Interesting… SemiAccurate claimed "8 group" vs. "7 group" GK104s and now here's a claim of 670 Ti CCs = 680 CCs.
Besides the possibility that one source or the other is incorrect, maybe that gives the possibility of 3 models: a 670 with fewer CCs and a lower clock, a 670 Ti with all the CCs and a lower clock, and a 680 with all the CCs (I'm assuming it's all the CCs…) and a higher clock? Two variants of an NVIDIA chip of ~300 mm^2 or larger with full CC counts are rare, the 8800 GTX/Ultra and the GTX 275/285 are the only ones I can find since the 8000 series and in either case, one chip launched some time before the other. If the link in the info is true, then I'm guessing that the 670 Ti is more of a "standard" clocked GK104 and the 680 is to try to beat Tahiti at least until GK110 comes along.
If the discrepancies in supposed clock speeds (705/950) weren't explained by the dynamic clocking, the above could explain that too (although the difference is quite large…).