But I digress, what we are seeing isn't the fault of technology but the fault of pubs with limited vision.
Yeah, when is Last Guardian planned to be released?
Massive drop off for God of War 3. Being single player and relatively short, I think rental, used markets and lending copies probably cannibalized sales. Unfortunate for a good game. Worldwide sales will still be very good and better than the first two.
I think the unemployment benefits are starting run out these days.
I think people have begun to anticipate price cuts, offers and announcements from experience. They could be waiting for summer announcements before they make a purchase
They're already suffering without high risk projects and the only one trying to bring loads of new IP to the market (EA) is making huge losses...
LBP mostly sells to girls, at least based on anecdotal evidence from friends and co-workers
LBP mostly sells to girls, at least based on anecdotal evidence from friends and co-workers
Polling 700 people aged between 7-54, all of whom were in the market for a PS3, the company asked what it was exactly that was driving these people to purchase Sony's home console. Their responses show that, at least by this stage in the console's lifespan, anyone thinking individual games like Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted or Killzone had a big influence on console sales is crazy.
I know, I just didn't think it would hold it back as much. The originals were ancient, and a big chunk of the traditional target demographic never played them. The 12yo kids of today will not have played the Gameboy versions, so to them these should count as new games.Rolf , Pokemon were remakes. So it makes sense the interest wasn't there