NVIDIA Kepler speculation thread

Assuming 670 supply holds up, why is 670 supply so good and 680 so bad? Lack of interest in the 2nd tier part, or lack of gk104 dies that meet requirements to be a 680? I seriously doubt the reason is they were just saving all those good dies so they could sell them for less, but who knows.
Assuming 670 supply holds up, why is 670 supply so good and 680 so bad? Lack of interest in the 2nd tier part, or lack of gk104 dies that meet requirements to be a 680?
I've yet to see the first truly negative reaction to the 670. Even those who want a 680 but can't get it are likely to get the 670 instead if that's available. So...

Having a 1 out of 8 redundancy can do wonders to parts with not-so-great yield.
I've yet to see the first truly negative reaction to the 670. Even those who want a 680 but can't get it are likely to get the 670 instead if that's available. So...

Typically people willing to drop $400 on a graphics card aren't looking for the best bargain would be my thinking on that. Not that the 670 doesn't have decent performance.

Having a 1 out of 8 redundancy can do wonders to parts with not-so-great yield.

It will be interesting to see how the 670/680 volumes play out long term.
I am not sure if i really doubt it, but Gamer-Kepler is not only weak at DP, but also Raytracing and some more OpenCL-thingies seem not to be it's greatest strength.

DirectCompute too, loses to GTX580 (and 7970 obviously) in Civ5 compute (leader) benchmark which uses directcompute to unpack textures on the fly
Waaa, a nice puppy you got. :D
Is this Windows XP? :oops: And the display looks rather small for such a card. :devilish:

Haha I'm still at work and yes this computer is ancient. Single core 2.66Ghz celeron, I won't be installing the card to this one :)

My home display is a 100" 1080p projector, should be big enough :) even if the res is only average.

edit: Sucky camera on this phone.
Sorry I tried to convince my boss to give me at least some time to do that, but he's very reluctant. I was under the impression that the site was so desolated because no one wanted to do something, but it seems I was wrong and it's not profitable or something - dunno. :(
Anyway , I hope that will change sometime down the road .
You could always learn German. :p
Well , I might do that at some point , I wouldn't mind adding a third language to my resume .
I am not sure if i really doubt it, but Gamer-Kepler is not only weak at DP, but also Raytracing and some more OpenCL-thingies seem not to be it's greatest strength.

And not just that...If Nvidia cant make enough GK104 to meet the demand i have no idea how they would do it with Pro. cards that have to have harder regulations and even more if we think they are talking about dual GPUs cards...
I keep reading about GK104 shortages - even AMD put out a note probably to reviewers, citing how unavailable GTX 680 is on Newegg and - cursiously - at one point in time at german e-tailer alternate. But nonetheless, it's readily available over here: http://www.pcgameshardware.de/preis...eren+&asuch=GTX+680&v=l&plz=&dist=&xf=&sort=p

There's plenty of shops with good reputation that have the card at the normal price (which is 490-500 EUR for germany, sadly) in stock. *shrugs*
GTX 680 Compute splits wins vs HD 7970

DirectCompute too, loses to GTX580 (and 7970 obviously) in Civ5 compute (leader) benchmark which uses directcompute to unpack textures on the fly
Funny how only the benchmarks where the GK104 compute is slower gets mentioned over and over again but where the GK104 beats the competition it never gets mentioned at all in forums (like here) or comments of reviews.


AESEncryptDecrypt, an OpenCL AES encryption routine

GTX680 is 6% faster that the HD7970

Compute shader performance, this time through the Fluid simulation sample in the DirectX SDK

Here the GTX680 is 25% faster than the HD7970
I am not sure if i really doubt it, but Gamer-Kepler is not only weak at DP, but also Raytracing and some more OpenCL-thingies seem not to be it's greatest strength.

LuxMark may be widely used as a benchmark, but it doesn't answer the question whether an architecture is good at Raytracing. All it answers is whether an architecture is good at LuxMark.

LuxMark performance has been broken on Nvidia hardware for quite some time due to an OpenCL regression. Using LuxMark benchmark results to make conclusions about raytracing performance in general is like saying Cayman is weak at "games" - because for a while AMD drivers didn't interact well with Civilization 5, making a lowly 560Ti faster than a 6970. http://www.anandtech.com/show/5153/nvidias-geforce-gtx-560-ti-w448-cores-gtx570-on-a-budget/4
Results from a single benchmark, with known driver problems, are not useful for making conclusions about the suitability of an architecture for a general class of workload.

In fact, others doing raytracing on Gamer-Kepler have found GK104 to be much better than GF100 (somewhat to my surprise).
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I've yet to see the first truly negative reaction to the 670. Even those who want a 680 but can't get it are likely to get the 670 instead if that's available. So...

Having a 1 out of 8 redundancy can do wonders to parts with not-so-great yield.

I certainly like to know what's causing the stuttering in this video. The person is stating that when he limits his monitor's refresh rate to 60hz from 120hz he can't keep 60FPS. Another thing I noticed is that when he's at 120Hz the game does seem to move a bit faster then when he changes the refresh rate to 60Hz. I cant say why he's using nvidia control panel to change the refresh rate instead of using the OS (if it makes any difference or not).
Assuming 670 supply holds up, why is 670 supply so good and 680 so bad? Lack of interest in the 2nd tier part, or lack of gk104 dies that meet requirements to be a 680? I seriously doubt the reason is they were just saving all those good dies so they could sell them for less, but who knows.

What's so mysterious? Harvested die + launching 7 weeks later = higher volumes at launch.