It never ceases to amaze me that after each month, that month is considered irrelevant and we are told "next month should really give us an indication", especially coming from the crowd that looked upon the past 360 numbers and scoffed at the "meager numbers" being sold, especially when you compare userbase of MSFT (20+ million) and SONY (100+ million). From sheer numbers SONY SHOULD have been/SHOULD be able to sell 5-8 million consoles with nothing more than hopes and dreams and the name PlayStation, REGARDLESS of price.
That would have been true if the region the console had been sold in had the same kind of launch-price for the PS2 as it does for the PS3. But since the price isn't even remotely similar, that simply doesn't hold.
I think it's ridiculous that some are not enamored with LittleBigPlanet
But that has nothing to do with console sales right now. This is not a product that has reached the mass market, let alone influence their purchase decisions.
, at the same time, I do not think it is going to sell a $600 console
First of all, hardly any one thing will sell a $600 console, unless maybe you happen to want BluRay right here and now, and the PS3 is your cheapest option, or you are a diehard fan of Virtua Fighter 5, or maybe Resistance, and you just need to have that right now, etc.
But the price of the console will go down, to match and foster demand. It's that simple. Sure, there are boundaries - Sony needs to keep an eye out for cost, and they need to make sure they make some kind of profit eventually. But there are a lot of components in the machine with room for price reductions, and price of manufacturing will definitely go down.
(I say $600 because every time I go to buy the 20GB no one has it in stock and I sure as hell don't live in a small town, which leads me to believe that if it is being mfr'd it is in very low numbers).
There are several reports that retailers at this point request the 60Gb over the 20Gb version 4:1.
I don't know if I see a game until fall/winter that would move $600 hardware, the problem being trying to differentiate the moving of hardware based on a game with the natural upswing we always see at that time.
I can't believe that the price will still be $600 a year after release. Price will go down, for sure, unless there is suddenly a magical upswing in demand for some weird reason. I'm banking on at the very, very least, $100 dollar price drops each year. As the console reaches the mass-market interest, the 20Gb version will probably also become more popular.
The reason why I think the European launch is important for getting a picture of how well the PS3 will do eventually, is because then the system is available in all regions like the 360 was from day 1. Had the PS3 been out in Europe, would that have doubled the February sales? Who knows ...
The Xbox 1 did well in the U.S., compared to the other regions (even Europe), and I expect that trend to continue, and the 360 will gain marketshare there for sure (at least I think so). Now it's a matter of finding out if the same trends continue in Europe, or if the Xbox's popularity accellerates, or even slows down. I expect a slight improvement for the 360, but by how much I cannot tell. Imho the PS3 is poised to do well in Europe, but I couldn't tell you when that will happen. Summer 2007? Winter 2007? Or even 2008?