I specifically used "" around large and "fairly" to imply that it was meant relatively. GF114 wasn't just a case of enabling something that was already there, but something else also. Nearly 10% difference is fairly large compared to 0%. 0% would only basically be a bios change like opening the shaders on the 6950.
It isn't large in either absolute (30mm) OR relative (10%) terms, despite your quotation marks or misguided references to zero. If you want to be purely technical, any number that isn't zero, when compared to zero, is infinitely larger. It's standard number theory. But that's not what we're talking about, so we're going to ignore that tangent.
Next, and most importantly, GF104 and GF114 are pin-compatible and, according to NV, architecturally identical. There were no new features introduced, only adjustments to transistor types within certain regions to reduce leakage which allows for higher clocks without killing the power budget.