No Olympics thread yet?

Phelps + Tetrahydrogestrinone = endless Gold medals and world record breaks.

So that must explain, rather than the swimsuits, why all the olympic and world records are being broken this year. Either that, or every athelete is using this steroid.

p.s. You wouldn't happen to be from Serbia, would you?
Well it's obvious that people aren't that much faster swimmers than they were ten years ago. The new swimsuits help only that much. Therefore some chemical enhancement has to be going on. That's why I only watch tehnical sports like ping pong :)

That isn't true at all. There is also changes in the pool, and looking at many sports humans are getting bigger and faster still due to better nutrition. Sprinters are much taller than in the past and still manage to get those longer legs around quickly (which leads to faster times).
Speaking of which, Usain Bolt was shockingly fast in the 100. It almost made some of Phelps' blowout wins look quaint by comparison. He cruised from about halfway in one of his heats and ended up with 9.92, which would've won him the silver in the final!

The way women's gymnastics was scored seemed close to farcical, and that's before the whole age thing (though I like how another coach, when asked about it in a NYT article, said we might as well question the US women for doping--do they look that ripped?!).

Not that I watched all of it--er, any of it.
Because "professional boxing" is hardly that. It is a spectacle setup by promoters to make a quick million (or 50).

Jerk that knee much? If it's just a "spectacle" and the professional boxers little more than showmen (as your post implies), then hop into the ring with one. Challenge that false athleticism and show the world your attitude is accurate.

It's a valid question and IMO an unfair situation.
Phelps + Tetrahydrogestrinone = endless Gold medals and world record breaks.

Van de Hoogeband explained it differently. He noted that he was still a faster swimmer, but was losing more and more on the jump-off and the turnover. The other guys have been training for explosive muscle strength here in the push more (the new guys are all massive muscular types in comparison) and he can't make up for this anymore with better technique, especially if some of that better technique (being able to keep his back straight and lie high on the water) is compensated for by the new suits (which force the back being straight more, compensating for lack of technique).

Seemed a much fairer and intelligent explanation than using doping, but hey you never know. ;)
Speaking of which, Usain Bolt was shockingly fast in the 100.

Yeah it was rather outrageous. The guy could have sat down for a nice cup of tea and read of the newspaper halfway up the track and still won. I'm wondering what his time would have been had he not stopped running ~10 metres from the line. Will he be the first below 9.60 I wonder?
Bolt is incredible. For whatever reason, never before have we seen such a tall athlete with this kind of power in his legs.

To me, Bolt's performance was the most spectacular sprinting performance ever, beating Michael Johnson's out-of-this-world time and Donovan Bailey's ridiculous come-from-behind record breaking run in 1996.

I'll be eagerly waiting the 200m. When you consider the time wasted in the acceleration stage of the 100m, Bolt could potentially do the 200m in under 19s. And the guy is only 21...
100 m dash finals was insane. He slowed at the end and started pounding his chest and he spread his arms as a kind of air brake.

And it was a world record: 9.68
Watching Bolt's run was really eye opening. I thought it was the most dominate performance of the Olympics I've seen so far. It was like he was laughing at the other runners, he knew he would just destroy them in the race. It's even more shocking when you consider his starts are rather slow and it isn't till about half of the run that he just starts chewing up the track. As impressive as Phelps has been I think when someone like Bolt beats the rest of the field so badly in such a short run it just seems more stand out.
There was a documentary on Phelps here. :) He uses 'Dolphin Style feet' on turnover in freestyle and dives deeper in order to avoid turbulences. His back is very flexible in Dolphin Style. His big feet help too.
They showed a smaller Japanese swimmer with a straight arm technique for freestyle who also tried Phelps' training (jumping out of the water in Dolphin Style with a lead belt).
Congrats to Phelps for pulling it off. Just WOW! at Bolt though. I want to see him keep it turned on for the whole 100m instead of coasting the last 20. Below 9.5 is certainly doable for him.
I feel sorry for the people who automaticlly assume that the reason that records are falling is because of drugs. These people have worked incredibly hard to get to where they are, why not give them the benefit of the doubt.

Anyone see the cycling points race? Confusing as hell, still not sure I follow the rules.

Bolt is the result of sprinters getting taller and still being able to move quickly. If people in general continue to grow then the speed will keep going up.
Bolt was incredible and so was Phelps. BTW, why did Ian Thorpe retire so early? Do swimmers retire early?
perhaps drugs are a factor (but theyve always been)
I believe more of a factor is ppl are growing, I just had a look the average height of the top tennis players has been increasing ~3cm a decade.
also better training, diet, equipment etc

btw just looked at the medal table (there was talk that china was gonna push the US for the top spot, but at the moment, theyve not just pushed but destroyed, though most of the track events arent over yet but still I cant see the US making up a 16gold deficit )
1 China 35 13 13
2 USA 19 21 25
The age thing...

It really upsets me that women gymnastics are basically destroying the bodies of 16 year olds. Not only that but some nations (*cough* China *cough*) seem to be using even younger girls for it. Shawn Johnson for the US is being asked if she'll be back for the next one not only from a dedication stand point but a body one. She specifically mentioned "if my body will hold up" in an interview I watched. It is very tragic that a girl so young can have chronic injuries.

Onto the other age issue: Does anyone else believe China was using underaged girls? Not just from a size perspective but maturity in their look it seemed some were as young as 12 or 13. Compared to the oldest woman on the team, 20, they seemed like babies.
People with oriental looks (me being one) generally look younger than they are, that might be the reason!?