NVIDIA Control Panel Not Saving


So anytime I try to connect my GTX 460 to my 720p HDTV with a DIV to HDMI connector I run into some problems. First off it wont do 720p by default it does the highest resolution which is 1920x1080i. My HDTVs native resolution is 1366x768 which I select next and it looks better but I still need to resize the screen and any letter or number on the screen has various colors all around it, they are small but still noticeable.
But my biggest problem is that it wont save these settings so if I go back to my PC monitor and than decide I want to do some gaming on my HDTV I have to re do everything.

I'm running Windows Vista 64 and the latest 266.58 Drivers any suggestions?
Have you tried 1280x720 and over- or underscanning as needed to fill the screen exactly? It might be noticeably sharper.

Also might wanna try enabling 'game mode' on your TV if it supports it, which will lower the latency and the amount of postprocessing done.
a third party program in the icon tray where you can select the output mode in one click would make your use case more bearable.
I used rivatuner's menu for that, it may still work but hasn't been updated. they may be other options such as multires and powerstrip.

I would switch between two modes on my CRT, 1024x768@100Hz (easier on the eyes) and 1200x900 85Hz (more room. oh and I loved those extra pixels thanks to custom resolution :p )
going into windows menus, changing manually from 85Hz to 100Hz each time was a ridiculous task (even now windows 7 still doesn't remember refresh rate when I change resolutions)

hope you can have some program be able to set resolution up with the proper timings/screen size.

you may want to disable microsoft cleartype, that is where funny colors around fonts may come from. (best case that may be automated in the single click procedure)
also try a 1360x768 resolution, though that was more an advice to give back then for connecting a TV through VGA.