Ike Turner
NopeYou do realize devs had only 2 weeks to work on the implementation, don't you?
"DICE made Nvidia’s ray traced gaming dreams a reality in just eight months"
Given the scale of the challenge that getting a new, never-before-seen game technology into a title the size of Battlefield 5 represents, it’s not surprising DICE would’ve wanted more time. But in the end its PC developers have only had a little over eight months.
“We started working on very early drivers,” says Holmquist, “and not on real hardware, at the end of last year.”
And to be able to run such an intensive game engine, with such a demanding new feature, has meant the hardware requirements outside of just the GPU have had to change.
“What we have done with our DXR implementation is we go very wide on a lot of cores to offload that work, so we’re likely going to require a higher minimum or recommended spec for producing RT. And very wide is the best way for the consumer in that regard, with a four-core or six-core machine.
“We haven’t communicated any of the specs yet so they might change, but I think that a six-core machine – it doesn’t have to be aggressively clocked – but 12 hardware threads is what we kind of designed it for. But it might also work well on a higher clocked eight thread machine.”