Oh GOD! (immigration problem)

London Geezer

Got this email from one of my bestest girl-friends here in London (starts from the bottom):

On 7/28/05, xxx <xxx@.co.uk> wrote:

My application got refused, I’ve got 28 days to return to Ukraine

From: Danny [mailtoo_Ox@xx.com]
Sent: 29 July 2005 07:14
To: xxx
Subject: Re:


On 7/28/05, xxx <xxx@xxx.co.uk> wrote:

Will you marry me?

We had talked about this and we agreed that i'd help her if in the end she got into this mess... But still, now that i think about it i can't help feeling i don't really want to go through a potential mess...

She's been here for 8 or 9 years (since she was a child), this is the UK Home Office just being total and utter pricks - and i've worked in immigration, they really are. After 7 years anyone should be allowed by law to stay here in the UK, and seeing the people they let stay in here indefinately, it makes you wonder what the hell they're doing.

But anyway, back to the crisis...

What would you do if one of your bestest friends asked you that?
london-boy said:
But anyway, back to the crisis...

What would you do if one of your bestest friends asked you that?

They've tightened up on fake marriages a great deal in the last couple of years. You could easily find yourself in court on this one. I speak as someone who's sister married a Albanian refugee a couple of years back (and saw the grief they went through), and someone who had a long chat with the registrar a couple of months back as we arranged my own wedding.

Basically if the registrar now has even the *slightest* suspicion, they will call in the Home Office and do an investigation. Especially likely as your friend will have to reveal her non-national status and the fact she is being sent home (you will have to show passports/birth certificates as ID).

On top of that, marrying a British citizen will not give her the right to stay in the country or a British passport. It simply opens the door for her to *apply* for British citizenship.

My brother-in-law got married, and still had to go back to Albania for a couple of months, prove his identity, and re-apply at the British consulate to be allowed back into the country.

From a personal level, I wouldn't go through a sham marriage for anyone. Too many ramifications down the whole of your life, and for me marriage is more important than that. For instance, she could divorce you in a couple of years (when she's got citizenship and found another man she actually wants to settle down with) and then tap you for maintenence. What if she has kids with someone else, won't you have a legal responsibility to support them, being their stepfather and married to their mother? She may be a good friend now, but things change, and could turn sour with you stuck in the middle and having comitted a real crime in marrying her to help her stay in the country.

IMO, if she's that good a friend, she wouldn't be asking this of you, because it's using you and putting you in real danger of prosecution in order to fix her problems.
PC-Engine said:
Just marry her and have an affair with your boyfriends. ;)

Well... Obviously both of us would be doing our thing, but still, now i hear we'd have to live together for a while.. and there is NO way i'd live with her. best friends yeah, but she's a mess.
london-boy said:
What would you do if one of your bestest friends asked you that?

If it's a real friend, I'd do it anytime. But for that to work, you'd have to officially live together etc. It also takes months for all the paperwork before the marriage can happen.

If it's not a true friend, than don't.

Off topic and rude, but: you marrying a girl? ROTFL!!! :devilish:
_xxx_ said:
london-boy said:
What would you do if one of your bestest friends asked you that?

If it's a real friend, I'd do it anytime. But for that to work, you'd have to officially live together etc. It also takes months for all the paperwork before the marriage can happen.

If it's not a true friend, than don't.

Off topic and rude, but: you marrying a girl? ROTFL!!! :devilish:

She's a true friend, yes. I was thinking that it would look quite fishy if she rushed into marriage after the expirying of the visa, knowing she has to go back within 28 days.

And yes, i'd only marry someone if it wasn't for love, so this would work. Not that i don't love her, but you know what i mean.

She is gorgeous i must say, we'd make one hell of a couple!! :LOL:
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
london-boy said:
But anyway, back to the crisis...

What would you do if one of your bestest friends asked you that?

They've tightened up on fake marriages a great deal in the last couple of years. You could easily find yourself in court on this one. I speak as someone who's sister married a Albanian refugee a couple of years back (and saw the grief they went through), and someone who had a long chat with the registrar a couple of months back as we arranged my own wedding.

Basically if the registrar now has even the *slightest* suspicion, they will call in the Home Office and do an investigation. Especially likely as your friend will have to reveal her non-national status and the fact she is being sent home (you will have to show passports/birth certificates as ID).

On top of that, marrying a British citizen will not give her the right to stay in the country or a British passport. It simply opens the door for her to *apply* for British citizenship.

My brother-in-law got married, and still had to go back to Albania for a couple of months, prove his identity, and re-apply at the British consulate to be allowed back into the country.

From a personal level, I wouldn't go through a sham marriage for anyone. Too many ramifications down the whole of your life, and for me marriage is more important than that. For instance, she could divorce you in a couple of years (when she's got citizenship and found another man she actually wants to settle down with) and then tap you for maintenence. What if she has kids with someone else, won't you have a legal responsibility to support them, being their stepfather and married to their mother? She may be a good friend now, but things change, and could turn sour with you stuck in the middle and having comitted a real crime in marrying her to help her stay in the country.

IMO, if she's that good a friend, she wouldn't be asking this of you, because it's using you and putting you in real danger of prosecution in order to fix her problems.

Thanks BZB, all those are suspicions i had.

A possible marriage would be the lastest option, and it's not very clear how many options she has left.

Don't know, from my side i feel it's all a hassle i really don't need to add to my list.
london-boy said:
U offering? Oh wait u look gayer than me!!


I just thought... I'd have to snog her, wouldn't i.... YUK...

The second you start talking all that falls away though... At least I sound straight! Even if the dimple betrays me...
sytaylor said:
london-boy said:
U offering? Oh wait u look gayer than me!!


I just thought... I'd have to snog her, wouldn't i.... YUK...

The second you start talking all that falls away though... At least I sound straight! Even if the dimple betrays me...

I can play straight! Very well too! I played straight for 18 years before coming to London!
I don't believe j00, you and elton john sitting in a tree...

Well ok not that bad, but cmon, it's very obvious, get someone to take a video camera around filiming you all day, you'll see it!
sytaylor said:
I don't believe j00, you and elton john sitting in a tree...

Well ok not that bad, but cmon, it's very obvious, get someone to take a video camera around filiming you all day, you'll see it!

I can just be Italian! All italian straight friends of mine look/sound just as gay as me.
I guess, well, the italians I'm exposed to all talk in deep voice and sound almost russian, running restraunto... Still, to any registrar not used to young italian males, then its gonna be obvious ;)