forever.
Played quite a few games now. Fast, hectic fun but the modes, got thrown into 2 of the modes repeatedly, so I am guessing thats all, the modes are very basic ! Capture an area and defend a moving zone. Basic gameplay is fun, blizzard style, but u can't help but feel it is very...basic, old school basic.

...and where is the progression system????? Coming from the developers of Diablo, there seems to be no sense of progression in it. Having everything unlocked is great, but just an MP shooter with a few maps? Cosmetics have no meaning in any game for me.

maps are nice from the few games I played, gameplay is fun, but where is the staying power of diablo and warcraft?

Or am I completely missing something?
It's an arena shooter. The game is built around skill- no unlocks. You are allowed to change your character mid stream but the goal is to beat the other team through skill and team work.

It's simplistic in nature, but the fun is centred around the gameplay and getting better at the game, as opposed to obtaining better loot which is the impression that you've gotten better at the game when you actually haven't.

There's nothing amiss but too many gamers have been given false impressions of what fun is and what addictive achievement/loot grinding is.

There's quite a difference and I implore players to learn to separate the two.

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It's an arena shooter. The game is built around skill- no unlocks. You are allowed to change your character mid stream but the goal is to beat the other team through skill and team work.

It's simplistic in nature, but the fun is centred around the gameplay and getting better at the game, as opposed to obtaining better loot which is the impression that you've gotten better at the game when you actually haven't.

There's nothing amiss but too many gamers have been given false impressions of what fun is and what addictive achievement/loot grinding is.

There's quite a difference and I implore players to learn to separate the two.

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Being a total Q3Arena addict back in the day, and the city champion, I totally understand that. In fact it feels like Q3+TF2 to me when I play it. Doom is also trying to bring that old school gameplay back. Nothing against the gameplay, but considering it is 2016, Doom's unlock do a better job at making me feel rewarded after every match. COnsidering its from Blizzard, the masters of long term progression systems, I was expecting it to be even better , even more rewarding and addicting. Maybe its my expectations from Blizzard that caught me in the wrong foot.

Also, I believed this was going to be a MOBA, where as its a team based shooter and nothing more.

The game is fun, but for a simple team based shooter with 12 maps and 3 modes, I cannot pay $60 in this time and age ! At $30-40 I would consider buying it, but at $60, the package is seriously lacking in content. Or atleast it feels that way considering the current gaming landscape.

Gamespot seems to love it:

In fact, I love it too, as a free game or $20 game max. For $60, I would expect much more, much much more. I mean even TF2 was part of Orange Box. But I guess Blizzard has fans enough to let them get away with the $60 price tag.
Seems like Overwatch has a very... uhm, active community :D

Another mildly interesting observation is that this image fits right in with the B3D dark theme :)
Also, I believed this was going to be a MOBA, where as its a team based shooter and nothing more.

Heroes of the Storm was their MOBA. Overwatch was always going to be an Arena/Hero Shooter. Some people got confused in the early days because it features skills on cool down similar to a MOBA and hence thought it was going to be a MOBA.

Heroes of the Storm was their MOBA. Overwatch was always going to be an Arena/Hero Shooter. Some people got confused in the early days because it features skills on cool down similar to a MOBA and hence thought it was going to be a MOBA.

The constant comparisons with Battleborn made me think they were similar. And yeah, had totally forgotten about HOtS. I think I even have it installed on my PC !

Played more of Overwatch last night, like playing as Pharah, Soldier 76 and Junkrat. Bastion seems OP and it was only with Junkrat's super that I was able to stop Bastion from a distance. Bastion's range needs a massive nerf !

And I get dropped into two modes basically. One where u have to move the payload and the other where you capture a point. What other modes are there?

And yes, matches are fun. Will buy this when it goes on sale , but I doubt it will ever be $20ish.
The constant comparisons with Battleborn made me think they were similar. And yeah, had totally forgotten about HOtS. I think I even have it installed on my PC !

Played more of Overwatch last night, like playing as Pharah, Soldier 76 and Junkrat. Bastion seems OP and it was only with Junkrat's super that I was able to stop Bastion from a distance. Bastion's range needs a massive nerf !

And I get dropped into two modes basically. One where u have to move the payload and the other where you capture a point. What other modes are there?

And yes, matches are fun. Will buy this when it goes on sale , but I doubt it will ever be $20ish.
Bastion gets rocked by Pharah. She is definitely Bastion's hard counter. Once he's planted, rocket splash deals with him relatively easily, and/or direct rocket hits deal tons of damage in general.
Bastion gets rocked by Pharah. She is definitely Bastion's hard counter. Once he's planted, rocket splash deals with him relatively easily, and/or direct rocket hits deal tons of damage in general.
Hmmm...wasn't working out for us, we were trolled by Bastion for 4 matches. Just getting in his line of sight means almost instant death.
Also the Turret , thrown by Trojborn I guess, if I am not wrong, locks on instantly ! The only way I could take it out was by using the shield of the Ape character and then slamming it. I still died in the process.

Those two "turrets" are a real pain and if the rest of the enemy team is camping around them, then it quickly devolves into a slaughter !

Even otherwise, in the mode where u capture points and hold, matches usually are about the whole team camping in the area not letting the enemy team inside even for a second. Once a team gets together at one place, enemy or ours, after that the match becomes one sided pretty quickly. Theoretically, one can hold jumping back into the fight and wait till all of ur team respawns and charge into the enemy together to break the impasse but that won't happen with randoms ever. Once a match goes lopsided, it pretty much ends that way, in my experience of two days.
Soldier 76 imo is the star when defending.

Just stay a little bit back, heal all the time, fire rockets and finish with mg.

Our Bastion didn't had a chance...only took me out as a tank finally, but kd ratio with him was 5:1 for Soldier 76.

But what about more than one Bastion in a team?? Is this possible?

And I totally agree with Renegade...70€ for a pure MP game?? It's BF:SW all over again...I feared that this kicks of an evil trend...70€, only MP, limited content.

I do like the gameplay, but not at 70, not at 60,50,40....maybe at 20.

Yea I don't know what changes have been made on console but on pC pharah is painful to immobile targets. Her damage output from range is hard to handle. Go to a good position elevated and with cover. Peek out and launch a rocket. Go back behind cover. Rinse and repeat until they leave the area or die.

We've had a team full of bastions before LOL. It doesn't work unfortunately. The opposing team will switch up quickly to get behind them. If it's like the last zone having more than 1 bastion usually happens. But that's also when you start seeing a lot of everything because their roles start getting specific.

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Play with friends !! It's more fun trying to coordinate! Just playing solo can be boring but a group of guys working together with good synergy can really do some samange

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Been playing a lot as Junkrat, that helps a lot as u never have to be in line of sight of the enemy to kill ! Feels like Noob mode, but what can one do when u have shit like Bastion on the other end.
Junkrat is good against bastion. Just ricochet your grenades from obstacles/walls to hit him. He can't dodge them. No line of sight needed.

Zaria's explosive charges and Pharohs rockets do area damage. Get behind a corner just out of sight and aim at ground next to him. He can't do anything to you. Zaria's shields are also good against him (shield a teammate + you and get around corner for some direct hits + get back if he is not yet dead, repeat after 10 seconds).
The game is quite addictive. I love the art style and aesthetics, typical Blizzards. If it had a single player/coop campaign would be an instant buy. After all, this game was born from the ashes of a more complex project (Titan), right?. A pity it didn´t go well...just thinking about a WoW like game with this kind of gameplay and style...well, it must be too complex/expensive to develop, as not even Destiny went that far.
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Played some beta. I don't get it. Walk slowly to battle, die in 3 seconds, walk slowly back., rinse repeat. There is no attachment to any chars, no levels, no gear. It feels like a F2P game that cost $60.