OMG Lost is the bomb!

Like people have said, there is.. maybe one or two.. maybe 3 characters that won't die. That you can consider mostly safe.

Jack, Locke, and probably Charlie. Maybe Kate. Hurley is the main comic relief guy, I doubt he'll die. Everybody else, watch out.
She's not necessarily dead. She, of course, could be, but the way the episode ended, its very possible that they'll drag her to the camp and the whole incident was just some high wire tension builder.

p.s. did anybody else see it coming a mile away?
My friend did outside the box looking and found that the actress that played Shannon didn't renew her contract or something, so thus he figured she will die.

In the teaser for the same episode last week, I assumed it was one of the tail section survivors that would die because the annoucer said that "one of these survivors will be lost!" I figured it was a teaser to get people to watch it, and narrator did say it would be the episode everyone will be talking about! Damn that narrator! I was kinda right about one of the tail section survivors dying, but technically she's MIA, but it seems anyone in the tail section that went MIA is pretty much considered KIA. Unless there's a makeshift prison/lab on the island. Nah.

I would like to know what will happen to Michelle Rodriguez's character, she was the de fecto leader of the tail section survivors but now that they have reunited what will happen to her, murder trial? imprisonment? Also that since Jack will definately see her again, will he have another one of his "it you" and be resistant to accept Locke's beliefs and that Locke will go "ha ha told you so."

One thing about the teaser for next week's total flashback of the tail section peeps. There were parts when you see survivors sleeping then getting snatched. One of them was a kid with a teddy bear, and in the episode prior when Echo and Jin saw the Others (feet) and one of them was dragging a teddy bear on a rope.

But that episode seems to be filler anyways, but since it's extended it's going to be interesting how they explain some things like: where is the tail section? How'd they find that other Dharma Initiative Facility that appeared to be abandoned? Will we get to see who the Others are? Will there be a cool new scene where when the tail section breaks off it's from the POV of the tail section (that'd be sweet).

One big question that's bugging me though, is there more than one kind of "Others"? Because the ones that took Walt don't seem to be like the ones encountered by Jin and Echo.

Unless those people are survivors of their own disasters and considers the other people they encounter as survivors and became hostile towards them. Kinda like what happens when Jin, Michael, and Sawyer encountered the tail section.
silence said:
offcourse reading this topic and then watching the show really helped with tension :devilish:

anyone heard of **SPOILER** or something in title?....

but anyway, Shannon was pretty useless charchter from the begining.... OTOH, now we have new gruop that will join old one with many storis to tell, we have at least 6 new people for backstories now that they got on the other side of the island.... killing one of least interesting charachters that was also mostly useless all the time is sure better then killing Sawyer who is kind of mystery still, he adds to the show alot and basically we still dont know his full story....

Shannon's story is basically dumb blonde.... the end.... not really some choice for writers....

PLUS!!!!... they can build tension between newcomers and Saed now, which will boil somewhere along the line for sure....

I REALLY dont want Kate to be with Sawyer. Besides, he and Rodriguez hit it off pretty well it seems. Talking about if they are married and what not.

This episode of Lost is probably one of the best so far. The intro to how the tail section crashed was great. And that they showed a lot more about the "others."

The episode moved really well and I liked how the tail section survivors' ordeal was less paranormal than Jack's group. they just had to deal with the Others off the bat. They found that Dharma bunker that looked cleaned out, but not sure by who.

The teaser to next week though seems kinda depressing. I rather see Ana Lucia die than Sayid. But most of the time those teasers are misleading.

This Show is getting better and better, everything seems to be converging a lot better now and each episode is making more sense of things but still leaving great climaxes.
silence said:
but anyway, Shannon was pretty useless charchter from the begining....

But she was damn pretty! That's plenty useful for me!

RussSchultz said:
p.s. did anybody else see it coming a mile away?

Yea, but maybe because my wife had said that a female was going to get killed off.
Spoiler from Last night's (highlight to read):

Last night was a good episode, not a great one, but it had a great cliffhanger at the end though!

But did anyone notice in the flashback when Kate was seeing her Dad at the Army Recruiting station, there was a TV in the background some recruit was watching, and for a brief moment you can see Sayid! It looked like he was arrested or something and appeared to be a news report from the events in Iraq. I don't recall when Kate's fugitive status started, but I wouldn't be suprised it took place around the Same time with Operation Iraqi Freedom.

It would be nice to see another Sayid flashback with him in Iraq when OIF happens.