Overwatch [PS4, XO] Blizzard

Played some beta. I don't get it. Walk slowly to battle, die in 3 seconds, walk slowly back., rinse repeat. There is no attachment to any chars, no levels, no gear. It feels like a F2P game that cost $60.
It is a pure skill based game. You personally get better in playing it, not your virtual character. I have always liked pure skill based more than experience/loot grinding games. I don't have time to grind my heros to max level. This way I can play against fair opponents. If I lose, it was purely because they played better.

And there is no F2P in this game. Rich players cannot overpower you by spending money. I play happily 60$ just for that :)

Choose an offensive hero and you walk (of fly, wall run, sprint, charge) to battle in no time. Tanks and support heros are slow, but you are supposed to stay alive with them for very long time. Unless you go solo or rush to be the first in line (with no support behind giving you shields / healing). In this game it is crucial to stay with your team and do your role. Play some more matches and you will be paired with (and against) more experienced players who can play proper team game.
Hmmm...wasn't working out for us, we were trolled by Bastion for 4 matches. Just getting in his line of sight means almost instant death.
Also the Turret , thrown by Trojborn I guess, if I am not wrong, locks on instantly ! The only way I could take it out was by using the shield of the Ape character and then slamming it. I still died in the process.

Those two "turrets" are a real pain and if the rest of the enemy team is camping around them, then it quickly devolves into a slaughter !
Turret kills a flying Pharah very quickly. However turret has much shorter range than Pharah rocket. Watch the kill cam and remember where the turret was. Turrets are suprisingly easy to spot from distance when you expect them. Aim two (or more) rockets directly at the turret when you see it (out of range of the turret). Pharah is great in killing turrets. It is easy to find spots to see them while they can't fire back to you. But you need to be careful not to get too close.
Turret kills a flying Pharah very quickly. However turret has much shorter range than Pharah rocket. Watch the kill cam and remember where the turret was. Turrets are suprisingly easy to spot from distance when you expect them. Aim two (or more) rockets directly at the turret when you see it (out of range of the turret). Pharah is great in killing turrets. It is easy to find spots to see them while they can't fire back to you. But you need to be careful not to get too close.
My counter is Junkrat ! Grenades around the corner and super that can home from far ! Still, it's cringeworthy to see a Bastion player getting "Play of the game" at the end.

Also, i have taken a strong liking towards the ice girl, cos one can seriously hamper the enemy team's progress by building snow walls right on choke points , especially in Payload. I didn't make much points but I annoyed the hell out of them and basically just turned the match. I could close off one area completely by blocking one entrance and then the whole team spamming the other !

And whenever I saw a Bastion I built a wall right on his nose :yes2: !

Have started loving the game. Seriously needs a price drop !
Played another couple of rounds. Console play feels slow. I'm not sure how far they've tweaked it from the PC version. Maybe that's just how the game is. Just feels like it's lacking a bit of intensity for me.
Have started loving the game. Seriously needs a price drop !

I haven´t played a more fun online game since BF 1943. It has the retro feel of the 90s arcade FPSs (helped by the Blizzard art style seal), where the only important thing was having fun and get better at your game basing only in improving your own skills, without help from any perks.
Been really missing this game since the beta ended !
Is there any place I can get the Psn version for lesser than $60? It's either this or Doom, whichever I get cheaper first!
Yeah, it is very rare to have a non-multikill POTG...this is very unfortunate imo.

The only thing Blizzard needs to drastically improve is POTG. It is super difficult I see that. But, I saw Mercy players activating the ult in the exact right time and thus winning sudden death, i.e. the game. This is imo POTG.

I wonder why we even need this extra POTG category? Why not have the cards at the end, and the one player with the most votes gets the POTG: the game just then shows the highlight of this winner. If there are cards with same votes: show all of them. This is what makes people happy imo.

But, typically always Junkrat, Mcree or Hanzo with the ults are getting it. And honestly (as a Junkrat player), these are super easy to pull off...
They said they're tweaking the formula for play of the game, so you should eventually see more variation. THe ones I hate are bastian and the dwarf turret. No skill plays, generally.
Ok, yesterday, I wanted to learn a new hero. Picked Winston. The heck! I watched all the tutorials and everything and basically exclusively played with him. It took ages until I got some good plays. Now, I feel much better with him and it really makes a lot of fun.

However, imo, this character is really a bit weak. I understand now his ult and it is ok: it is not here to kill lots of people, but to have control over the area and the objective by bouncing people away. I even get some environment kills at Ilios by pushing them over the map.

However, I think his second ability, his shield is really not that useful:
- it only has 600 HP (Reinhardt has a shield with 2000HP).
- it only lasts 6 seconds (without damage, Reinhardt can hold his shield forever).
- it has a very long recharge time, I think about 13 seconds (REinhardt's shield refills at a reasonable rate when not active in after about two seconds)
- the recharge time starts only after(!) the shield is gone (either destroyed, or after 6 second period).
- enemies just walk through the shield and have enough space to kill you
- Symmetra's pulse cannon goes through the shield.

Due to all of this reasons, I couldn't really make it work so far. It sometimes helps a split second to separate enemies from my team or so. It sometimes helps to put it on the load as it moves with the load. I managed once to put a shield around a turret (damage does not go through the shield, also if an enemy is inside).

However, due to the low HP this shield basically instantly breaks. It is only up for a second or two or so. Then, the very long recharge time...hence, I cannot effectively use it in battle. Anyone has a better strategy?

It seems to me one of the weaker characters...
I'm terrible with winston, but I generally understand how he should be played. His gun is low damage, so you need to go after the weak targets. Also, don't be afraid to use his melee attack when up close. You can't rush in alone. He can't tank an entire team. But he's great at jumping in first if the team follows closely behind. You can use his shield to block turrets and get your team in, and stuff like that.
Ok, yesterday, I wanted to learn a new hero. Picked Winston. The heck! I watched all the tutorials and everything and basically exclusively played with him. It took ages until I got some good plays. Now, I feel much better with him and it really makes a lot of fun.

However, imo, this character is really a bit weak. I understand now his ult and it is ok: it is not here to kill lots of people, but to have control over the area and the objective by bouncing people away. I even get some environment kills at Ilios by pushing them over the map.

However, I think his second ability, his shield is really not that useful:
- it only has 600 HP (Reinhardt has a shield with 2000HP).
- it only lasts 6 seconds (without damage, Reinhardt can hold his shield forever).
- it has a very long recharge time, I think about 13 seconds (REinhardt's shield refills at a reasonable rate when not active in after about two seconds)
- the recharge time starts only after(!) the shield is gone (either destroyed, or after 6 second period).
- enemies just walk through the shield and have enough space to kill you
- Symmetra's pulse cannon goes through the shield.

Due to all of this reasons, I couldn't really make it work so far. It sometimes helps a split second to separate enemies from my team or so. It sometimes helps to put it on the load as it moves with the load. I managed once to put a shield around a turret (damage does not go through the shield, also if an enemy is inside).

However, due to the low HP this shield basically instantly breaks. It is only up for a second or two or so. Then, the very long recharge time...hence, I cannot effectively use it in battle. Anyone has a better strategy?

It seems to me one of the weaker characters...
Winston is able to jump quickly on small characters (150-200 HP, such as Tracer) and kill them with his auto-aiming beam. In combat, be sure to jump over/around your opponent like crazy so that your opponent is harder to aim at you (you have auto-aim). If you haven't yet increased your controller thumbstick sensitivity, I recommend doing it. He is also great in killing snipers. He is AWFUL against tanks. He can't even kill a Bastion behind him, before the Bastion has time to turn and shoot him down :(

His main strategy is to jump in to battle, deploy the shield, fight while the shield prevents the damage (get in/out of it depending on your opponent's movement - the shield is hollow, so you need to move out of it, if the opponent goes inside it). 600 damage is quite a lot + your own HP. When the shield vanishes, get out of there immediately with your jump, unless there is just a single (low HP) opponent left. He is great in finishing off characters. Jump after them and kill them before they reach a health pack.

600 HP shield is also good enough, if you have your whole team with you. It gives your whole team plenty of time to shoot down the opponents. Compared to Reinhard's super strong shield, Zarya's, Winston's and D.va's shields are quite underpowered, but these characters have other strengths that you need to exploit.