Just buy any sony tv then.Amazing prices all around these days. Yowsers.
The big drawback is the TV isn't 4K though, not that it should be expected for that price.
I hate that I learned about input lag. Now I have to thoroughly check a TV's lag numbers, which for half the models they aren't even tested, before buying one...cannot just jump on any random good price.
https://www.amazon.com/Xbox-One-500...coding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=TZQ2AX9QEA93AV59K3CN^^ Sold out.
Not sure it's a good thing Pro is already getting discounted, but then again I think EVERYTHING will get discounted on BF. Except NES Mini tee hee.
Quite a few stores have had XBO's and PS4's for $212. Amazon currently has 500GB BF1 XBO bundle for $212 https://www.amazon.com/Xbox-One-500...coding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=TZQ2AX9QEA93AV59K3CN
Might as well have gone to 199 for the wow factor at that point.