Evildeus said:but that has nothing to do with IQ preference in the first poll.
The question is, can you spot which one was rendered by a X800 and people said no i don't know/can't tell.
the second qestion is, whatever is the card use to render the image, which one do you prefer.
If you can't spot the difference, i think your logical is skewed.
I don't believe so. If you can't spot a diffrence in the 3 pictures and hten later vote for a prefrence that can't be.
Becasue no diffrences = no change in image quality = no prefrence.
Not only that but i also believe do to the disscusions many went into the tests thinking the r420 would look ugly . Which also skewed results and some people coming into this wanting ati to come out looking good and some wanting them to look bad.
I would have done What card is this picture. have 3 or 4 options .
then do another card . Then go back to the first , then do another card .
1 every so many days .
or i would have done 3 images all the same with which one is the r420 .
That would have been interesting