Nintendo Technology

BenSkywalker said:
You mean grossly underestimate? I'm not talking about theoretical limits here, these are existing products and for that matter all of them that I found came out at least a year ago. Cell phones operate in the 800MHZ-849MHZ range and have a distance considerably further then one mile, and do it using extremely low wattage.

For the VHF range(30-300MHZ) you can hit ranges of 50 miles and tranfer rates of up to 115.2Kbps only utilizing 120 watts, however they are quite large in terms of physical dimmensions(not viable for the useage we are talking about). Both of those examples are, comparitively speaking, quite low on the frequency spectrum and not even comparable to normal household devices.

Ben, again, doesn't this require FCC intervention? My line of thinking was more focused on jumping on the free bandwagon that is Bluetooth and related frequencies along which are proven technologies.

I'm not talking about Cube networks, the shit is way too expensive right now for viable mass market use, not to mention you would have to get around the FCC which if they started today they might be done with by 2020 ;) I'm talking about it being viable at any point. Cost no object it is now, easily. Bringing the price down is the major hurdle.

Ahh, see, nevemind. I don't see how this system can be done using the statements specified in the rumor.
Thanks for the link PC. So NEC has come up with an EHF capable single chip solution with some very interesting bandwith possibilities. I would imagine it would only be a couple of years before this could be mass market(barring NEC being further along then they indicate), although I'm not sure how the FCC will deal with 38GHZ consumer devices ;)
Ben, again, doesn't this require FCC intervention?

Yes, absolutely(in the US at least). I'm not sure how Japan or Europe is regulated in this regard, but the FCC would be a major hurdle in the US.

My line of thinking was more focused on jumping on the free bandwagon that is Bluetooth and related frequencies along which are proven technologies.

Bluetooth is OK for LANs, definitely wouldn't work in this application though(you are certainly right saying that wouldn't be viable).

I don't see how this system can be done using the statements specified in the rumor.

I dismissed the rumor pretty much out of hand. It is interesting that we were seeing the NEC/Nintendo hardware rumors, then this, and the link PC-Engine just posted all within this month, but barring NEC being further then they are implying in terms of production, not to mention already working on the FCC, we won't be seeing this too soon.

The link PC-Engine posted talked about what should cut the cost of the devices I was talking about a staggering amount(single chip high power device, consumer grade for production purposes actually besting many of the devices I saw that were in the five figure range that were comparable, also reduces the size of them considerably). It sounds like it is a test case breakthrough at this point(like IBM's GHZ CPU back in, IIRC, 98). In two years time I wouldn't be shocked to start seeing devices if they can push it through the FCC in a 'timely'(by government standards anyway ;) ) fashion.
I know this is very minor proof, but it is a good indication Nintendo is doing something with online plans.


pretty much figured they were planning Pokemon as thier first big online title, and what a good online title it would be, I've never been big on Pokemon, but in raising them to fight real people, that would be cool
I know what it is: Nintendo's found a way to play PS2 and Xbox games on Gamecube - mini DVD drive be damned! :LOL:

BenSkywalker said:
I dismissed the rumor pretty much out of hand. It is interesting that we were seeing the NEC/Nintendo hardware rumors, then this, and the link PC-Engine just posted all within this month, but barring NEC being further then they are implying in terms of production, not to mention already working on the FCC, we won't be seeing this too soon.

Ah, my perspective in this thread has been how to incorporate your information and the thoughts of others into the rumor which you weren't even considering as you had already dismissed the rumor. Anyhow I was thinking about how these GCN net devices would also need the ability to dynamically reassign resources due to people turning their GCN on/off, not a trivial task afaik. Oh well, as it stands the rumor is likely hogwash.
Anyhow I was thinking about how these GCN net devices would also need the ability to dynamically reassign resources due to people turning their GCN on/off, not a trivial task afaik.

It's actually fairly simple, never shut the net device off. Power useage would be considerably lower then a night light, I'd be more worried about when people turn their systems on in all honesty :)

Leaving the net device powered at all times you create a relatively permanent network infrastructure(although obviously some people unplug their systems at times). You would also almost certainly have redundancy if this type of network ever had mass market penetration.
BenSkywalker said:
It's actually fairly simple, never shut the net device off. Power useage would be considerably lower then a night light, I'd be more worried about when people turn their systems on in all honesty :)

I had thought of this but frankly didn't know if the Port was always 'Hot'. If it's not, then turning off the power = no power to the Port, no power to the device. If it is always Hot, then Nintendo might have to make it abundently clear to unplug the GCN before installing this device. Or the device could have it's own power supply (Voodoo Volts anyone?).

Other problems that come to mind include reception as underneath the GCN is not exactly the best place for it. Then again if it was a cradle-like device it could have its own antenna and power supply.

BenSkywalker said:
Leaving the net device powered at all times you create a relatively permanent network infrastructure(although obviously some people unplug their systems at times). You would also almost certainly have redundancy if this type of network ever had mass market penetration.

The redundancy is certainly nice but IF GCNs are the required hubs, then unless they have tremendous range at first, the GCN net is not going to take off because barely anyone is going to have it in the beginning (no one within range of your GCN), thus making the whole online experience moot. Which means it would be fairly stillborn, and some what of a catch-22. Without any users to help support the Net's infrastructure at first, how would it gain any market penetration? At least with Live, one isn't dependent upon someone having another one in the local vicinity. Sure Live needs numbers as well, but it isn't anywhere near as dependent upon local users as this GCN net would be. Imo that is. ;)
BenSkywalker said:
It's actually fairly simple, never shut the net device off. Power useage would be considerably lower then a night light, I'd be more worried about when people turn their systems on in all honesty :)

True, but you'd need to have some level of redundancy built into the network fabric as you cannot allways count on the console to be on constantly from the moment it's plugged in ad infinitum. Unlike your son who has his own GC (stalker.. heh), we just bounce the consoles around between family and friends houses.

Thus, some sort of redundancy is necessary, with some true RT dynamically adjusting network the ideal. The more Plastic the network the better.

Although, I must admit that in the comming age of Pervasive Computing - which all three vendors are working towards in their own way - this will play an integral role. Not so sure this is a future I can envision myself in, or want to be part of... as I don't see the need to talk to eachother 24/7 and hate talking on the phone or 'net (people skills, people skills.. heh) and still bust out the 4-lettered words evertime I see someone driving with a cell phone - which around here is all to frequent. But if I can make a buck off the other 6B that want to, more power to me :)

PS. Good stuff Ben, Ty.

I think there are two possibilities for this technology.

1. Is already being tested, it is basically radio. However, each radio acts as a hub, and piggybacks off each other, and also off currently existing cell phones. They have a range of about 1 to 2 miles. Oh yeah, and they violate tons of FCC regulations. This could be possible in Japan, but not in America, at least not before 2008 or most likely later. Plus, as far as I know, it is made by a small company(possibly owned by a larger company) and is not associated with nintendo.

2. Sattelite. Nintendo bought into a sattelite or something a while back for the 64dd, but nothing much came of it. I think it'd be more likely they'd team with the cable companies or something, but hey, who knows.

It's also possible, maybe nintendo figured out some technology we know nothing of, that doesn't use currently existing technology. Of course, there is no way it would be available any time soon, any new technology would go through years of FCC testing. Japan and maybe Europe could have it in maybe 6 months, though. If nintendo has any new technology, if there is any chance for it to be in America, then it won't be really new, it has to be something that already exists. Besides, would nintendo really do this, so shortly after releasing a modem and bba? Heck, they could take over the entire Internet service market if they had such a technology. I could imagine a mini radio for gba multiplayer, though.
As I've said before, I still do not believe that it is some sort of communication technology. I personally think it has nothing to do with the Gamecube. I think that they are going to unveil something that eithere has something to do with their next system, or something that has to do with the Game Boy.
On the iii IMG discussion board the poster ADVFNfool1 had this to say (03/01/03):

"According to Pacific Crest Securities’ research note, Nintendo is introducing its new technology breakthrough this month at the Consumer Electronics Show. The analyst mentions that Nintendo is expected to launch the new version of GameBoy, which is considered a very promising addition to the product mix."

This was posted on an IMG board because the PVR MBX looks suitable for providing 3D graphics for handhelds.

Any thoughts?
A new version of GameBoy, so soon after Gameboy Advance which is doing incredibly well? Why would they compete with themselves (there is no other competition in the handheld market now) and hurt sales of GBA?
Ty said:
A new version of GameBoy, so soon after Gameboy Advance which is doing incredibly well? Why would they compete with themselves (there is no other competition in the handheld market now) and hurt sales of GBA?

I dunno, ask them why they released GBA 'so soon' after GBC. Or how about GBC 'so soon' after GBP?

And besides I don't think they'll be releasing anything soon. Keep in mind the Game Boy Player is coming up, and if they release that alongside a NEW Game Boy, what will the point be in buying the GBP? So you can forsake the new Game Boy?
Hmm, the "Consoles in '03" thread mentions a portable Gamecube. I doubt that would be it, but that would be interesting eh?
Tagrineth said:
I dunno, ask them why they released GBA 'so soon' after GBC. Or how about GBC 'so soon' after GBP?

Going to GameBoy Color from GameBoy is not the same as going to GameBoy Advance from GameBoy Color imo. The technology and software possible on the platform is not even remotely the same.

What is GBP? The gadget that lets you play GBA games on your GCN? If so, that's also not the same as it gives up the portable aspect.

Tagrineth said:
And besides I don't think they'll be releasing anything soon. Keep in mind the Game Boy Player is coming up, and if they release that alongside a NEW Game Boy, what will the point be in buying the GBP? So you can forsake the new Game Boy?

But when has a company ever officially mentioned a successor to a product that is still 'new' and going strong?