
I got a question. I'm thinking about getting a new computer, but this time I'm thinking about going with Macintosh. For those of you that have used their OS/X operating system, what do ya'll think about it? What are the pro's and con's in your eye's?
The interface is quite nice, but it still isn't that great. The Apple metaphors are used in an uncomprimising fashion that leads to some issues.

There are quite a few applications that one could access from the Unix/Linux world, but I believe there are significant issues with using the graphical variety.
MacOS X is an OK GUI, but Apple was more interested in re-using NeXT technology than continuing the UI metaphors that experts like Brendan Laurel and Bruce Togganazini established since 1984. As IBM found out with OS2; you can't design a good UI by committee, and OSX was designed by comittee.

That being said, it's my OS of preference for my Macintosh hardware. With BSD core, the MacOS has built-in tools for everything I need to do. Finally I can participate in any network environment without 3rd party tools.