NV30 production problems

Would you mind getting back to us, when you source knows about the extent of the delay?

Sure, if I have more information, I'll definitely post it. It's close to the source however and difficult to obtain.

Interesting indeed. I obviously don't know about the specs of the NV30 but so far I haven't see any reliable info on the NV30-architecture that would support the reasoning that NV30 will kill R 9700 of easily. (I guess we only have Creatives word for it after all).

Right, there was also Anand's comments that based on the specs he's been given the NV30 will easily outperform R300. From what I've seen, NV30 will be more feature rich and flexible, but it will have difficulty outperforming R300 across the board. Then again, Anand got his info directly from nVidia, whereas I didn't. The paper specs will be available in 6 weeks so we'll know who's right then.
If this is true, maybe its time for NV to admit they have lost this round. If the project goes awry, its sometimes smarter to cut steam from it as soon as failure becomes clear, swallow the loss and hit the next target.
What im saying, is that maybe NV should publicly admit they are having problems and focus on coming back full force with NV31/53
Paper launches, empty speculations and hype will only hurt in the long run.
If this is true, maybe its time for NV to admit they have lost this round. If the project goes awry, its sometimes smarter to cut steam from it as soon as failure becomes clear, swallow the loss and hit the next target.
What im saying, is that maybe NV should publicly admit they are having problems and focus on coming back full force with NV31/53
Paper launches, empty speculations and hype will only hurt in the long run
Randell said:
LeStoffer said:
Interesting indeed. I obviously don't know about the specs of the NV30 but so far I haven't see any reliable info on the NV30-architecture that would support the reasoning that NV30 will kill R 9700 of easily. (I guess we only have Creatives word for it after all).

And Creative have to justify not going with the the R300 after all. 1 million units shipped already, yikes.

I didn't think there could possibley be that level of demand for a new >$300/£300 GPU/VPU.

1 million chips, not sure what Ati's margin is on those, but they ain't hurting that's for sure.

Wholesale on the Retail boards was what? 315$, then figure at least a third Retail boards sold out of that 1 million, then you are talking over 95 million dollars retail sales!!!
Whats the chip cost boardmakers? 150$ then 600,000 x 150 = 90 million.

Good lord! Ati posted revenue of 239.5 million last quarter.

1 month and they almost reach what they made last quarter in just over a month.

not an analyst, my numbers are off Im sure. But things definately look good for Ati's bottom line.
Randell said:
LeStoffer said:
Interesting indeed. I obviously don't know about the specs of the NV30 but so far I haven't see any reliable info on the NV30-architecture that would support the reasoning that NV30 will kill R 9700 of easily. (I guess we only have Creatives word for it after all).

And Creative have to justify not going with the the R300 after all. 1 million units shipped already, yikes.

I didn't think there could possibley be that level of demand for a new >$300/£300 GPU/VPU.

1 million chips, not sure what Ati's margin is on those, but they ain't hurting that's for sure.
Randell said:
LeStoffer said:
Interesting indeed. I obviously don't know about the specs of the NV30 but so far I haven't see any reliable info on the NV30-architecture that would support the reasoning that NV30 will kill R 9700 of easily. (I guess we only have Creatives word for it after all).

And Creative have to justify not going with the the R300 after all. 1 million units shipped already, yikes.

I didn't think there could possibley be that level of demand for a new >$300/£300 GPU/VPU.

1 million chips, not sure what Ati's margin is on those, but they ain't hurting that's for sure.