Origin of "oh noes"?

Guden Oden

Senior Member
I suspect this is something that was spawned from Kyanka's mad mind over at somethingawful - probably JeffK-related - but it could also be some unfortunate "missspelling" mid-deathmatch that got picked up by the 'community' (like pwned, for example)...

Anyone have any alternative theories? :D
silence said:
nutball said:
Dan Quayle.

ohh noes, not him....wasnt he the guy who invented internet?

No, that was Al Gore. Qualye was the "Potatoes" guy.

Up on Mt. Shasta, in northern California, there are two little towns --Igo and Ono. The story goes that at the first of these towns in the late 1800's there was a Chinese migrant worker camp. One day, other non-Chinese residents of the area "got together" (in a pitchfork and shotgun kinda way) and visted the camp, insisting that the Chinese move on somewhere else. The Chinese caucused and eventually their leader told the uhh, visiting committee, "I go", and they packed up and left.

But they only went a few miles and set up another camp. Well, this was not what the local committee had in mind, so they visited the new camp and once again insisted that the Chinese move on. This time the Chinese got together and decided to stand their ground --the leader responded to the committee. . ."Oh, No". (I don't recall if I was ever told if that decision resulted in bloodshed or not).

And that's how the two towns got their name.

Probably hasn't influenced the internet, but it is a true story in the sense that those two little towns do exist, and that is the local legend (told to me by my great grand-uncle in the 1970s. He owned a ranch up that way we used to visit in the summer).

I just like telling that story. :)