Nathan said:
I fail to see the difference between 1.00000000... and ....0000001, they both have an infinite amount of digits.
So you are trying to map a natural number N to the rational number 1/N ? That obviously won't find all real numbers.
It doesn't matter if you try some other mapping - Cantor's diagonal argument will still beat it.
Actually it's really easy to explain his proof - which is by contradiction (i.e. assuming you have something and then showing that this assumption is rubbish).
Imagine that you do have a list (in any order) of
all the real numbers between 0 and 1 eg.
1: 0.0000000000......
2: 0.21254563822.....
3: 0.872517223833.....
4; ... etc
(Note that you can skip any representations that end in 999 recuring because they are identical to another number.)
It's now really easy to show that you've got holes in your list. You pick another real number 0.{digit1}{digit2}{digit3}... where
you choose digitN by looking at the Nth decimal place of Number
N and selecting something else, eg if it was a 7 choose 3.
Your new number is
not in your "complete" list because it's not the same as the Number 1 ('cause digit1 is different) nor 2, nor 3, etc.
Therefore you can't have a list of the reals.