It sounded to me (based on Jen Hsun’s insistence they will push everything including process node to the limit) that Blackwell Ultra might actually be a N3E or N3P shrink (maybe with more SMs but maybe not?) rather than just Blackwell with faster memory.
That would make a lot more sense than the previous rumours implying they’d have a new generation every year; more of a tick-tock with different teams working on them, which is also what NVIDIA did very early on (see: TNT->TNT2, GF1->GF2, GF3->GF4, etc… none of them had any big changes besides the process, except maybe the GF2 going from 4x1 to 4x2 pipelines, but there were rumours at the time GF1 was supposed to be 4x2 but bugged).